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Soundfactory themes=all about the money lately

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If you have gone to soundfactory you probablly notied something every theme the price keeps going up. $25, $30, $35, $40, and now $50. I take the anniversary for example every year the anniversary always was in late February this year for some reason it was in April. Do they just take theme parties and throw them in just so that theres a theme night every month and the sf managment can up the price at least $10 to make money. Classics night yea that was a classic alright nothing but the newest in Jp's music selection and maybe about 6 classics the whole night. Jp used to be great on theme nights and now I see going to Soundfactory on a regular night the music is much better. If any1s going to soundfactory for the make believe party be ready to dish the money out once again and if you go to theme nights only try going on a regular night you could be suprised. I dunno maybe its just me but does anybody else feel this way too?

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Just to play Devil's advocate...... If theme parties charged lets say the normal 25 or 30 dollars.... Do you realize how insanely packed and unbearable Factory would be? Just think about how packed, and sweaty the anniversary party, and JOnathan's birthday at 50 dollars was.

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But you can go on a regular night have it be less packed music way better and a better vibe. Just beacause a club gets mad packed it still shouldnt be a reason to charge an extra cover charge of at least $10 who come to party unless you the club managment of course than u want to make money.

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keep in mind that the longer jonathan spins, the longer the club has to stay open, paying employees and using utilities

not onty that, but its a simple case of supply and demand...if he has the demand, he can charge whatever he wants and people will pay....its the clubs that have to generate demand that have to charge less and run promotions, give discounts and VIP cards, etc

for him not to charge as much as people will pay is a poor business move, and a club, like any other establishment, is a business


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Guest saleen351

Price equilibrium= where quanity supplied meets quanity demanded...

But the factory may run out of steam soon, more and more people form jersey are more reluctant to venture into the city, by the time you put gas in your car, pay for parking, pay for cover, and buy one drink, you spend over 100 bucks..... I spend 25 bucks at the shore and have the best time ......

If I didn't have my temps vip card, I would probaly go 50-75% less.... I really don't see any club that can warrant a 20+ dollar cover.... 20 is my limit.....

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Ibclubbin your absolutely right with the business part of it but in your comment with the club staying open longer and paying more employees I think we can all assume sf cleaners the mexicans make probablly $50 a night bouncers and bartenders okay thats an expense, theres no promotions at sf saturdays except their flyers but you got people like me who walk in there at 2 pm sunday afternoon and pay $40 to get in so the club is actually making more money keeping their doors open later.

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Originally posted by saleen351

Price equilibrium= where quanity supplied meets quanity demanded...

But the factory may run out of steam soon, more and more people form jersey are more reluctant to venture into the city, by the time you put gas in your car, pay for parking, pay for cover, and buy one drink, you spend over 100 bucks..... I spend 25 bucks at the shore and have the best time ......

If I didn't have my temps vip card, I would probaly go 50-75% less.... I really don't see any club that can warrant a 20+ dollar cover.... 20 is my limit.....

Well said Saleen! I would even pay more then 20 depending on the event....But the city continually charges the same cover every nite! Truth of the matter is the city is in a decline with everything that has happened and instead of creating a happy medium they drive customers away..... $100 to go out to a club for 1 nite and only get 1 drink is insane...Especially for someone like myself who goes out 2-4 nites a week....I would work 40 hours a week just to go out....

Greed will be the distruction of city clubs in these times....Even Broadway shows that sold tickets at $45 dropped prices to draw crowds. NY depends and relies on tourism from the tri state to surivive. I think this is why we see ALOT more local place opening up, such as resturants opening dance party after the kitchen closes. This has made them HUGE profits

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Damn you people are cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grown men complaining about 30 dollar cover . Pleaseeee:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Sorry I just hate cheapness:rolleyes: Just my opinion. I dont mind spending money and I dont pay to park in the city. Just find parking on the road. Damn NJ is not that far!!!!!!!!!

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Im not complaining about a $30 cover im complaining about a $40 or $50 cover for a night that is worse than a regular night. Sf is starting to think its a hotel if u stay for the night but if their charging $40 pr $50 i better at least get 2 free pills out of the deal.

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Originally posted by sfqtipie

Damn you people are cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grown men complaining about 30 dollar cover . Pleaseeee:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Sorry I just hate cheapness:rolleyes: Just my opinion. I dont mind spending money and I dont pay to park in the city. Just find parking on the road. Damn NJ is not that far!!!!!!!!!

I dont think thats being cheap at all. Its realizing that $50 could go towards alot more important things than admission into an overpacked, hot, club where you will spend a shitload more once you are inside.

Priorities change as we get older.

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i deff agree the prices for themes is geting crazy and all the themes do is they bring out the uglyest none sfers ther is i mean i used to do sf every 2 weeks over the winter and now i don't even wanna go at all even if i get comped the crowds just went down hill maybe i'll check it out once or twice over the summer but i'm deff not sfen more then a time or 2 onless some 1 bugs me

cause all i know is the first time i went to sf was tg and i mean all i seen was cuties i mean atleast with the dark ness i seen cuties every girl had a good body tehr were like 200 juice heads shirtless it was just hot and like the next month or so it was hot but the past few times i went all i see is maybe 10 true juicers and alot of big body chicks i mean i don't know wut happend but it deff isn't pretty any more if they get a stricter door i'll deff will go more but ontill i don't even care if i go or not

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

$7 in tolls

$5 in gas

$35 cover

$6 bottle of water

$20 pills

$30 1/2 liq

$7 KMX

($8 protein shake if ive been there all day)

Thats about $120 for a morning I won't even remember more than 1/4 of!


lol this makes sense but u can cut it in half if u know the right people ;) but still 60 is crazy i can stay in jersey and spend 20 and have just as much fun these days and the crowds look bout the same thats the sick part i mean if sf stoped letten in ghetto trash i'd pay 70 to gte in cause it'll be nice but all u see in ther these days is trash ontop of trash druged out lol it deff has gotten none pretty

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

$7 in tolls

$5 in gas

$35 cover

$6 bottle of water

$20 pills

$30 1/2 liq

$7 KMX

($8 protein shake if ive been there all day)

Thats about $120 for a morning I won't even remember more than 1/4 of!


Damn, nailed that one on the head.

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Originally posted by sfqtipie

Damn you people are cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grown men complaining about 30 dollar cover . Pleaseeee:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Sorry I just hate cheapness:rolleyes: Just my opinion. I dont mind spending money and I dont pay to park in the city. Just find parking on the road. Damn NJ is not that far!!!!!!!!!

cheapness ??????:confused:

what are you talking about? why should i pay $50 for a party with the same people, same music as the regular night that u pay $25-30 ??

Well..it may be different story for you but i spend at least $200 in there..:D :D

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True...the admission fees are a bit higher on the theme nights. And it is also true that JP can be better on a non-theme night. However, I go to SF when I do to see people that I havent seen all week. With school and stuff...it's hard to see your friends as often as you'd like. Thats why we all kinda make that the place to be. Richard Grant is a prick with this $30, $40, $50 cover.....I don't care. I know Im not gonna be looking back in a few years sayin what a waste of money that was. Memories people...memories. You also have to realize that some people go out to hear JP(yes he does have a following:tongue: ). Like I said before...you can't touch the closing vibe @ S.F. And those who know, know. :D

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Originally posted by bmw4jay

True...the admission fees are a bit higher on the theme nights. And it is also true that JP can be better on a non-theme night. However, I go to SF when I do to see people that I havent seen all week. With school and stuff...it's hard to see your friends as often as you'd like. Thats why we all kinda make that the place to be. Richard Grant is a prick with this $30, $40, $50 cover.....I don't care. I know Im not gonna be looking back in a few years sayin what a waste of money that was. Memories people...memories. You also have to realize that some people go out to hear JP(yes he does have a following:tongue: ). Like I said before...you can't touch the closing vibe @ S.F. And those who know, know. :D

Have you been to soundfactory themes lately? Looks like a high school prom. I remember when the crowd was nothing but beautiful people now for a "PRETTY PEOPLE PLACE" they got a lot of ugly people in there. You have your regs but seriously there must be a new joint that is unheard of cause those pretty people wandered off and are no where to be found

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Originally posted by slyonspromos

Have you been to soundfactory themes lately? Looks like a high school prom. I remember when the crowd was nothing but beautiful people now for a "PRETTY PEOPLE PLACE" they got a lot of ugly people in there. You have your regs but seriously there must be a new joint that is unheard of cause those pretty people wandered off and are no where to be found

Eh...I agree somewhat. Theme nights always drag in the randoms...whatever tho. I don't go there to really meet new hotties...I know the ones that are already there :tongue: Thats really not my kick anyway. I mean..I wouldnt go if it was mad ugly people...but where I chill and who I chill with makes me happy :D

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