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Weekly FU post


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Today I'd like to set up www.cooljunkie.com with a nice big wet Fawk You! for having me and about 12 of my friends get fucked at Space last night after you sent me an email confirmation that I was on the guest list.

Whoever went to Space last night saw the line, I was with my friends for over half an hour. I tell the lady at the door the password they send me and she goes "oh sorry, no passwords today" I'm like WTF, you've gotta be kidding me?" So I"m the fuck that had to tell my friends that the list couldn't come through so we left and I ended up buying some bottles and throwing a jam at my place.

Get your shit together!

The confirmation email...

Thanks, Ian Borbolla for signing up to the Club Space guest list for Saturday

All you need to do to get in for free before midnight is give the person on the door your password, which is 'Four Four'.

Have a great night!

the .junkies.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by pod

I've explained it once before, the guestlists are transmitted to the clubs, after that, it's out of .cooljunkie.'s hands.

Realistically, you should direct your ire at Space, not the site.

Wrong POD... cooljunkies should not do business with clubs that can't get it right..... its cooljunkies responsiblity to make sure the people who use thier site get what they expect. Cooljunkie still makes money but the clubber gets fucked? NO WAY bro, ain't right, fix it, cause I know I won't use it ever.... I don't trust it....

I only used cool junkie once to find out who was spining but the site was wrong....


wildmiami not sure what time you went, but I paid 20 bucks to get in cause I knew I had 2 hours of free drinks... SO me and my friends wacked out a couple hundred dollars of drinks for 80 bucks.. not a bad deal.... even though the bar tender is a cunt!!!

but if you went late night, then you took it up the ass..... fuck cooljunkies...

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Guestlists through websites are ok but still doesn't give me the security to know I am on it so I always prefer to call the club directly.

WildMiami is right on this case, CoolJunkie has to make sure the club is getting the list. Customer Satisfaction is a must.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by cooljunkie

You know if you have a problem you should really e-mail us directly at info@cooljunkie.com rather than try to make us look bad on a public messageboard.

Considering our service is totally free I think you're being a bit harsh. Any fault here is with Space and not us.


the .junkies.

so you guys don't make money off the website? I find that hard to belive.... you make money by page views and click threws... So Its hardly a free service... You need us wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more then we need you.... I get all my info from cp NOT cooljunkie..... and the point of the post was to make you look bad.... so it won't happen again or to any one else.... blameing space is not giving anyone on this board anymore confidence in your service..... read pods second post .. he obviously has some public relation knowledge unlike you..... edit your post and learn something about the business world.... let pod post for you, cause your clue less....

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not to place all of the blame on cooljunkie for this saturday...

i am one of the owners of www.niteye.com, a website which is devoted to night life in miami. we offer guestlists to various clubs through out the week. a few months back we were working with space and offered a free guestlist. we probably did this for 2 months until one day i showed up at space (after sending the list myself mind you) and i saw people whos names were on the list I sent getting turned away. well this really pissed me off. luckily i was there to take care of them but i have no idea how many people didnt get in. and im sure lots of people were pissed with us. anyway, we 86ed that list the next day. going back, yes cooljunkie needs to take better care of their people, but it was a crazy night at space, and it was space, so dont be to harsh

also, if anyone has any thoughts on what types of parties they would like to see in the next month let me know, we just threw a bikini fashion show at B.E.D. and just wanted to know what people wanted see


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and the point of the post was to make you look bad....

You try explaining to some of my peeps that rarely go out that came with me that night for Space's 2nd bday that. That shit sucked. Anyway I won't ever be using your unreliable sight again and YES I will be letting the public know so that it doesn't happen to them. This was only me posting my anger but you have the numbers....how many people were on that list that don't know CP that either paid or left with disgust.

Sorry Biz, I learned my lesson.

Considering our service is totally free I think you're being a bit harsh. Any fault here is with Space and not us.

Listen bud, you knew when making your little information site that people would come because you provided a FREE service just like yahoo, just like msn, just like hotmail (the worlds largest FREE email provider) and that there would be money in it for you. I parrallel Saleen's post.

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Wildmiami, you're missing the point entirely. The clubs do get the lists. I've been at every club on the beach and seen the fax or email sitting on the clipboard. Once it's at the club, it is beyond our control.

Second point, this is the first such incident that the .cooljunkie. team has had with Space. Any other lists we've had there, have been fully honored, or even better, you've said 'I'm on the CJ list', and they usher you in, not even bothering to check. I assure you, the matter will be addressed. Why don't you do a little legwork of your own, and PM Spacious?

Anyway I won't ever be using your unreliable sight again and YES I will be letting the public know so that it doesn't happen to them.

Third of all, you're more than welcome to make it the purpose of all your days to tarnish the site's image. The few naysayers of the site do little to derail us in our goals. We're well-loved by the community at large, even with incidents like these.

We do our best to provide this free service to everyone, and sleep well in the morning knowing this fact.

Nothing in life is for certain, I highly recommend getting on with it.

If you choose not to use the service, fine. Do it the old way then, go out, build up connections, and maybe get on the full-comp list half the time after 3 months. We don't guarantee 100% for our lists, but if you do a comparison, you'll find that we're a helluva lot more reliable than that friend of a friend who knows Louis Puig, or something to that effect.


BTW, its site, not sight.

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I've said it time and time again... Always confirm your fax, email, etc. regarding all requests with someone in the Space office before assuming it has been handeled. Make the extra phone call and be sure it has been taken care of at the time of your request. It is just as much the job of the sender to confirm proper delivery as it is our's to accept it...

My list is handeled by myself personaly & if you contact me (via phone or email) & receive a reply or confirmation then you should be worry free...

A Promoter's main priority is the guest list & vip. If we can't get that right, then we have no business doing what we do...

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