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What's in E?

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I'm sure this has probably been hashed up nicely several times on this board but since I ran through all the recent threads and couldn't find my answers I decided to start up a new one.

Here are my questions:

What is in E? The different components not necessarily the empirical formulae of each.

How does a typical user respond to each of the components? I don't want a biochemistry tree I want some descriptive terms.

What is MDMA? How does it make you feel?

I tried 100 mg of what was supposedly pure MDMA, in a granulated powder form. I ingested it after packaging it in a gel cap. It took me an hour to feel it, 5 minutes to reach a weak peak, and 20-25 minutes of rolling and about 1-2 hours of coming down. I went to bed,woke up several times in puddles of my own sweat and woke up at 9am feeling like a million dollars. Something wasn't right about this experience. I have rolled dozens of times in my past usually comsuming as many as 10 rolls in a 14 hours period (you know, melting walls and urination phobia), but it has been about 2 months since I rolled last so I wasn't expecting to be so let down by my favorite consumable. I trust the guy that I got it from but he's not nearly as experienced as I am with the drug. He hasn't tried it yet nor has anyone else I know, I was somewhat of a guinea pig and I hate to have to tell the guy what he has is crap, because it might not be. Is it me? Was it because it was pure MDMA and I'm not used to pure effects? Is what I am really enjoying when I roll some other component of E? You tell me.

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Originally posted by Blhurr

I'm sure this has probably been hashed up nicely several times on this board but since I ran through all the recent threads and couldn't find my answers I decided to start up a new one.

Here are my questions:

What is in E? The different components not necessarily the empirical formulae of each.

How does a typical user respond to each of the components? I don't want a biochemistry tree I want some descriptive terms.

What is MDMA? How does it make you feel?

I tried 100 mg of what was supposedly pure MDMA, in a granulated powder form. I ingested it after packaging it in a gel cap. It took me an hour to feel it, 5 minutes to reach a weak peak, and 20-25 minutes of rolling and about 1-2 hours of coming down. I went to bed,woke up several times in puddles of my own sweat and woke up at 9am feeling like a million dollars. Something wasn't right about this experience. I have rolled dozens of times in my past usually comsuming as many as 10 rolls in a 14 hours period (you know, melting walls and urination phobia), but it has been about 2 months since I rolled last so I wasn't expecting to be so let down by my favorite consumable. I trust the guy that I got it from but he's not nearly as experienced as I am with the drug. He hasn't tried it yet nor has anyone else I know, I was somewhat of a guinea pig and I hate to have to tell the guy what he has is crap, because it might not be. Is it me? Was it because it was pure MDMA and I'm not used to pure effects? Is what I am really enjoying when I roll some other component of E? You tell me.

There are a few things going on with your post which are a bit contradictory. E, X, Ecstacy are all the same thing which is MDMA. Those are not 2 different substances (or shouldn't be at any rate). That's not to say that you don't get other things when you think you are buying E but it is supposed to be MDMA. Now, pills you buy, contain many things and are almost never pure mdma (actually I'm not sure pills can be as there has to be some binding agent added so they can be pressed, I could be wrong but I think that's correct).

MDMA is what is responsible for the positve affects when you roll, whether it's in pill form or powder etc. I guess other substances could add to it but MDMA is what you usually want/react to What you describe seems strange in that it was all so quick and then you went to sleep. Doesn't seem like it was pure MDMA. If there was any MDMA, it was a small dosage cut with something else to get you up to 100mg. Anyway, take a look at erowid.com or ectsacy.org to get some information. It sounds like you are a bit confused and not as informed as you should be if you are trying shit as a guinea pig. Know what you are putting in your body and know what you are getting and things will go much better.:)

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1st of all..there is no such thing are PRUE MDMA...unless...you know the cook and u get it from him...u have to realize the people u are dealing with are doin it for the money..not the purity...they will cut it with anything they can...ive known cooks before and ive gotten PURE mdma in the past from the source...u take a little of that (few bumps) and your in another world...the people u get it from are so far removed from the cooks that u have no idea whats in it unless u analyze it and break that down...could ...aspirin..sugar...flower...coke..meth...mda..mdea...starch...geez just about anything that is in powder form..expecially capsules...pills are harder cuz they have to use bonding agents to keep them from crumbling..but there are ways around that ;)

the farther down the ladder u are from the source the more its cut...dont think otherwise..and if u find a source of "pure" mdma and u know its as close to 100% as u can get...buy a shit load of it and hope the cook doesnt get busted...

the term "being stomped on" isnt around for no reason

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There is pure MDMA just like there is PURE coke.

Pure MDMA goes for about $300 Gram street value.

I do not think 2% of pills out there contain pure MDMA.

back in the tunnel days used to get pure mdma, but cant come across it no more.

Not Its all about the MDEA , MDA, or amphetimens.

Some jerkoff is cooking crank in the trailer in Kansas and putting it in pill form and calling it E now a days.

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pills now a days are a waste of money. 2 years ago there were many more good pills than there are now. and i know that mdma is the main ingridient in a "E" pill but ive also heard that there is a lil bit of coke and heroin which are the other ingridients. i dont know how exact this info is but its what ive heard.

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Originally posted by tunnelbandit


for real? not at all? all this time i thought that all the pills have those three things as the ingridient. i mean i knew that mdma is what gives you that intense feeling and what releases the serotonin but i also thought that it also contained a lil of the other 2 .

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go 2 one of those pill test sites.....pills NEVER EvER EvER EvER test positive for coke or heroin....i cant believe ppl still say that...if it's not MDMA pills sometimes test out as MDEA, MDA, DXM, caffeine, and very rarely speed....but never coke or heroin

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Originally posted by billyfromboston

go 2 one of those pill test sites.....pills NEVER EvER EvER EvER test positive for coke or heroin....i cant believe ppl still say that...if it's not MDMA pills sometimes test out as MDEA, MDA, DXM, caffeine, and very rarely speed....but never coke or heroin

u are almost correct. heroin has never been found to be in any ecstasy pill. coke is not usually found but is. if your trying to make money why would a "cook" put heroin, coke, mdma and other substances in pills. also if you do research there are reports that state there have never been pills tested to have contained heroin. check out dancesafe.org and pillreports.com also erowid.org. :rolleyes:

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If anything else is in the e, it's usually caffeine, pseudoephedrine, DXM, or other drugs that just mean it wasn't processed correctly to begin with (i.e. MDA, etc). Back in the day, a lot of pills also contained Mescaline but that seems to have dropped off a lot in the last few years (probably because that shit is expensive), although it seems like certain manufacturers are starting to use PMA (i.e. most of the mitsubishis) to get that kind of effect which could be dangerous.

Anyway, from what you described, that was probably pure e. Pure e is pretty weak without some kind of a kicker. A lot of filler substances, despite the facts that they aren't drugs on their own, act as a catalyst and help the e kick in stronger. As far as the weakness there, if you're used to taking a bunch of pills at the same time, 100 mg isn't gonna do it for you. Average pill contains between 60-75 mg of MDMA, so 100 mg is only about a pill and a half. If you take a LOT of pure MDMA, it definately does some funny things, but you need a lot of it.

However, if you have a somewhat weak roll but wake up all sunshiney the next day and don't feel 8^, chances are you got something fairly pure...

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