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UGH< JUst Drove by the Old TUNNEL :*(

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i really wish The old Tunnel Venue, could be re used as a club, its such a shame when u think about it, There are prob 4-5 amazing Venues in this scity, that will never be used for another night club Again, kinda sucks,

nothing really looked like it was changed, just bordered up, they still even have those color light's that use to hang above the Main door, there stil there just un-pluged, Very sad

Such a waste of a once Amazing Venue

Sorry to Bitch, just kinda annoyed with the lack of Original Venues,

NY HAS ehhhhhhhhhhh


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Originally posted by jaysea

i really wish The old Tunnel Venue, could be re used as a club, its such a shame when u think about it, There are prob 4-5 amazing Venues in this scity, that will never be used for another night club Again, kinda sucks,

nothing really looked like it was changed, just bordered up, they still even have those color light's that use to hang above the Main door, there stil there just un-pluged, Very sad

Such a waste of a once Amazing Venue

Sorry to Bitch, just kinda annoyed with the lack of Original Venues,

NY HAS ehhhhhhhhhhh


NYC club sceane is a little shot right now.

Tunnel/twilo/Limelight are done and the city will never be the same.

Its all about money and greed now!

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Very True its all about Greed, but it just sucks, when we live in NYC, and our club scene has fallen apart.

There's amazing Vebues, just sitting EMPTY right now, and its annoying, lol im so sick of everything that is out now,

SF,Vinyl,Exit,Fun,Spa,lotus, Ehhhhhhhhhh


Even Vinyl kinda sucks now, music is still good, but god u get sick of the same places, we need some New Flavor

Take back, our Veneus, Something?





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Originally posted by sonicinfusion

can you guys get over it and move on with life ...


so much talent ........

Yes that's very true.

However, it's just nice to know you have a solid foundation that you can be secure on. NY nightlife has lost a lot of it's history with the loss of these venues. It's kind of rough sometimes to keep on going when the ground keeps shifting under your feet.

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not as a Whole, but for clubbing,

come on, tired ass people, tired ass Venues, tired ass Everything,

if it werent for Danny, id be in Hell,

Fuck Even Jr's Earth Party fucking sucks.



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Yeah, I think most would agree we need some GOOD, new venues...

I honestly think, shelter COULD pull up the slack, if they got their heads out of their ass for 5 minutes...

maybe arc won't suck, who knows...

but 2 main venues is not enough to constitute a "solid foundation" in nyc...

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Originally posted by joeg

Yeah, I think most would agree we need some GOOD, new venues...

I honestly think, shelter COULD pull up the slack, if they got their heads out of their ass for 5 minutes...

maybe arc won't suck, who knows...

but 2 main venues is not enough to constitute a "solid foundation" in nyc...

Very true. Hell that constitutes ALBANY :-\

We need more pillars holding up the house, you know?

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Originally posted by stonedcl

Its all about money and greed now!

so you think it wasn't about the money back then? They were just doing it for fun? I was unaware that Gatien was in it for the people and not his pockets...

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Originally posted by jimk29

so you think it wasn't about the money back then? They were just doing it for fun? I was unaware that Gatien was in it for the people and not his pockets...

Yeah but not like it is now.

I know gatian was a greedy fuck but my comp was always at the door, Kerfew at tunnel was like $5 w/kerfew card on sat.

you can not find a club in NYC now under $30 to get in.

SF and Exit are at like $40 to just get in the door, thats greed...

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There have been so many clubs that were good and now all we have are memories...Studio54, Funhouse, Club USA, EXPO, Palladium..etc....and now kids today are going to remember the clubs they are at now and five years or less they'll all be closed down...everyone dwells on the past...move on and see the club scene for what it is and just go with it.....

Secondly the club scene was always based on making money the reason why club costs have gone up is because cost of living has gone up...everything increases in cost as years pass by....

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Originally posted by neena16

There have been so many clubs that were good and now all we have are memories...Studio54, Funhouse, Club USA, EXPO, Palladium..etc....and now kids today are going to remember the clubs they are at now and five years or less they'll all be closed down...everyone dwells on the past...move on and see the club scene for what it is and just go with it.....

Secondly the club scene was always based on making money the reason why club costs have gone up is because cost of living has gone up...everything increases in cost as years pass by....

club costs have increased three-fold or more in some cases in the past 4 years. cost of living doesnt go up 300% just like that.

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

club costs have increased three-fold or more in some cases in the past 4 years. cost of living doesnt go up 300% just like that.

I was just gonna say that..

Back when I used to really party in NYC 96-97 NO CLUB was over $20 w/out guestlist.

I went to limelight last day it was open and still was $20 on guestlist while EXIT is $30-$35 to wait 2 hours in coat check and see little druggies sprawled out all over..I dont think so..

I got a flier from exit in the mail saying free B$ 12 but the hold the line till 12 , I get in the want $35 from me at 12.05..RIDICULOUS

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About the Tunnel. Damn I miss that place. Just last night I was thinking about how it would be if they ever re-opened it. How happy I would be to be back inside that place. But I guess I won't ever get to experience that.

About club costs. The reason why they charge so much at the door is because they could. As long as they pack in there clubs with 3000, 4000+ people. I doubt they're gonna lower the price. And now I'm seeing them raise the price from above 30 more often now, for "special events" that really aren't that special. But as long as we all pay 30 to get in, there not gonna lower the price. It's funny though, I have some friends that live in different areas around the US. They pay like 5-10 dollars for admission. And they get really pissed if they have to pay in the 10-15 dollar range.

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SF is $30 most nights(unless special event) which is only $10 more than 5 years ago. I have to agree that sometimes charging $40 or more is ridiculous but you have to look at the size of the clubs, the amount of people working there, the DJ's who demand large pay...they have to make up the money somehow. Did you ever think that these clubs charge that much because they know most people would pay it......Just my opinion. :D

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let's not forget the possible new, GOOD additions to the NYC club scene comin soon-

limelight: re-opening in the fall (with a new name apparently--i dunno i always kinda liked the name limelight though...)

and crobar: about 6 months from now...

maybe they will add some fresh new flavor into the mix...

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Originally posted by stonedcl

Yeah but not like it is now.

I know gatian was a greedy fuck but my comp was always at the door, Kerfew at tunnel was like $5 w/kerfew card on sat.

you can not find a club in NYC now under $30 to get in.

SF and Exit are at like $40 to just get in the door, thats greed...

very true... you are definitely right about that one. I would never pay 40 to get into a club...

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