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a funny ass email i got monday morn bout the sf board

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

ok now i definitely heard enough.. i'm not even gonna try to understand he demented world u live in.. u been to SF like 6 times.. u know nothing about the club.. run along now

8 times and i probley knwo more important people then u by now lol i got the cashers number knwo a few bouncers and get free drinks lol damn and all i do is like bum around and try to look good its crazy i hung out with juciers they tought me lol they dont 'pay for sh1t they walk behind the bar and get ther own sh1t i mean i might of only been ther 8 tiems but i got in free twice adn drank a shit loud of freee drinks lol your sf family never tought me how to get in free or to get free drinks lol yall still amatuers the sick part is i dont' even like to club and i think its wack and i gott comps i'll be ther the sat after thsi week end gotat hit up seaside but week after i'll be ther if its free its me

its so called the pretty person place and if your pretty u get hooked up and u gotta love it cause back when i never got hooked up and i hated it lol i dont' know how u people can do it tho u go so often u spend so much yet yall haven't gotten hooked up or even bumped up to the next level yet i mean not that i know of cause i was yall last month and on the real with out hook up's sf isnt' all that if your not fuken pam anderson and if your not talke nto the peopel who run it y bother going its the way i view it

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Originally posted by shook

8 times and i probley knwo more important people then u by now lol i got the cashers number knwo a few bouncers and get free drinks lol damn and all i do is like bum around and try to look good its crazy i hung out with juciers they tought me lol they dont 'pay for sh1t they walk behind the bar and get ther own sh1t i mean i might of only been ther 8 tiems but i got in free twice adn drank a shit loud of freee drinks lol your sf family never tought me how to get in free or to get free drinks lol yall still amatuers the sick part is i dont' even like to club and i think its wack and i gott comps i'll be ther the sat after thsi week end gotat hit up seaside but week after i'll be ther if its free its me

i'm keeping my mouth shut


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Originally posted by crystelbella21

ok now i definitely heard enough.. i'm not even gonna try to understand he demented world u live in.. u been to SF like 6 times.. u know nothing about the club.. run along now

and please run lol i'll walk along cause u live sf and i spit on it and peopel kiss my ass more so damn i don't know how u can do it or even bare with just being a person at a club never any thing else or more but hey each to ther own aslong as u happy liven life as a peasant i guess be happy but with the way i live my life i wanna be king and i wanna be rare cause normal is a waste of time so stride to be exotic but the sick part is not every 1 can be that so know your limets and be happy with them

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

Actual, I am laughing WITH George. i find George and his posts quite amusing. Keep up the good work George.

:D :D :D :D :D

1 of the most chill people i've met sup sup kid and memorail day is up upon us so seaside this week end where u hiting up ???????????? i'll deff will cum say sup and sh1t like will be down thurs-monday

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Originally posted by shook

and please run lol i'll walk along cause u live sf and i spit on it and peopel kiss my ass more so damn i don't know how u can do it or even bare with just being a person at a club never any thing else or more but hey each to ther own aslong as u happy liven life as a peasant i guess be happy but with the way i live my life i wanna be king and i wanna be rare cause normal is a waste of time so stride to be exotic but the sick part is not every 1 can be that so know your limets and be happy with them

1.) i'm just gonna kick myself now for even wasting my time to respond to this thread to begin with

2.) do u and this girl have lives???? i mean with all the people on the SF board and all the people at sf... why are u taking ur time to talk shit about me... worry about ur pathetic selves

3.) I'm only a club ... LOL... maybe.. but at least its something that i fully enjoy... its better then being AOL.. cause thats all u are!

i'm going sleepy nows :) some people actually have work to do later!

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yo - sup kids

staying out of this whoring, how u look, making shit up, ugly stuff. i figuring u bella and snoozi got on the phone and planned the whole thing cause its like a script. everytime i think u running outta stuff u come up with something else!

but for real is it ugly in there now? haven't been in months. yo - and which cashier?

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Originally posted by shook

1 of the most chill people i've met sup sup kid and memorail day is up upon us so seaside this week end where u hiting up ???????????? i'll deff will cum say sup and sh1t like will be down thurs-monday

Ill be in Vegas Thursday till Tuesday.

:D :D :D

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Originally posted by barvybe

damn...that last post was me.

george - i'm dumb kid. always forgetting to switch screen names. fuk.

lol true kid deff feel that and sf isnt'; that bad if your with the right people

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

1.) i'm just gonna kick myself now for even wasting my time to respond to this thread to begin with

2.) do u and this girl have lives???? i mean with all the people on the SF board and all the people at sf... why are u taking ur time to talk shit about me... worry about ur pathetic selves

3.) I'm only a club ... LOL... maybe.. but at least its something that i fully enjoy... its better then being AOL.. cause thats all u are!

i'm going sleepy nows :) some people actually have work to do later!

1) u should know better then to respond to any thing i write cause your always just gonna end up looken shity and feelen stupid cause on the real u think your doing good yet u end up just becomen more of a joke and feelen worse lol some times its just better to not read then to read it all

2)have lives na but we knwo wut we hate bout life lol so thats better then noting

3)lol your ass is on aol 24 7 too and u dont' even fit into clubs

4) i went to bed at 5 and then to work at 10 to train people such as your self for 4 hours lol its a shity job but i made bout 40 bucks today so pluses and u get to check out females while your worken which is always a plus too bad thers to many females such as your self and your friends :(

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Originally posted by shook

1) u should know better then to respond to any thing i write cause your always just gonna end up looken shity and feelen stupid cause on the real u think your doing good yet u end up just becomen more of a joke and feelen worse lol some times its just better to not read then to read it all

2)have lives na but we knwo wut we hate bout life lol so thats better then noting

3)lol your ass is on aol 24 7 too and u dont' even fit into clubs

4) i went to bed at 5 and then to work at 10 to train people such as your self for 4 hours lol its a shity job but i made bout 40 bucks today so pluses and u get to check out females while your worken which is always a plus too bad thers to many females such as your self and your friends :(

. . . George, I once found you amusing . .now you're just being an ass . . . why don't you do the species a favor and shut the fuck up . . .

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

1.) i'm just gonna kick myself now for even wasting my time to respond to this thread to begin with

2.) do u and this girl have lives???? i mean with all the people on the SF board and all the people at sf... why are u taking ur time to talk shit about me... worry about ur pathetic selves

3.) I'm only a club ... LOL... maybe.. but at least its something that i fully enjoy... its better then being AOL.. cause thats all u are!

i'm going sleepy nows :) some people actually have work to do later!

and listen u go and get offended too fuken much i left the names out of the email cause i didn't 'want people to be offended i just wanted to prove my point that people do think like me cause u think every 1 is nice and thinks like u LoL so i posted that to prove ther are fuked up people like me in this world and on the real a lot of people are fuked up i talked to a few sat nite and i was like yo lets go see if the factory rejects are at ther spots lol I'm not gonna say who i was with or wut they said but they deff agreed with me LoL but any ways i left the names out so no 1 even knew who was who yet u go and get offended i mean all u did by getting pissed was u proved her right and u should every 1 who doesn't know u your weakness and lack of matureness i mean if u wanna go get offended and start a war cool but on the real this was intended on bashen your ass I'm overwith that this was just to prove my point cause a lot of people on this board despise SF any ways so i am sure they got a laugh out of it and I'm sure they got a laugh out of it when u started sayen u were that girl who she pretty much made fun of and u deff made your self look bad cause if u would of just kept your mouth shut no 1 would of knew it was u or who was good or not but cause of u poken your nose in too much u pretty much became the joke :laugh: u gotta learn how to deal with stuff and I'm not hear too teach u so on the real think be for u respond next time

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

1.) i'm just gonna kick myself now for even wasting my time to respond to this thread to begin with

2.) do u and this girl have lives???? i mean with all the people on the SF board and all the people at sf... why are u taking ur time to talk shit about me... worry about ur pathetic selves

3.) I'm only a club ... LOL... maybe.. but at least its something that i fully enjoy... its better then being AOL.. cause thats all u are!

i'm going sleepy nows :) some people actually have work to do later!

and listen u go and get offended too fuken much i left the names out of the email cause i didn't 'want people to be offended i just wanted to prove my point that people do think like me cause u think every 1 is nice and thinks like u LoL so i posted that to prove ther are fuked up people like me in this world and on the real a lot of people are fuked up i talked to a few sat nite and i was like yo lets go see if the factory rejects are at ther spots lol I'm not gonna say who i was with or wut they said but they deff agreed with me LoL but any ways i left the names out so no 1 even knew who was who yet u go and get offended i mean all u did by getting pissed was u proved her right and u should every 1 who doesn't know u your weakness and lack of matureness i mean if u wanna go get offended and start a war cool but on the real this was intended on bashen your ass I'm overwith that this was just to prove my point cause a lot of people on this board despise SF any ways so i am sure they got a laugh out of it and I'm sure they got a laugh out of it when u started sayen u were that girl who she pretty much made fun of and u deff made your self look bad cause if u would of just kept your mouth shut no 1 would of knew it was u or who was good or not but cause of u poken your nose in too much u pretty much became the joke :laugh: u gotta learn how to deal with stuff and I'm not hear too teach u so on the real think befor u respond next time

cause on the real u weren't the joke when this was posted but by u tryen to defend a lose cause u became the joke so on the real read and think befor u respond cause all u ever do is u make yoru self look bad infront of strangers i mean sure i look bad for sayen sh1t but u make your self look bad by fiting into the sh1t i say cause i leave peoples names out but u always add your name in :blown:

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

1.) i'm just gonna kick myself now for even wasting my time to respond to this thread to begin with

2.) do u and this girl have lives???? i mean with all the people on the SF board and all the people at sf... why are u taking ur time to talk shit about me... worry about ur pathetic selves

3.) I'm only a club ... LOL... maybe.. but at least its something that i fully enjoy... its better then being AOL.. cause thats all u are!

i'm going sleepy nows :) some people actually have work to do later!

and listen u go and get offended too fuken much i left the names out of the email cause i didn't 'want people to be offended i just wanted to prove my point that people do think like me cause u think every 1 is nice and thinks like u LoL so i posted that to prove ther are fuked up people like me in this world and on the real a lot of people are fuked up i talked to a few sat nite and i was like yo lets go see if the factory rejects are at ther spots lol I'm not gonna say who i was with or wut they said but they deff agreed with me LoL but any ways i left the names out so no 1 even knew who was who yet u go and get offended i mean all u did by getting pissed was u proved her right and u should every 1 who doesn't know u your weakness and lack of matureness i mean if u wanna go get offended and start a war cool but on the real this was intended on bashen your ass I'm over with that this was just to prove my point cause a lot of people on this board despise SF any ways so i am sure they got a laugh out of it and I'm sure they got a laugh out of it when u started sayen u were that girl who she pretty much made fun of and u deff made your self look bad cause if u would of just kept your mouth shut no 1 would of knew it was u or who was good or not but cause of u poken your nose in too much u pretty much became the joke :laugh: u gotta learn how to deal with stuff and I'm not hear too teach u so on the real think befor u respond next time

cause on the real u weren't the joke when this was posted but by u tryen to defend a lose cause u became the joke so on the real read and think befor u respond cause all u ever do is u make yoru self look bad infront of strangers i mean sure i look bad for sayen sh1t but u make your self look bad by fiting into the sh1t i say cause i leave peoples names out but u always add your name in :blown:

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . George, I once found you amusing . .now you're just being an ass . . . why don't you do the species a favor and shut the fuck up . . .

damn the lag posted that 3 times but fuk it any ways me shut the fuk up lol y don't u shut the fuk up and make me shut up :laugh: i mean if u wanna step up to the plate boy jump right up but i think u better sit down tho kid cause your not in shape enough or man enough to deal with with wut your starten this is in person beef now kid so keep your mouth on a hush and just laugh like the rest of the people or run your mouth and see wut happens :laugh:

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Originally posted by shook

1) u should know better then to respond to any thing i write cause your always just gonna end up looken shity and feelen stupid cause on the real u think your doing good yet u end up just becomen more of a joke and feelen worse lol some times its just better to not read then to read it all

2)have lives na but we knwo wut we hate bout life lol so thats better then noting

3)lol your ass is on aol 24 7 too and u dont' even fit into clubs

4) i went to bed at 5 and then to work at 10 to train people such as your self for 4 hours lol its a shity job but i made bout 40 bucks today so pluses and u get to check out females while your worken which is always a plus too bad thers to many females such as your self and your friends :(

1.) i dont give a shit about what u are any of ur pathetic groupies say about me... its purely entertainment... and if u honestly think i take anything that comes out of ur mouth seriously or to heart.. then i feel sorry for u

2.) ur the ass of everyone's jokes... some life

3.) just cause my name is signed on doesn't mean I am anywhere near a computer... if u knew how to read... then u would be able to read my away message

4.) the only job u have is "compulsive lieing"

phuturephunk - dont waste ur breathe... this shit is too funny for good innocent people to get involved in

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