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weyes' wisdom of the day - 6/20


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sometimes it's best not to tell people about prospective plans until they're definite; getting people upset or happy about something that'll end up not happening can be a crushing disappointment. this is a toughie, though - gotta make a thoroughly thought-out judgment call on this one.

tune in tomorrow.

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i agree, i hate it when your planning a road trip and everyone says, "I'm going" and then a week or so everyone starts to dropout. I mean in some cases unforseen circumstances can pop up and you have to change plans, but when it happens alot... :mad:

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Originally posted by nourishment

Hey - what's going on here in LA? Is this the Weyes and Vicman only board? Is this your own personal little lovefest?

How come DC doesn't get any daily wisdom?

What is this place? And who are you people, really?

seems like im mighty popular over at the dc board, everyone keep following me around!!! :mad:

anyway, mmm..joeykg posts here on ocassions, so does gm....(dang i forgot his screen name) the smurfy feller, and quite recently the runer and spinsaikel also made their guest apperances around here, and now you..i've seen msbosbois post here and i think eggmok posted a bit here summer last year...go figure

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so does gm....(dang i forgot his screen name) the smurfy feller

Hey, Im here, im everywhere, you gotta watch out, i am the papa you know ;)

Yo whaddup Nourishment... we got weyes representin the West Coast, Me in the East, and Vicman's just all over the place.

And in relation to weyes here, i totally agree with you. But sometimes unforseen incidents occur.

Man, i was supposed to go out with this nice Egyptian girl i met last week to watch the Spain-Korea match, but her mom was ill, and she had to cancel :(

It happens, just gotta understand and move on...

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Originally posted by nourishment

Hey - what's going on here in LA? Is this the Weyes and Vicman only board? Is this your own personal little lovefest?

How come DC doesn't get any daily wisdom?

What is this place? And who are you people, really?

there's love here on the l.a. board for everyone, nourishment, we'd love to have you anytime :heart: ! i can't explain why i'm the only one who starts topics here. i hope i'm not scaring everybody away, creating a feeling that i "own" this board or anything :worry: . but l.a. will always get the daily dose o' wisdom 'cause it's where i live - sorry.

but i post daily on dc, too. and i post on a couple of the others, too, but only this and dc, daily.

but we've got gmccookny and joeygk quite a lot, and there are even some people from l.a., too, from time to time ( :laugh: ); it's not only vic who posts. jeez, why are so many people possessive about vic? since he's so fabulous and you know it, you should understand that he should be shared ;):tongue: .

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Originally posted by weyes

jeez, why are so many people possessive about vic? since he's so fabulous and you know it, you should understand that he should be shared ;):tongue: .


well, still noursihment is probably gunna gimme ass-beating next time we hang out mecry.gif but you can meet lots of nice, interesting people on the boards, and it just so happens that weyes (and of course you nourishment) are some of the great people i've met through cp ylflower.gif

..and i'm also geografically challenged, thats why i post on so many boards :D

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Originally posted by vicman

..and i'm also geografically challenged, thats why i post on so many boards :D

what do you mean by "geographically challenged"? you're in a cp home city, unlike san francisco (and what's up with that, anyway?), for instance.
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whats up with san francisco? whats up with 'frisco? i dunno :confused:

i think i'm gonna start posting on the chicago board since no one posts there, so i can say i post on that board also. maybe one day in the future i'll be able to say that i post on every CP board...by then i wouldve been fired from my job :D

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Well, i go to D.C. every now and then, and CAli once every while, so whenever im headed to one of your neck-of-the-woods (wierd saying :confused:.), i'll drop you a PM ;)

your in NYC? if you are, you planning on going to ARc next week?

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Originally posted by vicman

your in NYC? if you are, you planning on going to ARc next week?

if that's the Danny T vs. Danny H. on the 29th, u bet i am :D

I heard Deep Dish dropped some serious Deep beats this past saturday, but i was passed out after a free show at Central park.

Arc has a new phazon system, including 8 bass bins, padded sound walls, but LOTS of people.

Get there early, i'll be dropping by perhaps around 11-1130. Yuo'll see me, i'll have long blond hait and a pappa smurf doll on me ;)

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i'll be there. thats the plan, to get there early so we dont have to wait in line and all that stuff. of course i expect it to be packed, but i think itll be worth it.

dunno what ill wear...but your gunna be taking a pappa smurf doll :confused:

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holy crap, i'm behind the times :worry::( ; what's arc and where is it? i really wanna know all that's going on in nyc, otherwise i'll feel as though i'm totally out of touch in general :( .

and vic, it's weird about the chicago board; you'd think there'd be a lot more activity there. i posted an incredibly hilarious ;) joke i made up there once, and it took a week and a half or so to get a response (it involved chicago). maybe i'll post it again, on the humor board or something - though i've never been there.

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Arc is Vinyl renamed. They never really closed Viny, they jsut made changes to it through out the past weeks and Arc "officially" opened on Saturday with a Deep Dish 10 or 12 hr set. Got a Phazon system and i think they brought down a wall or two to make the dancing area a bit bigger, we'll see next week when we get to be there.

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Vic - I think it's time you became an independent contractor for CP. You could be in charge of revitalizing boards representing cities across the nation. You could single-handedly promotoe clubbing unity in DC, Chicago, LA...

Quite the silly little job of your and go full time on CP. Of course, this new position would require a number of field trips (and female companionship).

With a little ingenuity, hootzpah and entrepreneurial spirit, you could make my dream for you a reality.

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Originally posted by nourishment

Vic - I think it's time you became an independent contractor for CP. You could be in charge of revitalizing boards representing cities across the nation. You could single-handedly promotoe clubbing unity in DC, Chicago, LA...

Quite the silly little job of your and go full time on CP. Of course, this new position would require a number of field trips (and female companionship).

With a little ingenuity, hootzpah and entrepreneurial spirit, you could make my dream for you a reality.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

this sounds like a very bad commercial...but please tell me more about the female companionship part brow.gif:comit:

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Originally posted by nourishment

What I mean, of course, is that when CP flies you to Chicago to check out the scene, organize meet ups and stimulate interest inthe CP boards, that you will quite obviously need company. Namely me. It was my idea after all.

now i wouldnt mind that at all :love2::lickit:

i'm e-mailing DaVe right away :D

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Originally posted by vicman

now i wouldnt mind that at all :love2::lickit:

i'm e-mailing DaVe right away :D

I really think that if you took me seriously for like two seconds that you would be forced to admit that this idea could work and that you are the perfect man for the job. You're usually the only DC CP at the mettups as it is, you almost always post the OFFICIAL meetup threads, without you the board might collapse and you're always the friendliest CPer to the newbies (expect those times when you get a bug up your butt about something and shred somebody.)

So think about it. I'm only 25% bullshitting here.

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Originally posted by nourishment

1. You're usually the only DC CP at the mettups as it is,

2. you almost always post the OFFICIAL meetup threads,

3. without you the board might collapse and

4. you're always the friendliest CPer to the newbies

5. (expect those times when you get a bug up your butt about something and shred somebody.)

So think about it. I'm only 25% bullshitting here.

1. yeah, usually everyone is pretty much fubar by the time 1am rolls around.

2. again you are correct, i usually post them up.

3. whoa, you young lady, are on a roll: you are correct one more time...although shady does a good job also

4. again, as #1, 'cos i'm usually the least fubar of the every week buzz crowd.

5. oh, well, uh...they make me do it :worry:

not to mention that for some weird reason i'm the only one that posts in LA, Boston, DC and Miami regularly.

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