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yo...that movie "DISCO BLOODBATH" is gonna fuckin rock.

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Originally posted by jaysea

and clubs were cool than, Limelight wed night's arrival time 2am

NOTHING beats Limelight circa 1993-95, I was a regular almost every weekend, and Disco 2000 was CRAZY!!!

The stage shows at Factory now are nothing compared to the debauchary that went on at Limelight!!!

Kids today just don't know!!!

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Originally posted by jaysea

No, the movie is called DISCO BLOOD BATH


party monster is a Documentery on "US" or "WAS"

party monster has been out since fucken 96-97?

THANK YOU VERY FUCKIN MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally someone who DOESSSSSSSSSSS know what the fuck they are talking about cause everyone loves to think they were apart of this era...like from reading some of your posts and yer sig i know yer legit but assholes like that redd606950 mofo just talk from their ass cause of what they read on the internet.

THE MOVIE PARTY MONSTER WAS THE 1-hour documentary abou ALIG...you can buy it on VHS since 96 or 97.

THE BOOK...DISCO BLOODBATH...WRITTEN BY JAMES ST. JAMES....IS BEING CURRENTLY MADE INTO A FUCKING MOVIE AND IS NARRATED BY JAMES ST. JAMES (not the real one but the guy who plays him in the movie..i think seth green)

Any other fuckin no-it-alls out there??

btw....jaysea....your one of them mofos i was refering to as far as living in that era....though you prolly not my kinda people's or some dude i could talk chics with (no offense lol) you seem pretty chill and i wouldnt doubt that u know Alig cause a loooooooota people do...and a few individuals i know were pen pals with him in jail...but after everything...everyone says the same shit who i come in contact with...and that is...that....alig is a still a murderer and thats why he is in jail...and its like they are facinated by his rise and fail in the club scene but yet...the fact still remains that he is in jail for a reason and its not to glorify his actions.

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Originally posted by Kermzy

NOTHING beats Limelight circa 1993-95, I was a regular almost every weekend, and Disco 2000 was CRAZY!!!

The stage shows at Factory now are nothing compared to the debauchary that went on at Limelight!!!

Kids today just don't know!!!

ur right..we dont know shit..i remem. bein like 14-15 hangin out in the vill. thinkin i was the coolest kid in the world cause im out late ..and id c the clubkids and be fuckin amazed while all my friends would sit there talkin about how weird and freaky they r...clubs were the shit back then....

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you are so Right, micheal was a friend, and not just a drug addict i went out with, but he was a close firned, Fuck he lived with me for 6 months, he was in fact a good friend, sometimes people dont let you see them for who they really are, and if u add drugs into that Equation, u dont see people for who they are at all really,

people make him out to be some Saint

in some ways he was Amazing, he took a DEAD NYC, i mean Ny was Rich bitch, posh, clubs u had to be famouce to get in, it was DULL, and it had been DULL, even tho i started going out at 16, in 89, i had cousins who were older and told me it was DULL

he didi something NO ONE WAS DOING, and he made a Sub culture, of run away's into Super Star's

Yes he made history...

but what the camera's and ALL OF YOU didint see

who werent part of it, (and even some of us didint see it)

Was that he had a Dark Side..

michael as James once said and Quoted in his book

"Was a monster"


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Originally posted by jaysea

you are so Right, micheal was a friend, and not just a drug addict i went out with, but he was a close firned, Fuck he lived with me for 6 months, he was in fact a good friend, sometimes people dont let you see them for who they really are, and if u add drugs into that Equation, u dont see people for who they are at all really,

people make him out to be some Saint

in some ways he was Amazing, he took a DEAD NYC, i mean Ny was Rich bitch, posh, clubs u had to be famouce to get in, it was DULL, and it had been DULL, even tho i started going out at 16, in 89, i had cousins who were older and told me it was DULL

he didi something NO ONE WAS DOING, and he made a Sub culture, of run away's into Super Star's

Yes he made history...

but what the camera's and ALL OF YOU didint see

who werent part of it, (and even some of us didint see it)

Was that he had a Dark Side..

michael as James once said and Quoted in his book

"Was a monster"


too bad that were regressing. were getting back to those WHO DO U KNOW lounge/clubs...ppl like alig i guess made it fun even though they took it to extremes sometimes..

today there really arent too many people who know how to bug out like the club kids back then did...closest i can think of when it comes to individuality is the Goth circle or perhaps the candy kids who i must say r as annoying as a week old hemhhorroid.

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Everything works in cycles and something tells me that now that the Guiliani-era is over, the club kids might make a resurgance.

But they better work cause the drag queens of today have nothing on the Divas of yester-year, trust me!!!!

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