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vinyl tonight?

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I'll be there -- haven't been in to see/hear Danny in almost 9 months and I think it's high time! Anyone wanna to meet up and hang out? Always have a good time there, people are cool, would like to widen the circle of club buddies.... :^P

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Originally posted by klohe

always ;)

Cool -- hope to get the chance/honor to meet up with anouther CP member. I joined a while back and never got the chance to meet up in NYC or Jersey for any of the sponsored events....:eek:

Hopefully, we can figure out a way to recognize each other. My cousin and I usually go to hear Danny spin and hang out; like I said [to borrow your words] "always" have a good time.

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Originally posted by neptune1


Hey neptune1...hope to run into you as well. Always wanted to meet up with CP'ers and hang out. And I'm sooo looking forward to being there and hearing DT....:D:tongue::bounce:

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Originally posted by trancend

ok so why doesnt someone pick a time/place to meetup

OK...I'm a total Dork, cuz I'm psyched! *LOL*

Going with my cuz, we used to get there for opening at Midnight [when it used to be midnight?] See that CP says they open at 11pm now....probably won't be there until after 12.

Usually walk around for a bit to see how/what/if the place changed, and pick a central spot if my cuz n I lose each other for a while in the crowd.

How about a meet up at 1am at the bar next to DT's booth and VIP room? Unless that's too early....no problem, we'll be there for a while! ;):D:roll::spin::bounce:

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Well, everyone, hope to see you there! I'll check back here later on to see about what ppl think for time/place [like i said, later is fine].... You can email or PM me if you want, for any other details or info. CYA! :D:cool:;):bounce::spin::roll:

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Originally posted by shook

1 of my better girlys said she might go and if so said she is gonan talk me into it even tho i hate it so worse off if its boren enough i might go

This will be the greatest thing since sliced bread, George at vinyl.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

This will be the greatest thing since sliced bread, George at vinyl.

i hate the fuken place they need a bar but for ass lol i'll deal with it for a few hours maybe its eiether that or stick in nj but best off maybe i'll get ther as ther kicken your drunk ass out and we can fuk up a bouncer LoL that is worth looken foward too

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Originally posted by shook

i hate the fuken place they need a bar but for ass lol i'll deal with it for a few hours maybe its eiether that or stick in nj but best off maybe i'll get ther as ther kicken your drunk ass out and we can fuk up a bouncer LoL that is worth looken foward too

Lets beat the fuck out of that popcornfart doorguy if he gives me any shit this week.............the bouncers I could care less about.

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true the door guys should get fuked up too i mean thats some sh1t u can't walk in drunk if i go tonite i'm deff killen a 8 $ bottle of black berry brandy befor i walk in i mean if they not serven me booze in side they better let me in boozed or i'll start troble LoL

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Originally posted by cutie6190

hey everyone ill be there with my bf and some freinds of mine ...trancend ... i would like to meet you lol. well hope to see everyone there. pick a place and time bye bye.

j =)

bf not cool if i go i'll be the shirtless kid wearen a black bandana

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Originally posted by cutie6190

bf. is ver cool lol. sowwies. hehe. umm ill probably be wearin a skirt with gray tank top and gray bandana something like that anyways.

j =)

a bf is never cool if your a cutie and even if u got a man its my duty as a male and every other males out ther job is to try to show u that thers always better fish in the sea ;) u know grey tank top, skirt girl :tongue:

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