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Ice Cream Scooping tips...

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ok so fuckin...i am doing nothing but getting fat as i get better and this fuckin ice cream is pissin me off hardcore.

I use the traditional plastic scooper as anyone else would...loose patience...say fuck it....then grab a stainless steel tablefuckinspoon and start scoopin the bitch.

Problem is..is that i wind up bending the fuckin spoon cause the ice cream is too cold and doesnt scoop out smoothly.

Now i thought of running hot water on either spoon but THAT makes my shit soggy and watery which pisses me off more so what can i do to get this damn ice cream out of this half gallon container?!?!? :mad:

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Originally posted by joeg

if you keep spoonin all that ice cream down, you're gonna end up with quoth mantitties...

yo no fuckin joke...i have gained 12 lbs since i got out the hospital...im on steroids (anti-inflammatorys) and the main side effect is increased appetitie.

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Originally posted by quoth

see...now your living out the true stereotype that fat people are lazy.

well if i'm going to do it, i gotta do it right...

i'd type more... but moving my fingers is too much effort...

mmmmmm..... burger.jpg

:drool: :drool: :drool:

oh, wait, what was I saying??? :confused:

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Originally posted by joeg

well if i'm going to do it, i gotta do it right...

i'd type more... but moving my fingers is too much effort...

mmmmmm..... burger.jpg

:drool: :drool: :drool:

oh, wait, what was I saying??? :confused:

anyone ever tell ya yer a lost cause?

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Originally posted by joeg

well with you getting that sex change, I had to tell myself every day.

uh :confused:

off topic: you know whats so fuckin amazing bout this place..people get so pissed at me sometimes for hijacking their threads, yet...when someone hijacks mine i dont give a fuck LOL.....hell...most of my own threads i even hijack myself...i mean we are talkin bout big macs, joeg's fattness and lazyness, and now some funny attempt he throws some sex change shit where i dont even know comes from...i mean the topic WAS bout my ice cream debacle and still no one has helped me :( Think how i feel.

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Originally posted by quoth

uh :confused:

off topic: you know whats so fuckin amazing bout this place..people get so pissed at me sometimes for hijacking their threads, yet...when someone hijacks mine i dont give a fuck LOL.....hell...most of my own threads i even hijack myself...i mean we are talkin bout big macs, joeg's fattness and lazyness, and now some funny attempt he throws some sex change shit where i dont even know comes from...i mean the topic WAS bout my ice cream debacle and still no one has helped me :( Think how i feel.

Aren't you in the hospital because of your sexchange opperation??? :confused:

Thats what everyone told me...

:( Think how i feel.

hahhahahahaha, cry about it, maryanne.


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Originally posted by joeg

Aren't you in the hospital because of your sexchange opperation??? :confused:

Thats what everyone told me...

hahhahahahaha, cry about it, maryanne.


what a faggot :laugh:

yer cornyness makes me laugh like hell.

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Originally posted by echostar

get a stainless steel scoop:idea:

douche...what the fuck u smokin?

i tried a tablespoon or however big a fuckin spoon it was..made of stainless steel....the fuckin spoon literally bent from all the force.

I think im just gonna claim the half gallon as mine and make no one else touch it..and just eat it out of the container. :idea:

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