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I Beat Out A Dwi

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last night around 3 in the morning I pull up to the toll booth of the varazanno narrows bridge. And the clerk was a jig (police officer) he asked me why I didn't have an inspection sticker; I sobered up right away. Gave him straight answers told him the situation with my signal light even showed him the light I bought the other day. then he asked how much I had to drink, I lied up and down telling him I do not drink. gave me a sobrity test made me put my feet together, lean my head back, close my eyes and count to thirty (I just tried doing it sober it's hard) I FAILED THAT. so here i am walking to the office with two jigs he explained he is going to give me a breathalizer I told him straight out, "I'M GOING TO PASS"

now he interagates me, seriously asking me questions on what i did all day. Straight out lies came out, but they came out smooth, no hesatation.

told him I was at werk all day met up with my friends that were sitting in the car, had dinner watched Sum Of All Fears then ended up at spa lounge my friends drank but not me I DON'T DRINK

In reality I got up around 2 in the afternoon watched tv, got a hair cut, changed my oil, tried to get laid. popped a vicodine then 11pm rolled around decided to go out, drank like a fish @ spa (spa played INSANE hip hop last night, not the usaual bullshit you would hear at lounges) popped a zanax and smoked a blunt right before I hit that bridge.

after i gave him that bullshit story about working all day, He Belived Me, didn't take the breathalizer, gave me an appoligy! and no ticket for the inspection

after he gave me the appoligy I shook his hand and told him, "don't worry about it" lol

bottom line is I am changing after this incident, I have been driving fucked up on god knows what since I was 17 and never got caught I was soo close on getting arrested last night. I sail in the merchant marines And if I get locked up they take my merchant marine document away and my career is FUCKED.

I think i drive good drunk, very cautious but can't take a risk like that again.

recovering a hangover


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Right decision, wrong reason (selfish).

My friend's little brother was killed by a drunk driver. She watched him die a slow and painful death in the hospital. :mad:

I don't buy that "I drive good fucked up" bullshit. EVERYBODY thinks they drive good fucked up. But if people really did, alcohol wouldn't be involved in a third to half of all car accidents.

>steps down from soap box<

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I should of expected responses like that even though I explained it will never happen again. But I won't let bullshit like that bring down my spirit, I'm still on a high that I got over on the system.

breaking out soon to finnaly watch Sum Of All Fears, if it was like the book, it would be worth the 9 dollars.

I am new and improved like your moms chest


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Originally posted by gonzojournilist

breaking out soon to finnaly watch Sum Of All Fears, if it was like the book, it would be worth the 9 dollars.

Here's a spoiler, dumbass. Sum of all Fears is the worst bastardization of a Clancy novel ever. You're better off spending that $9 on a cheap bottle of wine and hitting yourself over the head with it.

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Originally posted by hoke

Here's a spoiler, dumbass. Sum of all Fears is the worst bastardization of a Clancy novel ever. You're better off spending that $9 on a cheap bottle of wine and hitting yourself over the head with it.

why the anger?

you don't know anyone that has drivin fucked up?

do you show this much anger towards them.

maybe you use designated drivers, thats great...

but now your just taking cheap shots TRYING to abuse me.

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Originally posted by gonzojournilist

why the anger?

you don't know anyone that has drivin fucked up?

do you show this much anger towards them.

maybe you use designated drivers, thats great...

but now your just taking cheap shots TRYING to abuse me.

gimme a break. just because he or i or anyone may know someone has driven fucked up makes it okay to do it yourself? you deserve any verbal lashing you get. maybe if you had someone in your family killed by a drunk driver you would have a clue. :mad2:

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Consider yourself very very lucky. I've never heard of something like this before. The funny thing is there are many people on this board who won't rag on you, talk shit, or diss you because they also drink and drive. Let this be a lesson to all, it's not worth it. Take the train, let a friend drive, walk, who cares... just don't drive. It is definetely not worth the risk(of both an accident and going to jail) in my book. I'm glad you are making a change.

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Originally posted by asianvixen

so nimrods like you protect our country? that's good to know. :rolleyes::blown:

is this a knock at me being in the merchant marines

you really think everything is happy go lucky on a navy vessel?

you actually think everyone on board follows laws on land and at sea?

lot of shady individuals out there in the navy and esspesially the merchant marines

it's like prison but you get paid

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Originally posted by teklord310

Consider yourself very very lucky. I've never heard of something like this before. The funny thing is there are many people on this board who won't rag on you, talk shit, or diss you because they also drink and drive. Let this be a lesson to all, it's not worth it. Take the train, let a friend drive, walk, who cares... just don't drive. It is definetely not worth the risk(of both an accident and going to jail) in my book. I'm glad you are making a change.

More than that! What about the most important factor in this all---------INNOCENT PEOPLE. Our mothers. Our children. Our friends.

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Originally posted by gonzojournilist

why the anger?

you don't know anyone that has drivin fucked up?

do you show this much anger towards them.

maybe you use designated drivers, thats great...

but now your just taking cheap shots TRYING to abuse me.

I am the designated driver for my friends, moron. It's one reason why I moved to NY -- I know my friends here will take a cab or train, I don't have to keep an eye on them, and I feel safe having a few drinks myself.

When I can't do that (like if my friends live in NJ)... well... I accept that people I know do things I don't approve of -- I wouldn't have any friends if I didn't. But I would be seriously pissed off if one of them ever BRAGGED about it. :mad:

So yes, I show this much anger toward anyone like you. :blown:

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I can't say anything cause I always used to drive drunk. But this was years ago when I was living in eastern Washington ten miles outside of a small town (pop. 2,000). So coming home at night, it'd only be me and maybe some coyotes out so I didn't have to worry about hurting anyone other than myself. But in populated areas like this, there's too much of a risk that you're gonna hurt someone else. Glad to hear you're gonna make a change.

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I don't in any way advise driving under the influence (i've been stopped b4, long story), but i get what he says by beating the system :D

This past Saturday, i went to a park with my now-ex-gf. There were officers there, and they stopped everyone B4 entering. The popo asked me where i lived, and like Gonzo, the lie rolled right off. He let us through, i was glad, but my g/f was pissed that i told a "little white lie"

So now we're through, but im glad i beat the system anywho :tongue::D

BUt please, don't drink and drive... not kool :(

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Originally posted by gmccookny

I don't in any way advise driving under the influence (i've been stopped b4, long story), but i get what he says by beating the system :D

This past Saturday, i went to a park with my now-ex-gf. There were officers there, and they stopped everyone B4 entering. The popo asked me where i lived, and like Gonzo, the lie rolled right off. He let us through, i was glad, but my g/f was pissed that i told a "little white lie"

So now we're through, but im glad i beat the system anywho :tongue::D

BUt please, don't drink and drive... not kool :(

You didn't endanger anyone... except yourself, from your pycho ex. :D

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sorry Gonzo but I don't think anyone's gonna be impressed. The point is... for those of us who have lost someone because someone like you thought they could make it a few blocks after "drinking like a fish", it isn't okay when anyone drives drunk. And yes, those of us who've gone through the loss (Kurt Sweeney, still missed...) we DO yell at and rail on everyone who drives under the influence. Sorry, you're not special, you still suck for doing what you did, no one's impressed, so get back on your ship and review those discipline principles that were pounded into your head plebe year. Thanks.

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Nice job on getting out of the bad situation with the cop but lemme say this.... U R A FUCKIN IDIOT!!! Just cuz u've been lucky enough to not hurt urself or any1 else, doen't make it right. My friend's brother died in a drunk driving accident when he hit a tree and his SUV flipped after running over 2 little girls crossing the damn street!!! If you continue this, god forbid it might happen to fuckin u or some other innocent life and then it's gonna be 2 late.... there's not going 2 be a 2nd chance when u're responsible 4 lost lives and u're in fuckin jail on charges of manslaughter and reckless driving.... and it's definately over if u fuckin kill urself. So pleze, if u drink, dont fuckin drive and put ur own life, and especially other's lives in danger. It's cuz of idiots like u innocent ppl die!!!

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Originally posted by ellinita

Nice job on getting out of the bad situation with the cop but lemme say this.... U R A FUCKIN IDIOT!!! Just cuz u've been lucky enough to not hurt urself or any1 else, doen't make it right. My friend's brother died in a drunk driving accident when he hit a tree and his SUV flipped after running over 2 little girls crossing the damn street!!! If you continue this, god forbid it might happen to fuckin u or some other innocent life and then it's gonna be 2 late.... there's not going 2 be a 2nd chance when u're responsible 4 lost lives and u're in fuckin jail on charges of manslaughter and reckless driving.... and it's definately over if u fuckin kill urself. So pleze, if u drink, dont fuckin drive and put ur own life, and especially other's lives in danger. It's cuz of idiots like u innocent ppl die!!!

Exactly!!! But you know how it is... that kind of stuff always happens to "the other guy".. right? :rolleyes: Not....

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not that I condone driving under the influence of anything whatsoever even if you're on a prescription, but did you know that driving under the influence of alcohol is supposedly as bad as driving under the influence of crack? seriously alcohol is legal but that doesn't mean its safe, it seriously fucks up your ability to do anything, physically and mentally more than most drugs out there.

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told him I was at werk all day met up with my friends that were sitting in the car, had dinner watched Sum Of All Fears

You're lucky he didn't ask you about the movie

breaking out soon to finnaly watch Sum Of All Fears, if it was like the book, it would be worth the 9 dollars.
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Originally posted by gonzojournilist

:) I could careless what people say, I'm still on a high that I talked my way out of a breathalyzer.


Nice try... if you didn't care, you wouldn't have posted here... people post things like this because they want a response.

Sorry you didn't get the one you were looking for... loser. :laugh:

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