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att: whoever got screwed at Billboard Friday


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I have to apologize to you guys, Joeygk, Sobeton(pleasure meeting you finally by the way bro), wildmiami, rcrespo, and anyone else here got screwed at Billboard Friday night.

Apparently the promoter decided to not open the room which Edgar V and I were supposed to spin in....and I'm talking about a decision made at approximately 11PM which was the time I was supposed to start spinning.....I'm not going to talk shit about Fever or anything of the sort....I just want to apologize to you guys for going out to support me and then getting screwed by either not being honored on my guestlist or having paid to get in and not having me or Edgar perform.

So, this is my apology to you guys. It obviously wasn't my fault, but I did tell you that I would be spinning and that your names would be on the guest list so I have to take some blame for it.

The least I could do is send you guys some copies of my new CD, so if you are interested, PM me with your mailing info and I'll send you my new CD. That's all I could think of to make it up to you guys.

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:eek: Wow! that is really nice of you... It only shows the kind of person you are :cool: Even though I didn't plan to go or anything but just reading this was heart warming. Meng, you are cool guy and I hope the very best in your career...
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Sean- I went up to the backroom about 1:30 (right before I left - music was awful) and two guys had just finished setting up two decks and a mixer, and were fiddiling w/ the speakers???? :confused:

By the way don't worry about the mix up, and when you spinnin' again?

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As far as I know right now, my next gig is at the .cooljunkie. NYC launch party at Level Saturday June 1st.

So Joey, you saw some guys setting up the equipment in the backroom? Interesting...I wonder what for.......cuz I took off after Edgar told me that he got a call not to show up.....:rolleyes:

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after they set up the back room I thought you were going to show up and throw down, but you had long since bailed------>that place is really unorganized.

Plus, I'm usually not one to bash djs, but whoever opened up for Stryke was terrible. I think he was trying to play breaks, not quite sure? The guy wasn't even mixing, one track would end, he'd cut the volume and then drop the next track......sloppy! It's highly suspect whether that dj knew the difference btwn a turntable and a sit-n-spin. All i know is that I was hunched over in the fetal postion praying that God would strike me down and end my pain and suffering! :blown:

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that place is really unorganized

not the place but the organizers of the event.......

I have an idea of who that DJ was that opened for Stryke but I'm not mentioning any names. :hat: gotta be political about it, you know?

oh and Joey, I need you to PM me you addy again so I can mail you the Space CD and the new one

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