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bad pickup lines

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so last night i'm talking to a semi-interesting guy from a record label in dallas, and late in the convo he busts out w/, "you know, i have an asian fetish." wtf?? :rolleyes:

one time in ny i meet some guy and tell him i was heading to twilo next...he's like, "so, is that a good place to go hook up?" i walked away.

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Originally posted by MadamMillie

so last night i'm talking to a semi-interesting guy from a record label in dallas, and late in the convo he busts out w/, "you know, i have an asian fetish." wtf?? :rolleyes:

Even if he does have an Asian fetish, why the fuck would he be stupid enough to say that to pretty Asian girl he's having a half way decent converstaion with?

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Originally posted by MadamMillie

i once kicked on ex-boyfriend in the nuts while we were still dating:D

i once tried beating up an ex-boyfriend while we were still dating in a drunken rage...was pounding him, i swear.

i've never slapped anyone though

Ooooohh, Millie likes the rough stuff. Hmm...

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omg, that is hilarious:laugh:

when he said that, i gave him a "look" and walked away.

Originally posted by malanee

Are you serious Millie? Did you give him the look of disdain?

Once a guy in a club told me my butt was like an onion - it made him wanna cry! WTF???

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Originally posted by MadamMillie

omg, that is hilarious:laugh:

when he said that, i gave him a "look" and walked away.

But if you didn't express yourself with violence then he probably didn't get teh point. Violence solves everything.

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Originally posted by MadamMillie

morons exist everywhere. they're like pollutants in the air, they seep into the cracks and crevices and infest the innocents...

mmm, kuro, no. down boy.

Did you know that Kuro has an Asian fetish? He told me that one night while we were rolling at Buzz. I felt REALLY uncomfortable and had to walk away. :(

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Did you know that Kuro has an Asian fetish? He told me that one night while we were rolling at Buzz. I felt REALLY uncomfortable and had to walk away. :(

I LOVE spring rolls and crab wontons.:blank:

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

I had spring rolls one time. It happened after I mistakenly took a Viagra thinking it was E.

I've never had crab wontons, though, thank God. I heard that shit was painful.

Who needs viagra when you have spring rolls.....

Yeah the crabbies can't be good, I don't think guys get them though, wtf thats nasty ok I'll stop:blown:

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

I'm kinda partial to Egg Rolls. Wait. That doesn't sound good at all. :(

See I used to be te same way, but then this Vietnamese girl at my old work use to make like 100 every other monday or so and they were amazing. It sucked though because I had to be nice to her for two weeks just to get a few extra egg rolls. We even traded things for egg rolls. Remember that Eggy.....

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Originally posted by weyes

a bunch of guys have asked me if i speak french while giving me the gross pick-up vibe. what's that about :confused: ? (i'm praying they weren't referring to kissing...)

mmm..i dunno.....do you speak french? brow.gif

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