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MUG'Z 4th of July (Rooftops and underground tunnels)

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I had a pretty good one..

No clubs just lots



(Hidden subway tracks)

started of going to a Pent House

on Lexington with my Roomate and Adam X

ate ribs, drank Gin and watched the


Got real Hammered and

then stummbled to Williamsburg

for a couple of Rooftop

parties thrown by John Selway

and Lenny..

First one was unbelivable..

I walk in on LORDS OF ACID'S

"darling come here and fuck me up the.."

Mixed into Fischerspooner..

Electro, 80's and techno

(Just like I like it right now)

I've never seen so many godamn

electro heads on one rooftop

in my entire LIFE!

(Easily at least three hundred to

four hundred ) Climbing chimneys,

dancing on Water towers

and making the floor shake..

BYOB but who cared..

Everyone was having a blast

then the cops broke it up...

so we went back to another

place and Adam X and Dan Physics

start to get nasty on the decks..

They play till sunrise and

we run out of Booze...

So Adam and I make a run

to a Deli..

On the way Adam decides to

give me a lesson about GRAPH ART

(Did you know Adam X is a

huuuge old school Graph

artist that's in books and shit?)

So he pulls open this

door on the floor

and it comes up

revealing the entrance to

a subway tunnel..

"Come down I'll show

you something" he tell me.

I walk down the

long flights of stairs

leading from the street

and disscover a world of hidden

GRAPH and a completely beautifull

underground realm of dripping pools

and forgoton tracks..

Adam tells me he use to

live for finding places

like this and promises

to take me on his

next adventure

with his graph crew..

We go back up

and decide that it

would be fun to fuck



So we stand at the door of

the stairs and tell people

that there's a TRUELY

underground party

down there and that

it's $5 bucks..

Five people

start to gather around

asking us shit

like "Who's spinning"

"What kind of music is it"..

so we go:

"Some jack ass called ADAM X

and Dan Physics"

One Asian hipster gets

all cocky and he tells us:

"Yea man I know Adam

and he's not even in NY right


Then another chick

looks at me an hands

me five bucks..

We look at each other and laugh...



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Look I like

to write

so don't feel like

I expect a book writen

about your night..

I just wish more people

in here SHARED more often

what they experience..

Like take me with you,

you know...



Make me feel

like I know you..

:confused: :confused: :confused:


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ok fine..




Oh my god did you see that naked

chick dancing on the

speaker of SF last night?

What's your favorite car?

Post your

muscles here---><-----

Who's better Oakie or



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sounds liek a fun night. adam is one of my fav dj's. i have been a huge fan of his since the early 90's. he always knew how to rock a party.

i knew he was a graph artist cause my friend used to go tagging with him all the time. i have a phat pic in my room of a train he did.

my 4th was pretty good. lots of beer, and food with good friends. onlyu bad thing was they have horrible taste in music.


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ok...since you care...this year was different but interesting...

got up 8am and went to the gym for two hours

came home for breakfast and then found out i had to run to work to help some girl out who's dad was dying in Bosnia

went to work for a few and got this girl a ticket to go see her dad

went back home for five minutes before getting a call from a girlfriend of mine

went to her house and drove up to White Meadow Rockaway NJ - nice Lake community...House Party...

sat in the pool and drank this Brazilian drink (sugar water with rum and lime..yum)...catered food from soup to nuts...incredible brazilian bbq..guy went around with the meat on a stick and a knife and served to boot...drank some more...puffed a bit....listened to some brazilian music mixed in with Old Hard Rock...strange crew...good people...very different...

left the party around 9pm...went to her house..ordered chinese...and watched The Majestic with Jim Carrey...actually liked the movie...

got to bed by 1am... (had to work today)...

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Originally posted by phatman

sat in the pool and drank this Brazilian drink (sugar water with rum and lime..yum

Is that a Capirisima?

(I love those)..

Sounds like

a chill and mellow evening..

yummy food!

I ate ribs that gave us

all the shits

(Nothing like getting the shits

up on a rooftop party)


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Damn Mugz... sounds like we should all come party with you more often... what a crazy night...

My fourth was rather uneventful... but we are throwing a house party tomorrow on the sixth... 7+ kegs and a shitload of college kids... should be interesting.

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Originally posted by phatman

ok...since you care...this year was different but interesting...

got up 8am and went to the gym for two hours

came home for breakfast and then found out i had to run to work to help some girl out who's dad was dying in Bosnia

went to work for a few and got this girl a ticket to go see her dad

went back home for five minutes before getting a call from a girlfriend of mine

went to her house and drove up to White Meadow Rockaway NJ - nice Lake community...House Party...

sat in the pool and drank this Brazilian drink (sugar water with rum and lime..yum)...catered food from soup to nuts...incredible brazilian bbq..guy went around with the meat on a stick and a knife and served to boot...drank some more...puffed a bit....listened to some brazilian music mixed in with Old Hard Rock...strange crew...good people...very different...

left the party around 9pm...went to her house..ordered chinese...and watched The Majestic with Jim Carrey...actually liked the movie...

got to bed by 1am... (had to work today)...

WHITE GHETTO LAKE IN ROCKAWAY!!! Oh shit, my best friend lives there... i live the next town over... used to be there all the fucking time.

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Originally posted by jennEfer

Damn Mugz... sounds like we should all come party with you more often... what a crazy night...

Yea, I try and invite

people but they never come along

for the ride anymore so I just

gave up...

So I write about it

and then I have no eye witneses

so people are like:

"yeeaaaaa riiiight"

*Then behind my back

"Mugz makes up shit!"

Ahhh to hell with all of ya!

(Except you Jenefer and artic shadow..

you guys can come down subway tunnels

with me and crazy DJs any time ya like)

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Originally posted by jennEfer

WHITE GHETTO LAKE IN ROCKAWAY!!! Oh shit, my best friend lives there... i live the next town over... used to be there all the fucking time.

yup yup...used to live w/ my cuz on seneca ave...also lived in lake hiawatha and parsipanny at one point...now it's summit - quite a change..

mugz...cant remember the name of the drink..i had the same thing in florida and thought it was a cuban drink...either way, it's damn good...and how come I dont get an invite to the tunnels...is this an anti-greeek thing?


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started out bbquing at my friends house...ate then came the beer and the fireworks.....lots of drinking and sweating...and fireworks too. to make a long story short my 4th ended with some bitch neighbor spraying us with her hose b.c we woke her baby up or something but we kept on lighting them fireworks...I HAD FUN!

a te he he he he he he

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Originally posted by mugwump

Yea, I try and invite

people but they never come along

for the ride anymore so I just

gave up...

So I write about it

and then I have no eye witneses

so people are like:

"yeeaaaaa riiiight"

*Then behind my back

"Mugz makes up shit!"

Ahhh to hell with all of ya!

(Except you Jenefer and artic shadow..

you guys can come down subway tunnels

with me and crazy DJs any time ya like)

ur the fuckin man....leme know next time u hit one of these up...i used to b sick into graph...

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Originally posted by mugwump

Is that a Capirisima?

(I love those)..

Damn mugz hit the nail on the head!

Nobody ever gets that right:

Caipirinha - sugar, lime, pinga (like vodka but distilled from sugar cane)

Caipirissima - sugar, lime, rum

Caipirosca - sugar, lime, vodka

I make some pretty good ones ;)

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Originally posted by dr0ne

Damn mugz hit the nail on the head!

Nobody ever gets that right:

Caipirinha - sugar, lime, pinga (like vodka but distilled from sugar cane)

Caipirissima - sugar, lime, rum

Caipirosca - sugar, lime, vodka

I make some pretty good ones ;)

I had a friend

who owned a bar in Tuscany that

was married to a Brazillian woman..

He use to make those really

really good..

You'll have to make me one

someday Mr. Drone.

(BTW: R U swinging by PS1 Saturday?)

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Originally posted by mugwump

I had a friend

who owned a bar in Tuscany that

was married to a Brazillian woman..

He use to make those really

really good..

You'll have to make me one

someday Mr. Drone.

(BTW: R U swinging by PS1 Saturday?)

im gonna try. i gotta check out my boys band at the continental tomorrow (u know those damn punk rockers...) but i really can't miss solomonic & rob paine.

u know what time that shit starts? i know the area by sub, but never driven, which ill be doing. what's the parking situation around there? % of my car getting jacked? :D anyway, almost definite ill b there. either ill b driving or if im too drunk ill find a way.

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I was out last night where Rob was spinning here in Philly, I cant make it up today, but he said he is excited and he is spinning around 3:00....he was layin it on thick last night.....have fun everyone!

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Originally posted by dr0ne

im gonna try. i gotta check out my boys band at the continental tomorrow (u know those damn punk rockers...) but i really can't miss solomonic & rob paine.

u know what time that shit starts? i know the area by sub, but never driven, which ill be doing. what's the parking situation around there? % of my car getting jacked? :D anyway, almost definite ill b there. either ill b driving or if im too drunk ill find a way.

yea it kicks off at 3:00 but I recomend

everyone get there earlier..

Look for a short guy with

a mohawk and goatee

(Streatched lobes)

*the one that "LOOKS" like

a mugwump!

Check out for the 411:



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Originally posted by thehacker

how many more times i gotta say it...

the williamsburg hipster is a figment of everyone's collective imagination.

it's a shitty way to label people.

the caipirinha is a kick ass beverage.

and it's a damn good record label too.

shut it Hoboken hipster~


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