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Official Hoke's birthday dinner review and photos

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First off, thanks soooo much (for the umpteenth time) to Kristy for organizing this thing... I had a great time!

It was a very chill dinner; only nine people showed up: Joe, Kristy, Marci, Mikey (apotheosis), Yarin (teklord310), George (gmccookny, not the other George... that would have been interesting, lol), Eric (bigpoppanils), and dzadza, I think, who's real name I can't remember because I'm horrible with these things... sorry dude! (the ninth person, of course, was myself)

We ate outside, which was really nice if a bit humid. The food was delicious, and I hear the margueritas were very good too... I just had a beer, and as I now know, beer and antibiotics make for an interesting combination... for a while there I ended up feeling VERY sleepy! :eek:

So yeah, we just sat around and talked, mostly about the boards (what else, lol), and I got the impression that everyone was pretty content with the situation... I know I was.

I was definitely surprised when the waiter brought out a birthday dessert for me, complete with a single candle (to protect me from the embarassment of my age, I presume), and the table sang happy birthday to me! The ice cream was really tasty, but that wasn't the best of it... I've only known people from CP for a couple of months now, and it makes me sooooo happy to not only be accepted, but also treated so well :) I know that some people will never be much more than acquaintances who I see out from time to time, but I feel that I have a few real friends in the making, and it puts a smile on my face just to think of it :)

It was a great, relaxing way to spend a birthday evening... sometimes a quiet party is so much more rewarding than an all-out binge... I hope that more people will come to the next one, even if it isn't for something as *special* as my birthday :rolleyes::D

In a minute I'll be posting some photos I took...

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Yo Hoke... Happy xxrd Birthday once again!!

It was definetely a pleasant evening. Very good restaurant, awesome food and the best part about the night was the company. We all had a great time and got to know one another. The after party was kind of weak, but like you said... club kids are lost when the clubs are closed. I couldn't believe we were in NYC and couldn't find anything to do.

Nice pics!! me like! Take care --Yarin

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Originally posted by cintron

Wow Marci is SHORT :)

Did you guys have a tossing contest?

omg!!! i was just looking at that pic thinking the same thing....WTF! I even wore my nut crushers!!!! And yeah, I'd lay the smackdown on anyone who tried to "TOSS" me!!! :mad:

but Hoke, sweetie...we are you friends bebs! I hope we made your bday worthwhile!!!


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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

goddamnit rackham! you said u were gonna photoshop me out f that picture! or at least replace my head with that of frakenberry!

you bastid! :cry:

Oops! <finger hanging from corner of mouth innocently> :D

Marci: :kiss2:

Cat: you were missed...

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awwwwwwww I'm glad you enjoyed your day....at first I was sad that more people didn't come, but it was nice just us because we were actually able to have conversations..... hehe yeah finally got to have my own frozen blood orange margaritas :)

Rackham--- It was hard to find out which desert you would like and one that I could put a candle in.... I was afraid you were going to be too full to enjoy it too! :)

hehehe what?????? the after party is going to get it's own thread ???? hehe

next time WE GO TO THE ORGY!!!!

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Originally posted by snoozi8

Rackham--- It was hard to find out which desert you would like and one that I could put a candle in.... I was afraid you were going to be too full to enjoy it too! :)

It was perfect. :) George liked it a lot too, lol.

Originally posted by snoozi8

hehehe what?????? the after party is going to get it's own thread ???? hehe

next time WE GO TO THE ORGY!!!!

Oh yeah... the afterparty... sitting on a bench in Union Square. Watch out for us, kids! We're the party animals your parents warned you about!!!! :rolleyes:;):D

Nah... that was good too. I really wanted to take it easy last night. It was a nice way to wind down the evening after dinner. :)

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