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*Official* EXIT will never see my fucking money again

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As I post this, Jon is still spinning in the white room, hopefully finding a way to enjoy himself despite the fact that NONE of his friends were allowed in to support him.

Well, that's not true... we would have been allowed in if we'd been willing to spend $300 on a bottle of champagne.

All week, this event was promoted as "not a regular Exit party." It was supposed to be different security, different bartenders, even different fucking toilet paper.

Some things never change.

I didn't want to go. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to support Jon... but I know Exit by now. I know that all they care about is money, and if fucking over their own clientele will get them more of it, they have no problem doing that. Fucking over their clientele to make more money is something they're very good at, apparently.

I also know that Exit has the worst crowd I've ever seen... 18-year old cracked out kiddies *pushing* me out of their way to walk across the dance floor... 15-year old barely pubescent girls shaking their asses on the stage like they're God's gift to man... flailing glowsticks hitting me in the back of the neck... and of course, never ever an apology.

For those reasons, I didn't pay $30 to see Low End Specialists. Nor did I pay $30 to see Cosmic Gate.

No... I paid $30 to see my friend Jon Stephen spin at Exit and show my support. A simple fucking mission, no?


Ten or fifteen of us standing outside a velvet rope, explaining that the *DJ* sold us the tickets, that we're his friends, that we're there to support him, that for many of us, he's THE ONLY REASON WE'RE THERE. Offering to pay $5 each for the "privilege" of hearing our own friend spin... and being declined. I suppose we would have scared away the high rollers. Meanwhile, I had to wonder if Jon was thinking, "Where are my friends?"

Yeah... like Exit would give a shit about that. Like I said... money. So instead of hearing me bitch about how I can't get into the white room, they're going to hear a different sound:

Silence. The golden silence of money NOT passing from my hands to theirs.



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its official....i called it, but i didnt wanna seem like the asshole by saying it in advance so im saying it now....exit sucks, this is how its always been and how it will always will be, just guess some of you have to learn the hard way

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a few years back i recieved a flyer saying open bar till-12am... blah etc... so got a few of my boys met some girls there and headed for the bar... went up to the bar acted like jay-z ordered all the well-liquors and domestic beers that my friends can hold... then start to walk away and the girl (bartender) was like hey you gotta pay for that?! and to my surprise i told what the flyer said my boy showed it to her and her exact reply was " thats just some promoter bullshit to get ppl in here" now if thats not some lowball evil marketing ploy i dont know what is... ever since then exit had not seen my money until tonight... (only for jon) however do to the weather, friends and factors that maybe they did not... and thankfully we didnt cause i was not about to pay $300 for anything at exit... i dont care its a half a brick of yeah in a hookers tit... im not buying... i dont care fuck them... fuck exit... marvisi and all the other brainwashed morons that support that place...

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it aint ur fault

....we got in ...im not knockin u guys..cause i think that was a load of BULLSHIT what happened at the door..but tryin to bumrush the velvet rope wasnt too good of an idea.

bringin a mob over might have seemed like a good plan..but if u guys went in smaller groups u woulda gotten in...

when we first went (there was about 8 of us...most were non CP-ers) the asian dude @ the door only wanted to let in 21 yr olds..and most of the ppl with us were 18-20...so he said to come back in a few...so we did..and he let us in

but nevertheless we got fucked by Exit once again...everythin sucked tonite..i couldnt even force myself to listen to Cosmic Gate...Thank God for LES..they salvaged the night a lil bit..BONES FUCKING BLEW!!! i lost my cell phone....BBBBBLAH!!

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damn... I knew that was going to happen... "hey jon, we're actually gonna be able to get in to the white room to see you spin, right?" - me

well, I guess I wasted $35 whether I had been able to go or not.. atleast I didn't waste a tank of gas and the trouble to get to the city aswell... I probably would have started a fucking riot if I didn't get in there after all the effort...

Jon: sorry to hear that everything didn't work out... whatever, its something to put on your 'resume', i'm sure you'll be spinning at better venues in the near future, and I will be there to see it.

in the meantime... I'll continue my 'No Exit, EVER' Policy...

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Blahh.. the whole white room shit SUCKED!! Ask Eric.. I was in a pissy mood for a looooong time after that until I got some drinks into my system.. grr..

On a lighter note, Low End Specialists were absolutely INSANE!! Loved 'em!! Cosmic Gate -- crazy.. DJ Tom who closed the nite, absolute HAPPY TRANCE!! Nice ending.. Frankie Bones.. ehh.. no comment. Anthony Nero -- I think he spun for like 20 minutes or something!! DJ Raz -- was ok.. but that stupid women was on stage being annoying..

I actually had an OVERALL good time.. white room shit was just kinda annoying..

Jon -- you're gonna have to send me a set of yours sometime since I didn't get to hear you tonite.

Off to bed for now.. more comments later.. me need sleep..

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sorry all this happened, fellas. I wanted to go but alas i couldn't drop 35 bucks on Exit. I've never been and i'll never go and this thread totally reinforces that.

When you get a bad vibe about a place just TALKING to its clientele, then you know it's not the place for you.

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this is the same club that swore armin van buuren would be playing their venue when he was clearly not in the country. is it really a surprise that this happened? they do anything to get people in the door. that place sucks, period. i'll never go there.

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Jon: I tried. more than any other person.

People say "you shoulda this n that": fuck you.

I battled words with those door assholes till they ADMITTED that it was bullshit and they were just gonna do their job.

The promoter brings in a DJ to draw a crowd and your not going to let the people see the person (who even probably sold them the tickets)

Same thing happened to me (and probably everyother DJ)

Dude I am so infuriated, i cant even get my thoughts straight. I'll just stop now before I go on and on about every possible dam thing about that place.

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same thing happened last friday....we had a bus trip with a large group of friends from our area....and our DJ was spinning the white room....and around 4am...the moronic door guy would'nt let anyone in...unless you were a girl.....wtf!!



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