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Casualities Of Memorial Day Weekend


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just wondering if any one has any stories of shootings, stabbings, etc? i really didnt watch the news, so i dont know...or did anyone from this board run into some of this "memorial" day weekend scuffles??

one of the bartenders i usually go to in Space, had a nice "mouse" under his eye and what looked to be finger marks all over his neck....i can only imagine if anyone ventured out towards the beach....:rolleyes:

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I had an interesting time on ocean drive on saturday afternoon, I just had to see what was goign on (luckily curiousity didn't kill this cat). what a scene. They were serving chicken wings, corn on the cobb and watermelon. I swear, right on Ocean drive! I even saw some hookers on the corner of meridian and 9th! I had to walk home from crobar at like 5am, now that was excitement!

It is definitely the end of an era. Memorial day weekend used to be one of the biggest weekends of the year down here and it is all over now... I just hope that the city decides that regardless of how much tourism they lost post 9/11, the wont allow this crap to go on another year. Let them destroy atlanta , charlotte or crinshaw or where ever they are from. what pigs.

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since I live on the beach, I did venture out with some friends. obviously it was very crowed. there was a very strong showing of police; which I’m sure helped keep things in order. traffic was a mess, and $30.00 for parking is insane. I was on Ocean, Washington, and Lincoln road. what I witnessed were just people having a good time; I didn’t sense any of the hostility, I felt last year. actually had an opportunity to speak, to a MB Police officer when I was getting some coffee. he said things were going well. the restaurants, cafes, stores, and etc were packed. definitely a good boost to a sagging miami beach economy.

the city of miami beach†major events planâ€, was very effective .as a resident of miami beach, I give major props to city officials; for putting an effective plan in place.

if I have one point of discontent, it is with certain local media. who made it seem as though, miami beach was going to be a war zone. the reality is when you have, over 250,000 people in one area. you are undoubtly going to have some problems. imo if you free your mind, and respect each other. it will go a long way in helping you, to enjoy yourself in whatever environment you are in.

media coverage :

wsvn cnn miami herald

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It seemed peaceful to me, with one exception. 6 AM Saturday morning, on my way home from Morillo, I was witness to a pull-over where the cops came out guns drawn...I managed to get some blurry shots, will post as soon as I get the negs. I know they were blurry, I was shooting handheld at 1/15th of a second.


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I am glad that this year was less troublesome than the previous year. Personally you would have not caught me out on the beach at all this weekend but I am glad for those who did venture out there and managed to to have a good time. I don't do well with crowds and thats why I don't go.

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Our hotel was quiet (thank god) and we didn't run into any problems throughout our entire stay. Alot of camcorders though! LOL! :rolleyes:

Everyone was there to have a good time so if there was trouble it might have been in a club or in a hotel on collins or washington. I pity the guests staying there that weren't into the "festival." We agreed to return but on any other weeknd than this if the festival continues. ;)

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