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Ill be the 1st to admit promoters have ruined the scene

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Havent you noticed something about the clubs lately? Most parties suck and the parties that dont suck are usually not ran by promotion meaning promoters. It was not that long ago where promoters would make $1 $2 a head on a list. Now you got everyone and their closest friends thinking their a promoter. These kids who think they promote exit or roxy think their a huge promoter well your wrong. You actually kill it for the promoters because you go out and try to start your own party and your party ends up doing 12 people with 11 of those people by the way of comps. With 12 parties going on and 12 different places with 12 different promoters running them on the same night kills all the parties. Look at soundfactory saturdays or vinyl fridays no promotion besides flyers and the exclusive promoters of the dj. People dont come to promoters parties no more simply because if you ask people to come and say its great blah blah they arent going to listen to you and think your just getting them for the money. Everyone I know hates promoters because a promoter is like a bullshitter. Dont get me wrong there are some good promoters out there but very few. I knew when i was 16 i thought i was hot shit promoting tunnel but than when I started my own parties it was a whole new ball game. Promotion is all about the music all about the people and all about the scene unforunately promotion has gone to all about the money.

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Originally posted by slyonspromos

Havent you noticed something about the clubs lately? Most parties suck and the parties that dont suck are usually not ran by promotion meaning promoters. It was not that long ago where promoters would make $1 $2 a head on a list. Now you got everyone and their closest friends thinking their a promoter. These kids who think they promote exit or roxy think their a huge promoter well your wrong. You actually kill it for the promoters because you go out and try to start your own party and your party ends up doing 12 people with 11 of those people by the way of comps. With 12 parties going on and 12 different places with 12 different promoters running them on the same night kills all the parties. Look at soundfactory saturdays or vinyl fridays no promotion besides flyers and the exclusive promoters of the dj. People dont come to promoters parties no more simply because if you ask people to come and say its great blah blah they arent going to listen to you and think your just getting them for the money. Everyone I know hates promoters because a promoter is like a bullshitter. Dont get me wrong there are some good promoters out there but very few. I knew when i was 16 i thought i was hot shit promoting tunnel but than when I started my own parties it was a whole new ball game. Promotion is all about the music all about the people and all about the scene unforunately promotion has gone to all about the money.

all about the money? that's where you err my friend. you contradict yourself. first you say kids are getting 12 kids in for $1 a head, then you say its all about the money. 12 bucks is all about the money? these kids can make 100 times more selling pills 'n jars inside of course if they stay low and don't attract attention of the house dealer where if you're at SF will promptly get you about 10 guys about 6'5 300 pounds ready to bash your face in and flush you down those dirty ass toilets.

but all joking aside, these kids are doing it for the same reason you did it when you were 16......cuz they think they're hot shit doing it, going around their high school telling ppl to come out and whatnot. and their friends think they're hot shit too cuz guess what? they're on the GUESTLIST!!! wooooohoooooo!!!!!!!



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I havent promoted in a while the only reason I keep posting under this name is because this was my original name. The city is dying out you will never see me work in another NYC club unless im the one throwing the party. I run parties in NJ but I dont charge my crowd any money and I buy them drinks all night so they end up going home happy. In that case Im not a promoter.

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. . Promotions is just like any other sales Job . . you got honest guys and gals who really belive in what they're doing, and will MAKE you believe in the product that they push . . . AND you also got shuysters who'll do anything for a buck . .

. . it all comes down to the honesty of the person talking .. .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . Promotions is just like any other sales Job . . you got honest guys and gals who really belive in what they're doing, and will MAKE you believe in the product that they push . . . AND you also got shuysters who'll do anything for a buck . .

. . it all comes down to the honesty of the person talking .. .

hence you have drawn an interesting parallel between a normal everyday position in sales and a crack dealer who sells to smoke.

i never liked sales.

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Originally posted by legend38

Most promoters are the biggest bullshit artists around.

yo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo come to dis pahty yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yo

yo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yo

yo yo yo yoyo sgonna be dope yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yo

yo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yo

yo yo yo yoyo only 40 bukz yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yo

yo yo yo yoyo yo i get u on da list yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yo

yo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yo

yo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yo

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The city is not dying out. Just mabye the parties you promoted. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Sf Sat still makes a hell of alot of money. Regardless if the crowd changed or not. Vinyl fri has been more paked than ever. Regardless if people are happy with the vinyl new comers. And from what I hear the lil kiddies love Roxy. NY is club capital. The nj scene will die out ages before Ny ever does. In nj more people go out for drinks and to have a good time. Most people dont even know the dj's names. Its just the opposite in ny. Mabye some parties have died but the Ny scene hasnt

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Originally posted by slyonspromos

Havent you noticed something about the clubs lately? Most parties suck and the parties that dont suck are usually not ran by promotion meaning promoters. It was not that long ago where promoters would make $1 $2 a head on a list. Now you got everyone and their closest friends thinking their a promoter. These kids who think they promote exit or roxy think their a huge promoter well your wrong. You actually kill it for the promoters because you go out and try to start your own party and your party ends up doing 12 people with 11 of those people by the way of comps. With 12 parties going on and 12 different places with 12 different promoters running them on the same night kills all the parties. Look at soundfactory saturdays or vinyl fridays no promotion besides flyers and the exclusive promoters of the dj. People dont come to promoters parties no more simply because if you ask people to come and say its great blah blah they arent going to listen to you and think your just getting them for the money. Everyone I know hates promoters because a promoter is like a bullshitter. Dont get me wrong there are some good promoters out there but very few. I knew when i was 16 i thought i was hot shit promoting tunnel but than when I started my own parties it was a whole new ball game. Promotion is all about the music all about the people and all about the scene unforunately promotion has gone to all about the money.

hey arent you promoting PVD @ Exit this Friday? :blank: ummm...VIP Party in the white Room?

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Originally posted by sfqtipie

The city is not dying out. Just mabye the parties you promoted. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Sf Sat still makes a hell of alot of money. Regardless if the crowd changed or not. Vinyl fri has been more paked than ever. Regardless if people are happy with the vinyl new comers. And from what I hear the lil kiddies love Roxy. NY is club capital. The nj scene will die out ages before Ny ever does. In nj more people go out for drinks and to have a good time. Most people dont even know the dj's names. Its just the opposite in ny. Mabye some parties have died but the Ny scene hasnt

. . you better venture outside this area before you make claims like that . .

. . I love people who think the NY scene is the mecca of everything . . let's just say there's many MANY places in this country, most of them unknown to most New Yorkers who can or could have Rocked the pants off of any regular around these parts . . .

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Originally posted by dr0ne

yo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo come to dis pahty yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yo

yo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yo

yo yo yo yoyo sgonna be dope yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yo

yo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yo

yo yo yo yoyo only 40 bukz yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yo

yo yo yo yoyo yo i get u on da list yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yo

yo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yo

yo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yoyo yo yo yo

Get there early and look for me, Ill comp you yo, but bring money just incase yo

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In this post I was only comparing NY to NJ. In my opinion Ny is Americas clubland. I am not talking about Europe or Ibiza or any other foerign countries which clearly have more talented DJ'S. I do believe that Ny is Americas "club capital" This is why our best DJ'S spin holiday weekends in places like vegas ans Miami:

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Who spins at these secret places? If you are talking about more exclusive places than Ny Im sure theres some but who has DT and JP? Well i guess its just my opinion., Everyones entitled to there own. Some people think Jp and dt suck so everythings subjective. This is just my opinion!!

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Originally posted by sfqtipie

Ive partied all over America and to me "musically" NY takes the cake.

. . hate to break it to you , but the southland and the west coast can (or could at one time) kick the shit out of new York from a purely musical standpoint . .. There are exceptions where NY wins . .but overal, it's just NOT the best as a whole. .

. . I've gone into this waaay to many times on this board, and I don't feel like arguing about it right now . . I will agree with you, New York IS a great place to go out and get your fill of beat subculture, it is not, however the best scene that has existed, or exists in this country . . ..

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Promoters do ruin the scene

in 92 storm raves were total underground the only competion it had was futureshock at limelight which also was sort of underground, then came along Alan Santuary and Scotto(nasa) they blew up the rave scene to what you know it is today. In 94 Park Rave started an Underground scene. after a year they got super commercial doing Madison Square, and then Fantasia 2 came along and so on.

shit me and my crew HFS, are to blame on this also, in 95 I tried to create an underground scene with cheap parties in bars and wooded areas around Staten Island, I had a following that averaged about 500 strong as soon as the numbers jumped to 1500 I shot for a Rave @ the South Jersey Expo Center (The First Party To Be Held There, Raving Loonatics) the majority of the crowd was 15 to 17 year old K feinds?

Now I just don't give a fuck I will not go out unless the DJ is worth it.

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