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Has the way you look changed througout the years?

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Yea I was one of those:

Visor wearing UFO sportin' Vest

strapping glowstickin' "E-TARDS"

with bleached (YES BLEACHED) hair.

That was like eight or nine years ago..


(thirty pounds lighter)

I some how have taken to

jeans and T-shirts...

(tight ones at that even)

Though I refuse to take out

my plugs in my ears or shave

my beard I some times

don't recognize the old

(almost 30 now) "clubber"

in the mirror...


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More than I care to admit. Went from dork (no other word for it really)-->beyond baggy gangsta style-->gap/banana republic-->trendy clubber-->poor boy-->back to gap/banana republic-->currently leaning towards whatever's comfortable/functional.

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gangsta hoke? BWAHAHAAAHA *falls over*

i've never had any one particular style. i have had elements of junglist/raver, punk, junglist, schoolgirl, goth, middle-aged-woman, prep, and surfer enter my repetoire, though.

never been: slutty, gangsta, grandma, ultracandyraver, trendy.

sometimes i happen to catch a trend, but it's usually by mistake or.. the trend is from 5 years ago ;]

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It's not so much

of a "style" (Label)

as much as a natural

metamorphisis into a boring old Mugwump.

I mean the only actual

"LABEL" I ever wore was in middle school/

high school..



Dear lord I hope crobra

dosen't read this thead in Italy..

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I used to be VERY shy and a fat piece of lard. Then somewhere Between sophmore and junior year, i lost 50 pounds and turned into Fabio :tongue:

My dress has been quite strange throughout the years, going through my ghetto-baggy days, to raver style, to preppy (which didn;t last) to now, cleaner-yet-colorful and casual look :cool:

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Originally posted by sassa

went from being a heavy metal freak in high school...to being a hippie....to being a bitch who wore only gucci, prada, etc...and now i pretty much do whatever....depending on the mood...

I like those first two styles. I really dislike the Prada/Gucci/bitch style though!

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I've always maintained a fairly similar "style", if you can call it that. Just a mish-mash of prep, punk, and raver. What's changed a lot more is my hair.....for the past fwe months, it's been its natural color for the first time in years. I used to change my hair color on almost a monthly basis, but I think I'll have to settle into this whole natural thing, considering I'm supposedly becoming a "professional"

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i was a sweatpants ho' in high school 1) cuz i didn't give a goddamn about anyone nor what they thought of me and 2) cuz i was in and out of various casts and braces for a series of stress fractures of both femurs. sweatpants just worked better given the circumstances.

gave up sweatpants and went to khaki's and izod's but that was so boring it wasn't even funny. hated myself for buying a bunch of shit i didn't even want to wear.

now, i just gotta be me.

currently that means baggy's and comfy and (for the most part) LOUD aloha shirts - cuz i like to blind people or not do what everyone else is doing (all black or grey or beige is fucking DULL).

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i was punk as fuck in high school hahahah. fucking hated everyone, the jocks hated us, we hated them....oh yeah there was also what we called "the stussy crew". i was also into hardcore/indie/emo shit like that, but i wasn't like everyone else wearing fucking basketball jerseys, headbands or black framed glasses.....i pretty much just wore cargos from army & navy and some band T-shirt.....i must have seriously like over 30 band T-shirts lol. basically i was one of those skater dirtbags all the preps looked down on hahahah.

i went to clubs/raves once in a while but i generally didn't like ravers too much cuz they'd always be acting stupid and fucked up...towards the end of high school the music started to get better (i was never into that old frankie bones type shit that was around at the time) so i started partying more....and still going to shows. thats basically what i do now....i still look the same though, except i dont wear bands shirts anymore.

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13 threw like 18 wigger where i always had on baggys clothes till now when i try to avoid wearen clothes lol its pretty interesting how the fact that less gets u better girls and hwo stupdi i was when i was young i could of lifted and sh1t when i was 12 and by now been godly but instead i smoked pot and chilled with losers but atleast now i walk around almost nude to a lot of places and every 1 seems to respect me or kiss my ass just for the fact that i'm me lol so deff changed for the better

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