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Sailors not "cool" enough for Lotus!

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Originally posted by jennEfer

I agree with xkingchangox... lets exploit all the stupid fucks at Lotus... does anyone know where we can get in touch with the press?

Yes. The New York Post:

Main Office: (212) 930-8000

News Tips: (212) 930-8500 (this is probably the best # to call)

Daily News: voicers@edit.nydailynews.com

I say a bunch of us do this. Let's exploit these phony asswipes!

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Originally posted by spragga25

This is the reason I hate clubs like that...pathetic attitdues...They should fire a missile into that dump.

.... I def agree. WTF just b/c they're wearing fuckin uniforms and not "proper club attire" they shud be rejected like that?? FUCK THAT. That's just wrong. That stupid "rule" is so pathetic and shallow.:mad:

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Originally posted by maximman

You midunderstood me. I didn't say that the fact that they're willing to die for their country should allow them into the club... I said that if what they're wearing is good enough to die in (so that clubs like Locus, and superficial narrowminded people can continue to act, look, and live "fabulous") then why can't...

oh wait, never mind... i just answered my own question didn't I?

They can't get in because the uniforms aren't "fabulous", and because the powers that be at places like that are superficial, narrowminded people.


I dont know whether or not you know this but the owners at the "superficial" clubs are running a.....now listen closely..... b-u-s-i-n-e-s-s. These "narrowminded" people as you call them are continuosly opening and operating very profitable establishments. You may think its "elitism" but its nothing more than maximizing profits. How about instead of sending a missile into clubs like these (I suppose you would like this because youre a bit envious?) we re-route that same missile into twilo or vinyl.....Oh wait Twilo is DEAD....One down....One to go.

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Originally posted by liverlips

I dont know whether or not you know this but the owners at the "superficial" clubs are running a.....now listen closely..... b-u-s-i-n-e-s-s. These "narrowminded" people as you call them are continuosly opening and operating very profitable establishments. You may think its "elitism" but its nothing more than maximizing profits. How about instead of sending a missile into clubs like these (I suppose you would like this because youre a bit envious?) we re-route that same missile into twilo or vinyl.....Oh wait Twilo is DEAD....One down....One to go.

Sorry sugar, but I don't think three sailors in dress uniform on one night out of the year would cause the business to go under. :rolleyes: I mean, all respect to business practice - these clubs are frequented by people who like that sort of atmosphere, and those who don't like that, do not go to them.. plain and simple. But in some cases, the staff has to be a bit understanding that naval officers are not allowed to wear Prada.

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Yes 100% Ralph.. American born Syrian. I believe Assyrians are from somewhere east of Syria (Iraqi region) if I'm not mistaken? My sister introduced me to an Assyrian friend recently and I was suprised b/c I had always thought the Assyrians were ancient like the Phoenicians and no longer existed, and that the Assyrians became the Syrians or something like that.. anyways where you people been hiding? :laugh:



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