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Underwear talk


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Ok, if any of you read Savage Love's column in the Village Voice this week you'll know what I'm talkin about. Dan Savage was basically saying that tightie whities look best on boyish and slim and hairless guys. One women responded violently towards this comment by pleading not to encourage already fashion-challenged straight men to wear them because TW's get stained more easily than boxers and being forced to see something like that is a gross violation of a woman's peace of mind.

Dan Savage's response: "And I'm sorry, NMTW, but I hardly think a woman---a representative of the gender most likely to wear WRONG, RIDICULOUS, AWFUL thongs---is in any position to cast aspersions on males who wear tighty-whities! At the end of the day, the average man's TW is a hell of a lot cleaner than the average woman's butthole-huggin' thong!

I agree here with Dan. Not that I'm a tightie whitie fan, but NO THONGS FOR GIRLS! They don't look good on half who wear them and you can still see through pants/skirts, only instead of seeing rear coverage, you see a thong panty line!


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as far as tighy-whities, NO GUY should wear them...they do NOT look good on ANY GUYS....repeat, ANY guys, lol...boxer briefs are sexy and close enough, lol...

for girls, i agree with tastyt that panty lines are soooooo trashy/tacky...fat women should not wear thongs, but they should not wear yards of lycra either, and somehow, they ALWAYS do, lol...but seriously, how can a woman feel remotely sexy in a pair of granny panties?????

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Originally posted by suthrnbelle

as far as tighy-whities, NO GUY should wear them...they do NOT look good on ANY GUYS....repeat, ANY guys, lol...boxer briefs are sexy and close enough, lol...

for girls, i agree with tastyt that panty lines are soooooo trashy/tacky...fat women should not wear thongs, but they should not wear yards of lycra either, and somehow, they ALWAYS do, lol...but seriously, how can a woman feel remotely sexy in a pair of granny panties?????

I disagree, I thought no tighty whites for a long time until my b-freind had to wear them for the academy. I went to his house a few days right after he came home still in uniform. I must say with a white tee shirt along with his tan, no hair and buff body and his tighty whities he looked soooooooooo cute.... very clean. It was probally all the white and the tan. Not to say that if he had on boxer briefs he woud have looked even cutier though. He fell asleep in them and he just looked adorable.

As far as thongs go, overwieight females shoud stay far away from them, freakin' gross holy shit gross and panty lines are way tacky................. :D

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Originally posted by suthrnbelle

as far as tighy-whities, NO GUY should wear them...they do NOT look good on ANY GUYS....repeat, ANY guys, lol...boxer briefs are sexy and close enough, lol...

for girls, i agree with tastyt that panty lines are soooooo trashy/tacky...fat women should not wear thongs, but they should not wear yards of lycra either, and somehow, they ALWAYS do, lol...but seriously, how can a woman feel remotely sexy in a pair of granny panties?????

thongs are def sexy...and spandex is a privelage not a right, as far as men go.....tighty whities are alright...boxer breifs are very nice..:tongue:

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Originally posted by suthrnbelle

as far as tighy-whities, NO GUY should wear them...they do NOT look good on ANY GUYS....repeat, ANY guys, lol...boxer briefs are sexy and close enough, lol...

for girls, i agree with tastyt that panty lines are soooooo trashy/tacky...fat women should not wear thongs, but they should not wear yards of lycra either, and somehow, they ALWAYS do, lol...but seriously, how can a woman feel remotely sexy in a pair of granny panties?????

what she said & i love thongs. :tongue:
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