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Why is vinyl now arc?????

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yo if u ask me, a Dj that loves spining at a gay club, must be GAY

vinly sucks cause of the crowd and it is way to small

DT should get his ass to a bigger club, or atleast to another club where guys go out lookin for girls to bang, not other guys

DT is an awsome DJ and could probably be makin alot more money somewhere else and also let alot of other people expericence his talent

DT must be gay, or like gays or something. i dont go to vinly cause i dont want any guy grabbing my ass, but i would love to hear DT spin,

donnie is right, DT is a gay Dj that likes gays

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Originally posted by lefty5b

yo if u ask me, a Dj that loves spining at a gay club, must be GAY

vinly sucks cause of the crowd and it is way to small

DT should get his ass to a bigger club, or atleast to another club where guys go out lookin for girls to bang, not other guys

DT is an awsome DJ and could probably be makin alot more money somewhere else and also let alot of other people expericence his talent

DT must be gay, or like gays or something. i dont go to vinly cause i dont want any guy grabbing my ass, but i would love to hear DT spin,

donnie is right, DT is a gay Dj that likes gays


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well i think u guys who talk this much about vinyl must be gay too cause i go there and it's very hard to find straight people. all those gay guys hit on me. and when i dance with a girl they blow me off cause they gay. ah well what eva. i don't want no drama. i don't care

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Originally posted by lefty5b

yo if u ask me, a Dj that loves spining at a gay club, must be GAY

vinly sucks cause of the crowd and it is way to small

DT should get his ass to a bigger club, or atleast to another club where guys go out lookin for girls to bang, not other guys

DT is an awsome DJ and could probably be makin alot more money somewhere else and also let alot of other people expericence his talent

DT must be gay, or like gays or something. i dont go to vinly cause i dont want any guy grabbing my ass, but i would love to hear DT spin,

donnie is right, DT is a gay Dj that likes gays

Ok, here's what you and donnie can do. You want to learn, donnie? Then listen up.

First, learn RESPECT. It's something that ADULTS understand and i emphazise ADULTS because all too many people coming into clubs are behaving like 5th graders in a sandbox that's too small. Once you understand RESPECT, then COME BACK to the party and EXPERIENCE what it's like to walk into a place where you can talk to ANYONE, share a story or a smile with ANYONE and NOBODY gives you shit, nobody judges you or starts drama, and everybody RESPECTS (there's that word again!) your individuality.

If this post seems like a bunch of bullshit to you, then stay home!

Vinyl is NOT a place to go if you just need some hard background music to camoflauge your ass-grabbing mission. If you're out to get laid and float around in a world of alcohol and sex, please don't come to the party.

And in case you don't seem to understand, the gay scene FOUNDED a LOT of the music and nightlife that you now enjoy.

Give some props where props are due, because without them and their talent, chances are you'd never have known what it's like to go out to a place like Vinyl.

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Well number one i aint disrespecting anyone. number 2 i am a man who gives props and seeing as if i know nothing about nyc night lifes history i wouldn't now that and number 3 the gay scene just aint my thing(i didn't mean to offend any of the gay people on this site) I don't really care i was just saying that the gay scene is for a gay dj.

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Originally posted by donnie

Well number one i aint disrespecting anyone. number 2 i am a man who gives props and seeing as if i know nothing about nyc night lifes history i wouldn't now that and number 3 the gay scene just aint my thing(i didn't mean to offend any of the gay people on this site) I don't really care i was just saying that the gay scene is for a gay dj.

Well if you're new, all you had to do was say so, man.

If you want to know some history, do lookup stuff about NYC clubs. In fact, here have a history lesson from the Man himself :)


Definitely read Danny's post. It's long but it'll teach you a lot about the nightlife's history. Makes you feel a part of something special.

And btw, the gay scene ain't just for a gay DJ. There are LOTS of DJ's who are gay, but why would they spin exclusively to a gay crowd?

it's all about being happy and enjoying music, regardless of who spins it. If you like it, then it's for you, y'know?

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damn roninmess. ;) within a MINUTE of each other posting the same thing. haha. Good call. History lessons are a good thing :)

ease up on the boy, he's a newbie and just needs guidance.

We gotta educate instead of hate, if we want to see the scene grow healthy.

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Be yourself is a wack theme. that shit is played out. and i don't ruin anything. I go to vinyl i like the place i just wish they would change the vibe. Thats what i think and if that bothers u then u should start off by giving yourself a reality check

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Originally posted by cintron

damn roninmess. ;) within a MINUTE of each other posting the same thing. haha. Good call. History lessons are a good thing :)

ease up on the boy, he's a newbie and just needs guidance.

We gotta educate instead of hate, if we want to see the scene grow healthy.

okay these same time posts are getting freaky...:shake:

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chill out kid. you're new, you just said it yourself. Be yourself is NOT a wack theme, if you can cut through the sarcasm of the "too cool for you" crowd.

I think you'll find after a while it's something you really appreciate, when people adhere to it.

as for the vibe, well when i first started going the vibe was great.

I'm sure before that it was even better.

As of late it seems to be suffering because more people are coming in with chips on their shoulders.

Shame i don't see many people dancing with smiles on their faces anymore. Most of em wear sunglasses now and just shuffle their feet :(

oh and Ronin ;) yeah man haha. We really gotta stop this. :D

Hell come out to deepdish on saturday. if we're typing the same things, i'd hate to see our reactions to the tracks!

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Originally posted by cintron

oh and Ronin ;) yeah man haha. We really gotta stop this. :D

Hell come out to deepdish on saturday. if we're typing the same things, i'd hate to see our reactions to the tracks!

you better believe i am goin to see deep dish. Closed it out last time i saw them in march..... planning on doin so this week too!

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yeah so did I!! haha :) Damn i was on the speaker back by the stage for the last 45 mins or so. I just couldn't get enough of that hard ass tech-house!!! (Or was it just pitched down techno? I couldn't tell, LOL).

Damn that was an insane night. Can't wait to hear it on the phazon... but... No speakers to sit on, no place to sit and bob your head... and i dunno if you noticed but the new floor is REALLY sticky. :( I'm just waiting to twist an ankle on that thing.

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Originally posted by donnie

I think they should have turned vinyl into a all gay club and let someother dj spin there. Teneglia should go spin somewhere else. Well i'm not that educated on a matter like this so maybe i should shut up, but how does teneglia put up with the gay crowd. Because a dj loves what they do and teneglia must love what he does for that gay crowd. or maybe he is gay.

**(I know I'm late on this one, I just woke up)**

Traslation time!!!:

I think they should have turned vinyl into a all S&M club complete with Circus Midgets and Real LIVE Vampire Bats. Teneglia should go spin somewhere else, Like Exit and they should bring Draper to Vinyl. Think of the MASSIVE PILES cracked out Asian kiddies...We could have contests where the Juicebabies will pile them up to the ceiling, and the first one to reach it gets to whip one lucky member of the crowd ferociously with a 12 inch black dildo. Well i'm not that educated on a matter like this so maybe i should shut up, but I do love getting whipped by hunky shirless guys! HOO BABY, THAT'S HOT!! How does teneglia put up with the gay crowd because I know I could never contain myself with that much hunky sausage around me. A dj loves what they do and teneglia must love what he does for that gay crowd. or maybe he is gay.

..and so on..:rolleyes::aright:

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Originally posted by lefty5b

yo if u ask me, a Dj that loves spining at a gay club, must be GAY

vinly sucks cause of the crowd and it is way to small

DT should get his ass to a bigger club, or atleast to another club where guys go out lookin for girls to bang, not other guys

DT is an awsome DJ and could probably be makin alot more money somewhere else and also let alot of other people expericence his talent

DT must be gay, or like gays or something. i dont go to vinly cause i dont want any guy grabbing my ass, but i would love to hear DT spin,

donnie is right, DT is a gay Dj that likes gays

if thats true...then most dj's are gay


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do you really believe this shit that you are saying? cause you are being ridiculously closed minded which contradicts the essence of vinyl. i'd like to believe that you are just fucking with this board because it is painful to believe that ppl think like you. or maybe my hopes for NYC are too high. :(

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first of all i have shown no ignorance on the matter at all. forget about the history and just realize what vinly is right now. it is a dark hidden underground club, which i like in that respect. But what i dont like is that it is really becoming a Gay club. be urself means, be gay if u r, thats y gays go.

you can go to SF and everyone their is mad chill wit u. you can go and "tell stories" to people and socialize. also the girls are mad hot and u dont need to worry about any guys grabbing ur ass.

by the fact that i dont like the vinly scene, dont mistake that as me not liking DT, i think the is one of the best Dj's, but if he goes somewhere to like exit or somewhere bigger that has a differnect scene, i would be there every week to see him.

vinly is to small of a place for me to be surrounded by gays in

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first of all i have shown no ignorance on the matter at all. forget about the history and just realize what vinly is right now. it is a dark hidden underground club, which i like in that respect. But what i dont like is that it is really becoming a Gay club. be urself means, be gay if u r, thats y gays go.

you can go to SF and everyone their is mad chill wit u. you can go and "tell stories" to people and socialize. also the girls are mad hot and u dont need to worry about any guys grabbing ur ass.

by the fact that i dont like the vinly scene, dont mistake that as me not liking DT, i think the is one of the best Dj's, but if he goes somewhere to like exit or somewhere bigger that has a differnect scene, i would be there every week to see him.

vinly is to small of a place for me to be surrounded by gays in

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Originally posted by lefty5b

first of all i have shown no ignorance on the matter at all. forget about the history and just realize what vinly is right now. it is a dark hidden underground club, which i like in that respect. But what i dont like is that it is really becoming a Gay club. be urself means, be gay if u r, thats y gays go.

you can go to SF and everyone their is mad chill wit u. you can go and "tell stories" to people and socialize. also the girls are mad hot and u dont need to worry about any guys grabbing ur ass.

by the fact that i dont like the vinly scene, dont mistake that as me not liking DT, i think the is one of the best Dj's, but if he goes somewhere to like exit or somewhere bigger that has a differnect scene, i would be there every week to see him.

vinly is to small of a place for me to be surrounded by gays in

Vinyl is not a social club. You'd do well to listen to Cintron... he has the best attitude about clubbing that I've ever seen, and I promise you if you were partying with him, you wouldn't care whether the rest of the crowd were gay, straight, black, white, albino, upside down or backwards... he and the rest of the "Starscape Crew" ;) have "Be Yourself" ingrained in their souls, and it's people like that who make a great party... not hot asses and strong drinks.

I for one am looking forward to Saturday and the WHOLE experience... gays and all.

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