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A lesson for the CP kids...

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This info has been passed down from generation to generation of clubkids... as to protect/educate the youths from the evils of clubland females...

Jack Tripper - v. 1. the act of revealing to someone that your feelings for them are merely platonic, 2. to allow someone to spend time with you, giving him or her the false understanding that there will eventually be romance.


1. "Yo, last night I was hanging out with this cutie, having a great time, and then she totally jack trippered me!"

2. "She jack trippered me into picking her up from class!"

3. "It's just plain sad to get jack trippered after you wine and dine a girl."

Learn It, Live it, Avoid It... Don't thank me... thank the

Legendary Reverand Doctor BrooklynKid Mike C.

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To best explain it, I use this example:

You know you're being "jacked" when...

1. You're picking up a female friend at the airport only to be asked to drop her off at her boyfriend's house.

2. You're driving your female friend to a club, she ditches you all night to hook up with a shirtless guido, and then you're driving her home afterwards.

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I dunno, cannot sympathise, only relate.

I guess I'm to paranoid in the first place to get worked over like that.

However I always find myself in relationships like that, there is sex, there is romance, but the whole point of the thing is "can i live with you?"

or "marry me and make my daddy happy?"

Some crap like that...

I know my current girl had some dude drive her from some place to my house, it must have been bad to be him tho....

Anyways in all moments of life!

Now, not to sound like a Misogenist :D


A) Paranoya Saves time and money!

B) If you think its TRUE no matter what she sez, IT PROBABLY IS!!

C) In all human interactions SOMEONE has power, if its not you, it's prolly HER!

D) Dumber GIRLS (and ppl in general) do dumber things.

E) Suplication is not the way out!

Dont take anyone out to dinner or provide rides etc.. unless you allready know them and are in some sort of interaction with them. Do NOT buy any female a drink at a club unless you have drink tickets and are promoting!

CARS, Money, other crap do not matter in your dating stature, neither does braggin.

If a girl finds you attractive she won't say it but in the words or Chris Rock she knows if she is going to get with you "right then and there" unless you ofcourse say something STUPID! :D

BUT That's just my opinion, I could be wrong

PS. USERS EXIST in every walk of life, financial and social demographic

spot users and you won't get used.

Or USE the user back! :D

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Originally posted by snoozi8

so what's it called when a guy misleads a girl??? hmmmm a female on television who guys have always wanted to be friends with....... ????


why? because all guys want sex... so no (hetero) guy will mislead a girl and not have sex with her... :laugh:

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Originally posted by snoozi8

so what's it called when a guy misleads a girl??? hmmmm a female on television who guys have always wanted to be friends with....... ????

At least if a guy acts like he wants to get laid, it's because he does. :D

Sometimes I wish I were gay... my sex life would be so much more straightforward. :rolleyes:

EDIT: dammit Joe beat me to it...

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Originally posted by snoozi8

so what's it called when a guy misleads a girl??? hmmmm a female on television who guys have always wanted to be friends with....... ????

. . . well . . it's the same syndrome as the "guy friends with girls" situation . . .

. . you know . . an old boss of mine put it perfectly one day while we were wasting time one afternoon. .

. . He's like: "Mike, there's no such thing as a female friend . . . they're just chicks you haven't fucked yet. . . " . . And that's very true alot of the times from the outset of a guy/girl relationship . . I'm not saying that it's always the case, but that's usually the norm. . . .

. . Now, the simple fact of the matter is . . if a chick wants to be friends with you . . it simply implies that she's not attracted to you, hence NOT willing to fuck you . . but she DOES find you appealing enough to associate with . . yeah, it's a pain at times, but it can be enriching as well . .

. . . Same on the flipside . . when a male says he just wants to be "friends" with a girl, that means he doesn't find the girl in question attractive enough to fuck. . . that simple . . .

. . :aright: . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Same on the flipside . . when a male says he just wants to be "friends" with a girl, that means he doesn't find the girl in question attractive enough to fuck. . . that simple . . .

. . :aright: . . .

Ah... but never forget the wise words of Billy Crystal in "When Harry Met Sally"...

"Nah, you pretty much wanna nail them too."


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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . you know . . an old boss of mine put it perfectly one day while we were wasting time one afternoon. .

. . He's like: "Mike, there's no such thing as a female friend . . . they're just chicks you haven't fucked yet. . . " . . And that's very true alot of the times from the outset of a guy/girl relationship . . I'm not saying that it's always the case, but that's usually the norm. . . .

My freshman yr, HS english teacher ALWAYS said that...


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Originally posted by hoke

... a girl invites you to her apartment after a long night of drinking... and makes you a bed on her couch.

Hold up....what if the girl doesn't want your drunk ass to drive home drunk?

I am currently getting the backlash from a guy who thought we were dating, but I thought we were just happy hour buddies....

Guys, wouldn't you get a clue if - in 10 months, 1 quick kiss goodbye, you alternate paying for the tab, no phone calls, all planning communication is done through emails - that you ain't getting any and are in the friend category???

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Originally posted by hoke

... a girl invites you to her apartment after a long night of drinking... and makes you a bed on her couch.

.. it's better than being thrown to the curb...

". . Now, the simple fact of the matter is . . if a chick wants to be friends with you . . it simply implies that she's not attracted to you, hence NOT willing to fuck you . . but she DOES find you appealing enough to associate with . . yeah, it's a pain at times, but it can be enriching as well . ."

untrue for me, at least. i have been and am attracted to some of my friends, but attraction is not the only thing that determines whether i'd be in a relationship with someone.

"..Sometimes I wish I were gay... my sex life would be so much more straightforward. "

was that sarcasm? :P 'cause you know love/sex lives are NEVER straightforward. anyone who thinks so is not paying attention...

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I agree.. girls are fucked up.....BUT.. if a guy drives a girl to a club, she ditches him all night to hook up with a guy and he still drives her home and he gets a piece than its a differnet story.. guys work in weird ways as well as girls do..

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