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Hey everyone! I'm new here!! I am from NY, but I am looking for people in LA to talk to, mainly because I might becoming back in month or so (I was just there) and I don't know anyone!:( Would anyone here (guy or girl) like to chat with a sweet girl from NYC? :spin:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

educational classes on kissing

since we have moved on to the subject of kissing classes...has anyone ever had the occasion to find themselves with a person of the opposite sex who's kissing skills were...how shall i say it...less than average...and if so, is there a kind/sensitive way of telling them that you'd rather get a wet one from grandma than have to lock lips with them again?

ps - welcome aboard smooches

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Originally posted by gumby76

since we have moved on to the subject of kissing classes...has anyone ever had the occasion to find themselves with a person of the opposite sex who's kissing skills were...how shall i say it...less than average...and if so, is there a kind/sensitive way of telling them that you'd rather get a wet one from grandma than have to lock lips with them again?

ps - welcome aboard smooches

funny you should mention that...!

i wish your profile in the margin said what your gender is, 'cause i've found from my research of asking this question of almost everyone i know that most girls say that guys in general don't kiss well, and the guys all say that girls kiss well and that they think that they're good kissers themselves.

here's what i've got to say on the matter: the first time i kissed a good kisser was when i was at the oldass age o' 18. before that, i was really unhappy about the situation, thinking that i'd never like it, 'cause, shit, it was really terrible. but the guy was 25 and divorced, and i guess that experience had something to do with his being so good. since then, the only other good ones there were was one other guy who was older, and then 2 teenagers that i kissed, one when i was 22, the other when i was 23 (scandalous, i know ;) ). but one of the teenagers was only good because he started following me. AND THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT.

i broke up with someone because he couldn't kiss and i lost my attraction to him. i couldn't tell him about the kissing and he wouldn't follow me, even after months, and i regret so much that i didn't talk to him about it :( . in hindsight, he probably had no idea that i had had a problem with the whole thing. i wish i could get back in touch with him and apologize, i think i broke his heart, but he broke mine by not still wanting to be friends with me - we were so close... anyway...

but i guess i just have to say that my experience has shown that guys overall are bad kissers - that, or i've had really bad luck :( .

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Originally posted by weyes

but i guess i just have to say that my experience has shown that guys overall are bad kissers - that, or i've had really bad luck :( .

That's cause you haven't met me yet ;)

I excercise my tongue, which must help in the kissing game. I remember kissing this one girl, and she just slobbered all over me. I didn't have the heart to be like, "yo, try and keep the saliva inside", but now im with a girl who says i kiss awesomely

So Nyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaa :tongue:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

I excercise my tongue, which must help in the kissing game.

imho, kissing should involve little tongue work, its all about the lips...a playful tease of tongues now and then is fine, but the lips are where its at...that's where the real electricity is generated

the two most annoying habits of bad kissers:

(i) the face wash

where any portion of your face in close proximity to your mouth becomes saturated with saliva from your partner's kisses

(ii) the bulimic

when a person tries to put there tongue as far into your mouth as humanly possible and you almost revisit what you had for lunch


but now im with a girl who says i kiss awesomely

and i bet she tells you that you're "just the right size" too


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Originally posted by gumby76

imho, kissing should involve little tongue work, its all about the lips...a playful tease of tongues now and then is fine, but the lips are where its at...that's where the real electricity is generated

the tongue problem is what i always encounter. this is also how i now know that you must be a girl :D !
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Originally posted by vicman

so, should i take notes on what y'all are talking about?

only if you don't know what we're talking about :) . but what are your thoughts on this, vic, as a guy? (or other guys, too!)
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I love how this topic has evolved :D

Well, i practiced yesterday, and it was much better. It seems like everytime me and smurfette kiss, it gets better.

I tried using my lips more and tongue less (like gumby had mentioned), and that made her wanna stay on my lips longer, hehheheh;)

It's fun to stay locked on someone, and let the tongue peek out every once in a while. I noticed that using the lips is now 70% importance.

I also love caressing the back and side of her head while we kiss. She don't like it when i get all grabby, so i just caress, and let things flow~~~

(btw...if u wana see her pic, she's in the "post your pic" thread in the sexboard, last page ;)


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Originally posted by weyes

...this is also how i now know that you must be a girl :D !

I know this is really going to disappoint you and ruin your preconceived notion of the male species, but i am in fact a guy :eek:

not wanting to find myself falling into the above mentioned categories, in my younger days i put my tail between my legs and asked lots of questions...but its paying off now :D

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Originally posted by gumby76

I know this is really going to disappoint you and ruin your preconceived notion of the male species, but i am in fact a guy :eek:

not wanting to find myself falling into the above mentioned categories, in my younger days i put my tail between my legs and asked lots of questions...but its paying off now :D


holyshitfuck my jaw has literally been dropped for a few minutes now. i had to close my mouth because it was getting dry. no offense - i am ever so sorry and did not mean to stereotype, but it is just so hard for me to believe that i've just had really bad luck and that i'm not actually getting a normal average cross-section of what there is out there. know whattamean? and you described what my and the rest of my female friends' gripe is to a tee.

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just serves to prove that we shouldnt clump everyone from a certain group to a certain category because of preconceived notions, we shouldnt categorize people. :)

but anyway, i guess i'm gonna start asking my female friends about this and see what they have to say.

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Originally posted by weyes

- i am ever so sorry and did not mean to stereotype, but it is just so hard for me to believe that i've just had really bad luck and that i'm not actually getting a normal average cross-section of what there is out there.

that's ok, no offense taken...i would like to think that i'm not part of your normal average cross section anyway...i'm more of a one of a kind, diamond in the rough type

and you described what my and the rest of my female friends' gripe is to a tee.

to whom do you think i directed the questions...if you want to learn anything, you might as well ask the experts, right ;)

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Originally posted by gumby76

...and if so, is there a kind/sensitive way of telling them that you'd rather get a wet one from grandma than have to lock lips with them again?

What the hop-skippity would be wrong with getting a wet one from me?! ;) Hi Gumbo!

Welcome smooches!

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