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Big Trucks, infront of VINYL/ARC Awww Shit

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You're absolutely right. The party started out primarily with gay men. The more of them there are the less of the straight boring people we'll see. I love the way everyone is calling it their party. As far as I'm concerned it isn't your party unless you were there from the beginning and following Danny since his earlier days.

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

You're missing my point. I too am a child of the P.L.U.R. mentality, and for the LONGEST time I believed in it. But I've seen TOO many clubs die for absolutely NO reason other than they couldn't pay enough for protection or the crowd mentality changed to the point when there WERE people actively destroying that beautiful concept of inclusiveness.

These juiceheads ARE those people. They ARE the ones who will walk into a place and slowly, over time INFECT a nightspot with their pretentiousness and game. They speak in terms of "OUR PARTY" ... ITS OUR PARTY NOW!! Well, when the FUCK it is going to me MY party and STAY THAT WAY. When the fuck can I feel safe that the place that I LOVE to go out to every weekend is gonna be around to welcome me with open arms??

Well??? When!!?!! Cause from what I see in this beautiful city is ALL THE FUCK WRONG. These juicebags don't care about PLUR, they never fucking did!!! All the fucking care about is taking off their shirts and flexing for the FUCKING crowd. Well, you know what? YOU CAN DO THAT AT FACTORY.

STAY THEE FUCK OUTA VINYL!!!! Cause if I rolled into factory with my crew one Saturday night, you'd be DAMNED SURE I'd be given shit for the way I am.


Embodiedhate, I assume you're one of the original Vinyl partygoers in disguise! I agree wholeheartedly with what you've said here. You said it very bluntly, but it's the truth. I think most people don't want to admit they ARE the problem. Sorry, but I don't think too many ORIGINAL Vinyl regulars post on THIS board except for a select few. Most serious attendees used to post on dtenaglia.com when it existed.

What are we gonna do about this problem? I really don't know, but since stupid Twilo closed down, everyone came to Vinyl and started saying Danny Tengalia was their favorite dj. I doubt it'll ever be the same.

Should we accept this change? Times are different now...I think we were lucky to have a party like Be Yourself because even when the party started there was shit out there like Sound Factory and Exit. Suddenly clubbers became more aware.

Sorry I've rambled.

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original vinyl goers my ass. i wasn't into clubbing that long so i wouldn't be one of them. who cares about that shit it's about who goes now. i like the vinyl party but only if i go with my girl friend. i aint got time for no gay fegs.

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Originally posted by donnie

original vinyl goers my ass. i wasn't into clubbing that long so i wouldn't be one of them. who cares about that shit it's about who goes now. i like the vinyl party but only if i go with my girl friend. i aint got time for no gay fegs.

Then I can guarantee you're a closet case!

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Originally posted by donnie

original vinyl goers my ass. i wasn't into clubbing that long so i wouldn't be one of them. who cares about that shit it's about who goes now. i like the vinyl party but only if i go with my girl friend. i aint got time for no gay fegs.

. . . I think you should refer to Embodiedhate's first response to Smokesum above . . .

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Originally posted by donnie

original vinyl goers my ass. i wasn't into clubbing that long so i wouldn't be one of them. who cares about that shit it's about who goes now. i like the vinyl party but only if i go with my girl friend. i aint got time for no gay fegs.

You see!! THIS is what I'm fucking talking about. YOU donnie are the FUCKING PROBLEM.

Siceone: You are so right.

Cintron: I'm glad you can see my point, I'm just too tired of it all to be diplomatic anymore.

Smokesum: I apologize (Hell just froze over ;) ) for snapping like that, but you have to admit that this IS a REAL issue in the REAL world with nightlife.

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Originally posted by donnie

i aint got time for no gay fegs.

You're there to party and have a good time. If you ever looked around and talked to other people (which is really what people should do more of), you'd realize that "gay fegs" not only are usually incredibly cool and know a HELL of a lot more about things than you do, but they contribute extensively to making the party what it is.

Danny's gay. So you ain't got time for him? stuff the hatred, kid.

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Your from the bronx.... i see


And if you had any fucking clue about anything, u would know GAY MEN STARTED THIS SHIT IN NYC, way before i even was old enough to Dance

now go back to your bath house, and your cheesey PA Pumped circuit music, at your local bronx bath house, and try to grab any "feg" that will Stay Still long enought, so u can stick your STD ridden dick in "the Feg"

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Originally posted by donnie

original vinyl goers my ass. i wasn't into clubbing that long so i wouldn't be one of them. who cares about that shit it's about who goes now. i like the vinyl party but only if i go with my girl friend. i aint got time for no gay fegs.

wow...what an ignorant fool...i hope you get gangraped one of these days...:)

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Originally posted by jaysea

Your from the bronx.... i see


And if you had any fucking clue about anything, u would know GAY MEN STARTED THIS SHIT IN NYC, way before i even was old enough to Dance

now go back to your bath house, and your cheesey PA Pumped circuit music, at your local bronx bath house, and try to grab any "feg" that will Stay Still long enought, so u can stick your STD ridden dick in "the Feg"

. . now THAT's hate . . . right on!! . . . ;) . . .

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