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Originally posted by bleachblond420

With the way you talk about gay people (pirate plugging? buttfucked faggot?) you can stay the fuck out of our parties and listen from the outside. Junior dosen't want you there anyway.

And guess what folks, without any biased or degredation, that is what the general consensus is anyway. Remember now, I have no problem with it......and I was rejected at the door of Twilo for being straight.

The only problem I have is hypocricy and it is shown to its fullest with the gay party scene. Case in point.......do you think a straight party would ever fly in this day and age?

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

And guess what folks, without any biased or degredation, that is what the general consensus is anyway. Remember now, I have no problem with it......and I was rejected at the door of Twilo for being straight.

The only problem I have is hypocricy and it is shown to its fullest with the gay party scene. Case in point.......do you think a straight party would ever fly in this day and age?

You are sooooo right. If straight people tried to keep gay people out, then the shit would hit the fan. Personally I don't care if there are gay people out to party, who cares. But you do make a good point about the gay community keep the straight community out!

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

And guess what folks, without any biased or degredation, that is what the general consensus is anyway. Remember now, I have no problem with it......and I was rejected at the door of Twilo for being straight.

The only problem I have is hypocricy and it is shown to its fullest with the gay party scene. Case in point.......do you think a straight party would ever fly in this day and age?

At the bottom of Juniors flyers it says "Discretionary door policy". So you were informed before hand that you might not be welcome. I'm sure that dosen't make you feel better but you know, that's life.

Compare it to the african american community. They have a channel on TV that is dedicated all to them, BET. They have parades and marches strictly for black people. Why? Because they're the "minority" and it's just accepted that they can do that. It's the same for the gay community...we're very much the minority and what we got we like to hold on to and preserve just for us. Me personally, I just like partying with other gay people..it's just my preference.

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When people on this board say Stupid thing,s like the commet someone just posted in a Thread of mine, i sorta roll my Eyes, and think about how clue less they are,

WELL your commet was sorta, lets see?

Down right fucking RETARTED

can u just re-read what u Wrote, and than ask yourself some serious Questions...........

A) your not gay, so u have no fucking clue

B) havent you ever heard of a door Policy?

Not that NY Really still does the whole door thing, unless your at some up-scale Twinkle bar,

Straight people have Everything


Middle Age WHITE Straight MEN Have it all


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Originally posted by bleachblond420

At the bottom of Juniors flyers it says "Discretionary door policy". So you were informed before hand that you might not be welcome. I'm sure that dosen't make you feel better but you know, that's life.

Compare it to the african american community. They have a channel on TV that is dedicated all to them, BET. They have parades and marches strictly for black people. Why? Because they're the "minority" and it's just accepted that they can do that. It's the same for the gay community...we're very much the minority and what we got we like to hold on to and preserve just for us. Me personally, I just like partying with other gay people..it's just my preference.

Alright, all verbal bashing aside now.........

This goes for any minority.......why seperate yourselves by keeping something for "yourselves"? If it is such a definitive issue, then wouldn't you want to be accepted as peers? And wouldn't that mean including all as well as us including you? You are correct that this issue is heavily weighted with black people and you raise a great point(I personally believe its wrong to say african american because in actuality, most are american just like you and I, but thats another story).

I just don't understand the reasoning.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Alright, all verbal bashing aside now.........

This goes for any minority.......why seperate yourselves by keeping something for "yourselves"? If it is such a definitive issue, then wouldn't you want to be accepted as peers? And wouldn't that mean including all as well as us including you? You are correct that this issue is heavily weighted with black people and you raise a great point(I personally believe its wrong to say african american because in actuality, most are american just like you and I, but thats another story).

I just don't understand the reasoning.

I think for most people, it's just about the comfort level. I feel more comfortable being at a club or bar with other people that are like me, and can relate to me. That's my main reason for going to strictly gay parties, it's really not much deeper than that. Plus the chance of me finding a hot guy are SO much better. lol. I do party with straight people though, I go to Vinyl all the time which now anyway, is mostly straight.

I can't speak for every gay person who goes out, and I'm sure there are a lot who have deeper more meaningful reasons for only wanting to party with other gay people. Mine is more the comfort of knowing I'm with other people like me.

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Oh and one other thing, Junior is a bitch. He likes his party to be mostly men, that's when he feels it the most. But as for Roxy Saturdays and other places, I'm sure straight people are welcome there, I just don't know many straight guys who would wanna go to a party that was mostly full of gay guys.

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Originally posted by bleachblond420

I think for most people, it's just about the comfort level. I feel more comfortable being at a club or bar with other people that are like me, and can relate to me. That's my main reason for going to strictly gay parties, it's really not much deeper than that. Plus the chance of me finding a hot guy are SO much better. lol. I do party with straight people though, I go to Vinyl all the time which now anyway, is mostly straight.

I can't speak for every gay person who goes out, and I'm sure there are a lot who have deeper more meaningful reasons for only wanting to party with other gay people. Mine is more the comfort of knowing I'm with other people like me.

Thats cool....I can understand the comfort level of being around people just like you.....but why is someone rejected when they are going to a venue simply for the dj or the party? Thats my problem with all of this.

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Nobody, but nobody, can party like a fag... Not to be condescending at all, but if you've never been to a gay party you just can't know what that means...

*Ms. Tasty, fruit fly for life* :tongue:

(Wow this thread has veered way off-topic! :laugh2: )

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Originally posted by bleachblond420

Oh and one other thing, Junior is a bitch. He likes his party to be mostly men, that's when he feels it the most. But as for Roxy Saturdays and other places, I'm sure straight people are welcome there, I just don't know many straight guys who would wanna go to a party that was mostly full of gay guys.

I do it all the time, i would much rather party with queens than meatheads...

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

And guess what....this is why you people are shunned by most

Listen and listen clear, even though I am not gay or bisexual, I do not give a shit about ones sexual orientation, it has ceased to bother me. I see gay guys and transies all the time at vinyl and sf amongst other places and as long as they are cool with the fact that we are all there for the greater good of music, it doesn't matter.

Now, it is very true that gay parties such as Roxy Saturdays, Exit Saturdays, old Twilo, do not welcome straight people into their party. I figured this out first hand when I went to Twilo on a Saturday with my g/f at the time and my boy and his g/f and was rejected at the door because it wasn't our type of party. When I stated we were there for Junior, the door buttfucked faggot told us that my boy was too drunk, although he had just driven 3 hours and was completely sober, not a drop of liquor or any drug whatsoever.

Now you people are gonna say you don't like the straight crowd? Fuck you and fuck all of your pirate plugging "friends" I personally can't go to a gay party to hear a DJ I want to listen to because "it is not my type of party." You guys have parades and shit about equality when at the same time you pull hypocritical policies such as this.

Not very nice. you don't care about ones sexual orientation but yet you call people such names as buttfucked faggot and so on. What a shame.

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Originally posted by girly

Not very nice. you don't care about ones sexual orientation but yet you call people such names as buttfucked faggot and so on. What a shame.

Only because he pulled that garbage........of course I'm gonna have to give him a little verbal lashing.

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Originally posted by bleachblond420

JB already confirmed that SUnday is going to be an all gay party just like it used to be. Looking completley different of course.

My brother goes a lot, he is gay and i have gone withhima few times andI thought the music was pretty good......... but it was about 3 months ago the last time...........

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