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Holy shit!! Is lisa998 a fuckin promoter or what??

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Damn...least if yer gonna do some "subliminal" promoting least don't make it so damn obvious by blowing up the boards with STRICTLY club and dj related shit.

I swear every thread i read is almost as bad as dan wilsons lol.

Vicious this...rivera that...come here so and so is playing....when is so and so playing....when is rivera gonna come to ny i mean jesus why the fuck so many questions that have such obvious answers?

http://bbs.clubplanet.com/search.php?s=&action=showresults&searchid=55051&sortby=lastpost&sortorder=descending hmmmmmmm interesting threads

wow...i think im going into an alcoholic depression since my absence from Heineken and Guinness.

:( please exscuse my rage.

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Originally posted by quoth

I swear every thread i read is almost as bad as dan wilsons lol.

wow...i think im going into an alcoholic depression since my absence from Heineken and Guinness.

:( please exscuse my rage.

LMAO Quoth.. you know what.. you're not the first person to mention that about her being just like dan wilson or related to him or something.. :laugh: :laugh: I was just wondering why innocent lil me was brought up in her thread about Johnny Vicious DJing once a month?? :confused: Blahh.. Quoth, hun.. don't worry.. you'll be drinking a couple brewskies before you know it. :beer:

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Originally posted by lisa998

lmao. If i was promoting, i would be telling people to spend the 50 bucks to hear Oakenfeld for 2 hours.

Well...i just came home and im full cause i ate 6 hamburgers...4 hot dogs...and 8 buffalo wings....so regardless....yer STILL a promoter.

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