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Why doesn't Space have....


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I just realized this, Space never has performances or anything, they got a few dancers on the bars every so often, but nothing special, never no one singing or anything, live performances of vocals usually blow anyway, but I was just curious.

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After 20 years of clubbing, I'm over the lip syncing divas. Save it for Salvation, Score, twist etc, (not that theirs anything wrong with that) But I think Space can do without...

After all we all know what a fiasco it was for Dannys 2001 conference party:eek:

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It's hard to do a live vocal feed on the system at Space, it's just not set up for that sort of input. Think about it, an Avalon array is designed to be all enveloping to the crowd, there are very few spots aside from DJ Central where one can do a vocal performance from. Canceling out the feedback would be a total nightmare. A vocalist by nature needs to be 'front and center'. With Space's DJ booth, he or she is kinda sequestered, and even more so because of the monitor setup. I know I know, they've had vocalists in the past at Space, (Yoko Ono, etc...was that her howling or feedback ba dum ching!), but they've always been up in the booth at best.

A live vocalist could conceivably be outdoors on the patio, but it'd still be somewhat tricky.

As for dancers and such, they have the Hot Jams troupe already, right?

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