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Explain Your Selves Merge! That Was A Fake Lasgo.....

Guest saleen351

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Guest bonsolidd

all I got to say is robbins is the label and they are not to happy! HMMMMMMMMMMM? I'll let everyone else decide...... and yes track acts usually from overseas have some controversy! Lasgo will be in the States

aug 24-31- lasgo & ian van dahl...........

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Originally posted by saleen351

saleen inc. looking out for clubbers everywhere...


I watched the performance I thought she did a good job. I was with at least 10 - 15 other people and everyone else loved it.

I've never met anyone off this board that I didn't get along with, but I'm sure (I'm positive) that If I ever run into you, that we are going to have problems. I'm never one to start drama ever...but now you have gone way too far...

And I'll just leave it at that....

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i was at merge, it was pretty packed. we all had a good time. i, personally, thought lasgo wasn't that good. but it was her, without a doubt. key fact to prove its her is she cant dance for shit, neither could the lasgo that was on stage.

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It wasn't the real lasgo, and that is the truth.

Some of you don't care and that's fine, but personally I would give a shit if I thought I was seeing the true group perform and it wasn't.

The girl who sang at Merge this weekend, I don't know who she is, but she isn't the real thing. She very well may have been singing, but it was probably mixed behind the real vocals of the actual song so as to not confuse people and they obviously did a good job of hiding the truth.

If you want to see what the real Lasgo looks like go to:


This is their official website straight outta belgium where they are from, NOT new jersey.

It even has their tour date schedule and you will see that currently they are NOT in the states. They will not be here this weekend either as they will be in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Setting the record straight, not trying to perpetuate the drama. Do what you will with this info...


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Originally posted by sdeelite

It wasn't the real lasgo, and that is the truth.

Some of you don't care and that's fine, but personally I would give a shit if I thought I was seeing the true group perform and it wasn't.

The girl who sang at Merge this weekend, I don't know who she is, but she isn't the real thing. She very well may have been singing, but it was probably mixed behind the real vocals of the actual song so as to not confuse people and they obviously did a good job of hiding the truth.

If you want to see what the real Lasgo looks like go to:


This is their official website straight outta belgium where they are from, NOT new jersey.

It even has their tour date schedule and you will see that currently they are NOT in the states. They will not be here this weekend either as they will be in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Setting the record straight, not trying to perpetuate the drama. Do what you will with this info...


Holy shit that's is crazy i was so twisted i wouldent have noticed if a dude was sining hahaha

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Guest saleen351

The saleen has proven everyone wrong again.....

well bonsolid, you have been around the clubs a long time, just come out and say what you are beating around the bush... you know the real deal as well...... so does the guys at xs, bamboo, temps, djs, etc.... everyone just doesn't want to sink to their level with fake acts.....

and djdanfury, you need to get your head out of your ass... think before you type son............ i'll be around sometime this summer... i'll let you know jerk off!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by bonsolidd

all I got to say is robbins is the label and they are not to happy! HMMMMMMMMMMM? I'll let everyone else decide...... and yes track acts usually from overseas have some controversy! Lasgo will be in the States

aug 24-31- lasgo & ian van dahl...........

just had to bump up your post, since you have a following on here..........

like i posted days ago, they won't be in the states till august just like sdeelite posted who WORKS FOR THE LABLE!!!!!!!!!!

all you club gods and hardcore clubbers djdanfury, don't even know when they got duped and ripped off!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by saleen351

and djdanfury, you need to get your head out of your ass... think before you type son............ i'll be around sometime this summer... i'll let you know jerk off!!!!!!!!!!

Listen... I never start problems with anyone, but now more than ever you are going way over the line.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by djdanfury

Listen... I never start problems with anyone, but now more than ever you are going way over the line.

bull shit, read what you wrote on the your last post.... i hear Peters is spining merge as well. thought the booth will be tinted with limo tint so you can see in...........:laugh: :laugh:

ohhhhhhhhh and where is kosta today.............. how does it feel that with allllllllllllllll your experience in closing clubs you got duped as well and didn't even know it? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Guest bonsolidd
Originally posted by saleen351

just had to bump up your post, since you have a following on here..........

like i posted days ago, they won't be in the states till august just like sdeelite posted who WORKS FOR THE LABLE!!!!!!!!!!

all you club gods and hardcore clubbers djdanfury, don't even know when they got duped and ripped off!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

everyone can't get over all the time! ;)

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Originally posted by saleen351

ohhhhhhhhh and where is kosta today.............. how does it feel that with allllllllllllllll your experience in closing clubs you got duped as well and didn't even know it? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Fuck you, hows life on unemployment checks and welfare going. As far as me closing clubs, suck a dick. The booking agent I spoke to said it was her, then again if i'm wrong i'm wrong

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Well from what I was told she did a great job performing the song. Mayne Merge did get duped into thinking she was the real deal. All that matters is that everyone had a great time at Merge. From my experience of the Metro/Merge managemnt, they did not try to pull one over on their customers. George, Petey and Jason are probably the nicest people I meet in the industry. I have to put in Jersey Joel as one of the nicest in the industry as well.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by BRIAN1500

Well from what I was told she did a great job performing the song. Mayne Merge did get duped into thinking she was the real deal. All that matters is that everyone had a great time at Merge. From my experience of the Metro/Merge managemnt, they did not try to pull one over on their customers. George, Petey and Jason are probably the nicest people I meet in the industry. I have to put in Jersey Joel as one of the nicest in the industry as well.

Bullshit, the guys at merge/metro know dave brady who does the bookings in the US for the group... They knew Day 1 that is was fake!!!!!!!!!!! I got more evidence comming............ merge lied big time..

and kosta when you open your mouth you should know what the fuck you are talking about...... seems i schooled you since you are working for merge

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by kostaP

Fuck you, hows life on unemployment checks and welfare going. As far as me closing clubs, suck a dick. The booking agent I spoke to said it was her, then again if i'm wrong i'm wrong

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, your an idiot, wonder why you can't keep a club open, you don't even know who the real performers are...:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by Kermzy

Oh my God!!!! WHO GIVES A SHIT?????


Right! I went, I had a great time, I didn't go to see Lasgo perform. If I want to hear the damn song, i can just turn on KTU anytime during the day and hear it 20 freakin times!

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We all know you have a hatred for Merge. You cant deny it. As for the Lasgo situation, you can be bullshitting all of your evidence. I know for a fact that track Central told my two best friends that Lasgo was in the states and is availiable for my performaces. Whether she is or is not the real one is up in the air but track central is saying she is the real one by charging that much.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by BRIAN1500


We all know you have a hatred for Merge. You cant deny it. As for the Lasgo situation, you can be bullshitting all of your evidence. I know for a fact that track Central told my two best friends that Lasgo was in the states and is availiable for my performaces. Whether she is or is not the real one is up in the air but track central is saying she is the real one by charging that much.



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Originally posted by cmb1975

Right! I went, I had a great time, I didn't go to see Lasgo perform. If I want to hear the damn song, i can just turn on KTU anytime during the day and hear it 20 freakin times!

EXACTLY!!!! It's not like they said Whitney Houston was going to be performing and then had drag queen up there??? Do people actually lose sleep over this crap????

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Originally posted by Kermzy

EXACTLY!!!! It's not like they said Whitney Houston was going to be performing and then had drag queen up there??? Do people actually lose sleep over this crap????

Apparently so. All I know is, I got in for free, had a fuckin blast, didn't care who or what was singing and Rydell is the fuckin MAN!

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Lasgo is not one girl, it is three people. Among them is the singer who is a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes who looks as nordic as can be and does not look anything like the girl who performed at merge this weekend.

I don't know what beef saleen has with merge or any of u fellow cp'ers, but in this instance he happens to be right.

I work for the label and it is not the real lasgo. I don't doubt that track central told your two friends that the real lasgo is in town, but if that's true, they are lying. They're version of Lasgo is available and performing, but the legit Lasgo from overseas is not (right now anyway). If you had a great time that night and don't care, that's great. There's nothing better than a good nite out. For those of you who do care about being duped, know that this is what's up.

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Honest enough off all this bull shit already..... Saleen you simply are a hater.... If merge got duped, I feel bad for them but Lasgo did not make the night.......... Richie Rydell made the night....The people "us" 2000 strong jumping up and down in unison like one army marching to the beats the man was laying down. Which were just freaky incredible..... Like i said it was one of the best nights I;v e ever had a club..... Stop being a hater and experice it ...... You might like it.... 2000 people cant be wrong.....:eek: :eek: :eek:

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