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Korea in World Cup

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yo this fuckin SUX what UGLY turn outs for the semi's......TURKEY defeats SENEGAL??? SPAIN loses to S. KOREA??? wtf is going on here? so what the fuck is this.......BRAZIL v.s. TURKEY......GERMANY v.s. S. KOREA......hmmmmm its not like it's gonna be brazil vs. germany in the world cup, what a fucked up series this has been :mad:

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man.... KOREA AND TURKEY are the reasons why this world cup is goin down in history as one of the best sporting events in the history of sports.

do u think there would've been any kind of frenzy in the other parts of the world if it was italy and all the SOS teams were in the semis?

these cinderellas (like KOREA baby!!! and of course the USA) made the greatest, most watched sporting event of all time that much better

i hope in 2006 and every world cup from here on out is like this... where all teams are competitve and in the tourny shooting for the championship

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euro teams are totally overrated. they never won world cup outside europe and it's not gonna happen this world cup. europeans are not athletic to begin with anyway. they also suck in olympics and shit.

im pissed that turkey(muslim terrorist country) reached semifinals.

USA could've beat germany, germany was SO lucky to beat usa.

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I was watching the game in Koreatown on 32nd st. After they won, that place was anarchy. Everyone when out into the street and started going nuts. This went on until about 6 in the morning. There must have been a few thousand Koreans all crowded between two blocks. I saw a girl take her clothes off and run down the street. A few other girls drove by without their shirts on.

Then on the way home on henry hudson some spanish guy gave us the finger and threw his drink at my friends car. Talk about sore losers. If weren't so fucked up and in such a good mood, we'd probably start beefin and shit. Fuck that, Korean won. A country that never won a worldcup game ever.

I hope Germany plays Korea like how the did the US. Then they have a good chance of winning. The US should've have won that game. They completely outplayed Germany.

At this point, anything can happen. Hopefully, Korea can take it all the way. Go Korea!!!

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The only person the koreans can thank for winning over spain is the referee... spain was denied 2 goals just like in the italy game... this world cup seems somewhat rigged in favor of korea... and to say the U.S. played well and should have won against germany just goes to show your ignorance as far as soccer goes. And remember Italy and Germany won 3 world cups each.... how many have US or Korea won?????

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Originally posted by usa

im pissed that turkey(muslim terrorist country)...

wow, you showed us how much- or little- you know about current events, islam, and turkey. for your information, turkey is one of the most secular and democratic countries in the middle east, where there are laws sepearating religion and state. turkey is our fellow NATO ally and has been very supportive to the united states. thank God we have turkey in afghanistan, since many of the afghan tribes share a cultural history with the turks.

another thing, not all muslims are terrorists and not all terrorists are muslim.:mad:

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Originally posted by albyback

The only person the koreans can thank for winning over spain is the referee... spain was denied 2 goals just like in the italy game... this world cup seems somewhat rigged in favor of korea... and to say the U.S. played well and should have won against germany just goes to show your ignorance as far as soccer goes. And remember Italy and Germany won 3 world cups each.... how many have US or Korea won?????

I was at a German victory party last night and even they all said they were lucky to win. USA outplayed Germany in almost every facet of the game (except goaltending), but Germany scored and the US didn't and that's what counts....

Either way, of the teams left, none of them were expected to get this far. Brazil and Germany both have uncharacteristicly weak teams this year, and while Turkey and S. Korea were predicted to be upstarts, nobody thought they'd get this far.

As for Turkey, they're officially a European team, and Germany is still there, so Europe isn't even close to being knocked out yet. In all honesty, I think Turkey will beat Brazil this next match, and Germany will beat them in the finals. However, we shall see....

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