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Why is vinyl now arc?????

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Originally posted by lefty5b

first of all i have shown no ignorance on the matter at all. forget about the history and just realize what vinly is right now. it is a dark hidden underground club, which i like in that respect. But what i dont like is that it is really becoming a Gay club. be urself means, be gay if u r, thats y gays go.

you can go to SF and everyone their is mad chill wit u. you can go and "tell stories" to people and socialize. also the girls are mad hot and u dont need to worry about any guys grabbing ur ass.

by the fact that i dont like the vinly scene, dont mistake that as me not liking DT, i think the is one of the best Dj's, but if he goes somewhere to like exit or somewhere bigger that has a differnect scene, i would be there every week to see him.

vinly is to small of a place for me to be surrounded by gays in

I just said a prayer for you.....

poor child:(

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Originally posted by lefty5b

first of all i have shown no ignorance on the matter at all. forget about the history and just realize what vinly is right now. it is a dark hidden underground club, which i like in that respect. But what i dont like is that it is really becoming a Gay club. be urself means, be gay if u r, thats y gays go.

you can go to SF and everyone their is mad chill wit u. you can go and "tell stories" to people and socialize. also the girls are mad hot and u dont need to worry about any guys grabbing ur ass.

by the fact that i dont like the vinly scene, dont mistake that as me not liking DT, i think the is one of the best Dj's, but if he goes somewhere to like exit or somewhere bigger that has a differnect scene, i would be there every week to see him.

vinly is to small of a place for me to be surrounded by gays in

Sorry to inform you there dingleberry, but your precious little SF happens to be the club that has MORE TRANNIES and especially MORE BISEXUAL MEN AND WOMEN.

But ummm, I guess cause you're so macho and straight and that you don't go to gay clubs that you would have made a case for yourself by mentioning a different club.....it just goes to show the intelligence behind the person making the comment.

Stay at SF where all the straight people go.

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first of all there are about a handful of trannies that go to SF, and for a club of that size is not bad at all

2nd ly i have yet to see 2 guys dancing together or kissin at SF, and if u ever see girls doin that kind of stuff their it is all for show.

dont ever try to tell me that SF is a gay club, SF is the place where u can find some of the prettiest club goes of NYC

and by u callin me "dingleberry" just goes to show ur lack of intelligence cause u feel the need to degrade me by callin me a name

SF has the best crowd best atmospehere and best scence then any other club as of right now

to sum it up

Vinly : music is one of the best that u would find anywhere wit

DT as its resident DJ, but that is about all u can say good

about vinly, the crowd is GAY, the club is to small, and the

"be urself" theme is wacked.

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Originally posted by donnie

well i think u guys who talk this much about vinyl must be gay too cause i go there and it's very hard to find straight people. all those gay guys hit on me. and when i dance with a girl they blow me off cause they gay. ah well what eva. i don't want no drama. i don't care

Donnie, i think the point that everyone is trying to make is to just stop bashing on a certain people. who cares what DT or anyone is. we love him and his music. You are a very hateful person to be bashing people of a certain sexuality. Do us all one favor. If you are gonna have that kind of attitude, KEEP IT OFF THIS BOARD..

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Originally posted by lefty5b

first of all i have shown no ignorance on the matter at all. forget about the history and just realize what vinly is right now. it is a dark hidden underground club, which i like in that respect. But what i dont like is that it is really becoming a Gay club. be urself means, be gay if u r, thats y gays go.

you can go to SF and everyone their is mad chill wit u. you can go and "tell stories" to people and socialize. also the girls are mad hot and u dont need to worry about any guys grabbing ur ass.

by the fact that i dont like the vinly scene, dont mistake that as me not liking DT, i think the is one of the best Dj's, but if he goes somewhere to like exit or somewhere bigger that has a differnect scene, i would be there every week to see him.

vinly is to small of a place for me to be surrounded by gays in

will you please just go away.

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Originally posted by lefty5b

first of all there are about a handful of trannies that go to SF, and for a club of that size is not bad at all

2nd ly i have yet to see 2 guys dancing together or kissin at SF, and if u ever see girls doin that kind of stuff their it is all for show.

dont ever try to tell me that SF is a gay club, SF is the place where u can find some of the prettiest club goes of NYC

and by u callin me "dingleberry" just goes to show ur lack of intelligence cause u feel the need to degrade me by callin me a name

SF has the best crowd best atmospehere and best scence then any other club as of right now

to sum it up

Vinly : music is one of the best that u would find anywhere wit

DT as its resident DJ, but that is about all u can say good

about vinly, the crowd is GAY, the club is to small, and the

"be urself" theme is wacked.

To sum it up:

Lefty5B is a horse cock smoking homophobe whore who believes that he is a child of satan, brought here by the unholiest of powers to sodomize all the cutsey little barnyard animals before slaughter and spread that screechy bam bam bam shit that JP plays, all across the land. Lefty5B is also in denial about about the aforementioned facts, along with the fact that he actually LIKES having sex with his immediate family.

I (embodiedhate) can attest to this, because they hired me to take footage at their family "reunion" (more like Multiple Penetration) a couple of weeks back.

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Lets analyze the phrase "be yourself"



1. To have an objective existence : have reality or actuality.



1. Your normal, healthy, or sane condition


put them together... and you have:

To Exist in a normal, healthy, or sane condition.

now let me ask you... why would you NOT want to be normal/healthy/sane??? why would you want to be someone/something else. You can't possibly hate yourself that much...

Hoke: "Be Yourself" is in the fucking double helix on our DNA...

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Originally posted by joeg

Hoke: "Be Yourself" is in the fucking double helix on our DNA...



Youth (at heart)





Energy (worth repeating)



(yes it's a slow day at work :tongue: )

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yo what u just wrote means alot to me. esp since ur location is "fucking u in the ass" and ur gender is a "sperm". all that i was sayin is that i dont like being at a club where there are alot of gays. i didnt say that i want to go out and kill gays or that being gay is wrong, all that i said is that i dotn want to be at a club where there are alot of them and feel violated when they grab my ass. also in my opinion i just said that i wished that DT would go to another club where he could prob make alot more money and plz even more people with his beats

and girly, y do u want me to go away, cause i dont like gay hang out areas, ok then, that is fine, i will go.

and embodiedhate, u need to grow up, i stopped that stupid name callin crap in HS. people are alot more effective in gettin their point accross if they dont curse or call names, just makes u sound very unintelligent, esp when u have to bring in all that stupid family crap.

i was just stating my point of view on the club vinly, and i dont like it. dont be ignorant and just accept my reasons as to y i dont like vinly and like SF more, u dont have to agree wit me, but just accept how i feel and y

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Originally posted by lefty5b

first of all i have shown no ignorance on the matter at all. forget about the history and just realize what vinly is right now. it is a dark hidden underground club, which i like in that respect. But what i dont like is that it is really becoming a Gay club. be urself means, be gay if u r, thats y gays go.

you can go to SF and everyone their is mad chill wit u. you can go and "tell stories" to people and socialize. also the girls are mad hot and u dont need to worry about any guys grabbing ur ass.

by the fact that i dont like the vinly scene, dont mistake that as me not liking DT, i think the is one of the best Dj's, but if he goes somewhere to like exit or somewhere bigger that has a differnect scene, i would be there every week to see him.

vinly is to small of a place for me to be surrounded by gays in

I was gonna let this one slip, but I just HAD to reply...Adressing your points Shithead5B:

First off, and I know this has been said before, but I'm stating it again for the record: Vinyl is NOT an underground Venue. Yes, I agree it keeps more to the spirit of underground clubbing, but it is quite publicized and the location is not hidden.

...And while we're on the subject of underground, where in the FUCK do you get off labelling anything "underground" when your example of the quinessential clubbing experience is the current incarnation of Sound Factory?

I mean PLEASE, you wouldn't know what underground was if I drop kicked you into a Con Ed manhole in the middle of Midtown, so shut your fucking trap.

I see you also have a problem with Gays coming out and getting down. Well, lemmie tell you this buddy boy, GAYS are probably the greatest group in the subculture (take your time to sound it out..) to party with. They BRING the party, there IS no higher. There HAS NEVER been a credible ongoing party in this city that wasn't either A) founded by or B) frequented by them.

..And another fun fact: The original Sound Factory was predominantly gay..so those guys have more credibility than ALL of your meathead friends that get primped each weekend in attire that could double for a landing signal at La Guardia .

I do think I've said enough. Take that Stiv meatboy, and POUND IT UP YOUR FUCKING ASS. :aright:


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Originally posted by lefty5b

yo make alot more money and plz even more people with his beats

and girly, y do u want me to go away, cause i dont like gay hang out areas, ok then, that is fine, i will go.


No because you sound like the most ignorant one that has been on this board so far...

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i am always myself, and u can be urself at SF, no one cares, thats what makes SF so good. everyone their loves everyone and accepts everyone. just dance and have fun and let the music flow through ur soul, minus the gays

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Originally posted by lefty5b

i am always myself, and u can be urself at SF, no one cares, thats what makes SF so good. everyone their loves everyone and accepts everyone. just dance and have fun and let the music flow through ur soul, minus the gays

minus the gays? LOL. Do u go to the same SF i've been to numerous times before? The only difference is the people there have fake tits and made pussies. Get a clue before you start posting with your negative, stupid shit. who cares what anyone is, enjoy yourself

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Originally posted by lefty5b

yo what u just wrote means alot to me. esp since ur location is "fucking u in the ass" and ur gender is a "sperm". all that i was sayin is that i dont like being at a club where there are alot of gays. i didnt say that i want to go out and kill gays or that being gay is wrong, all that i said is that i dotn want to be at a club where there are alot of them and feel violated when they grab my ass. also in my opinion i just said that i wished that DT would go to another club where he could prob make alot more money and plz even more people with his beats

and girly, y do u want me to go away, cause i dont like gay hang out areas, ok then, that is fine, i will go.

and embodiedhate, u need to grow up, i stopped that stupid name callin crap in HS. people are alot more effective in gettin their point accross if they dont curse or call names, just makes u sound very unintelligent, esp when u have to bring in all that stupid family crap.

i was just stating my point of view on the club vinly, and i dont like it. dont be ignorant and just accept my reasons as to y i dont like vinly and like SF more, u dont have to agree wit me, but just accept how i feel and y

You're missing the forest for the trees there asshead. My problem with YOU is the fact that people like YOU are what destroy clubs like Vinyl. You don't want to be around Gays? FINE! Stay thee FUCK away from Hubert street.

It's funny that you use the "wah wah, I always get my ass grabbed by the gay guys", I can't tell you HOW many times I've heard the homo-est of homophobes use that one..Well you know what? Why don't you try wearing sneakers and jeans once in a while...I guarantee it'll improve your "Lawn Mower" technique...and the big bad gays will have a harder time checking out the contour of your meatball ass!!

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Yo Lefty.

Alright kid, just chill out. Everyone else chill out.

We each have our own respective views of the clubs. It makes no sense to argue with someone about what they do and don't like... it just entrenches them deeper into their own views.

I personally have no problems with the gay crowd. The majority of them are great to get along with and can dance and dress better than any straights i've known!

I myself am not gay, but i have equal RESPECT for ALL crowds and ALL people, so long as that respect is returned to me

If you don't like Vinyl, that's fine. It's not like some blasphemy of NY nightlife to not like the place. SF might just be for you, that's okay too.

But i just ask, please if you DO choose to come to vinyl and party with the rest of us, to UNDERSTAND our points of view and UNDERSTAND and ACCEPT the vibes WE create at OUR places, just as we should do the same if we go to SF, or Exit, or anywhere else.

Equal respect is all i ask.

And if it's hard for anybody to stay quiet about someone else's choices or certain nightspots, then maybe they should just stay home!!

Vibe is everything. It's why we go out. Let's not ruin it.

btw Hoke thanks man. You're the bomb too.

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Originally posted by cintron

Yo Lefty.

Alright kid, just chill out. Everyone else chill out.

We each have our own respective views of the clubs. It makes no sense to argue with someone about what they do and don't like... it just entrenches them deeper into their own views.

I personally have no problems with the gay crowd. The majority of them are great to get along with and can dance and dress better than any straights i've known!

I myself am not gay, but i have equal RESPECT for ALL crowds and ALL people, so long as that respect is returned to me

If you don't like Vinyl, that's fine. It's not like some blasphemy of NY nightlife to not like the place. SF might just be for you, that's okay too.

But i just ask, please if you DO choose to come to vinyl and party with the rest of us, to UNDERSTAND our points of view and UNDERSTAND and ACCEPT the vibes WE create at OUR places, just as we should do the same if we go to SF, or Exit, or anywhere else.

Equal respect is all i ask.

And if it's hard for anybody to stay quiet about someone else's choices or certain nightspots, then maybe they should just stay home!!

Vibe is everything. It's why we go out. Let's not ruin it.

True That.

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Originally posted by lefty5b

first of all there are about a handful of trannies that go to SF, and for a club of that size is not bad at all

2nd ly i have yet to see 2 guys dancing together or kissin at SF, and if u ever see girls doin that kind of stuff their it is all for show.

dont ever try to tell me that SF is a gay club, SF is the place where u can find some of the prettiest club goes of NYC

and by u callin me "dingleberry" just goes to show ur lack of intelligence cause u feel the need to degrade me by callin me a name

SF has the best crowd best atmospehere and best scence then any other club as of right now

to sum it up

Vinly : music is one of the best that u would find anywhere wit

DT as its resident DJ, but that is about all u can say good

about vinly, the crowd is GAY, the club is to small, and the

"be urself" theme is wacked.

You son are just another pain in the ass.......

By the way, that was real good coming back with a put down on me by using the same exact one I used on you.

How about a little originality chief.

Oh yeah, just to let you know, your comments on SF is just mere opinion. Plus, only a handful of trannies? You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. Obviously you just graduated from Webster Hall to SF, congradulations chief.....we're all proud for you.

Keep listening to your Louie DeVito CD

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