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in love with my BEST FRIEND :*(

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im gonna vent to you guys. Cause i tihnk maybe some of your feed back, might help me make my Decision.

so here goes.

my best friend in the entire world is this guy, and me and him are like fucking brother's, we are sooooooooo close, we talk about everything, even the shit u shouldnt tell anyone, we tell each other, we always seem to be sooooooo close, even if were fighting, and We do alot of it 2, we bicker, and get in arguments, and even scream a few times, but 10min later were hugging and saying were sorry, i mean sometimes we say "i luv ya" on the phone to each other when we hang up, i mean, we struggle, and we have our up's and downs, but were allways there for each other, i had cancer, in my stomach and went threw Tretment and he was there, he was a Huge drug problem, and i was there,

The only thing that makes it hard.

is that i think i have always been in love with him, Always

but i know im not his Type, he likes little 22yr old kids, who like run guest lists, and think there cool shit, u know? lol

not a 29, former club kid, who now is a writer.

its cheesey to come on here and vent my shit, but im kinda at lost, its affecting me way to much, and i dont know if i should just keep him as my best friend or tell him i love him, in more ways than 1, Cause god, hes amazing, and i would so die for him.

i love him that much

help ?



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Dear Jaysea,

it seems everyday you drag this burden with you is one to many.

I know how scared you must be to tell him, and I know you've given it some thoughts (like 1000+ times ;) ).

But at the end you should put your trust in your friendship.

You've been thru a lot and seem to have a lot in common.

Just try to talk to him and try to stay calm during the conversation, maybe think about which words to use. Maybe even prepare yourself for any reaction. Prevent yourself for being hurt, meaning that he might tell you that he doesn't feel the same. But these things happen, a lot. You're not the only one.

Staying calm will help the both of you I guess.

Please keep me posted on this one, ok?

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

The people who have answered this thread have really tried to shed insight into a painful situation. Well, all except you, but that seems to be the norm now isn't it?

yeh its funny how i bring down the intelligence quotient every time i post ..........

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if u wanna get technical, hes right, should of posted it in the Sex forum, but i didint, so Whatever, fucking deal, lol

but to the few people who didi kinda give me some info, it went along way. and i think the few who understand what its like "kinda get me". i know its cheesey to post your "life" on a message board, but i really was kinda desperate, seeing my friends really arent that Caring" lol But to each his own. anyway, thank you again.

Much much Love

See yea on the dance floor;)


P.S, see im not a bitch all the time LoL

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i think relationships with good or best friends is a good thing. it can be bad at times, but i learned fform experience that it was the way to go. im 26 and finally realized that any guy i met and hooke up with in less than a month never lasted. being friends first is a good foundation for a relationship. you care for him a lot too and that is important in a relationship too. you should tell him how you feel. if you are good friends it won't mess things up. if it's meant to be it will happen down the road. be patient. i was friends with my man for a year before we acknowledged we were ina relationship. best thing i ever did was be firends first and not jump into something we were not ready for. its the best relationship i've ever been in. :) seems like you've known your friend a wile, i say go for it. :)

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i think your right........

if anything u inspired me towait it out, ad maybe tell him down the road, and see what grows.

Well Hunny!! U just got your self a Drink on me!!


Pm Me, Jay>

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