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Oakenfold last night...

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Originally posted by foxylady69

:confused: I had a great time Friday nite, but can somebidy tell me who were the last 2 DJ's after Oakie? No one seemed to know at the time. Someone actually said "Geez! You don't know? That's Paul Oakenfold!" (DUHH!!) But this was at like 5:30 and it was an Asian guy (who kicked ass, BTW!) So if you know who the last 2 DJ's were ...pleazz share with the class! :)

right on!!

there was that 30min stretch of pounding, pounding techno that absolutely tore me to shreads!!! big ups to the fellas that followed Oakie!!!

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Originally posted by graves962

Did anyone see a couple there on friday, the girl was a hot blonde wearing black pants and this really hot white shirt and the guy was blonde too and had on black pants with no shirt. They were tearing up the dance floor all night and i have to admit, just watching them together made me want to have a threesome. What a fucking awesome crowd. Oakie played an awesome set and the 2 djs after him rocked too. Who was the one after the asian guy? He played an awesome set and really kept the crowd jumping. I thought it might get slow after oakie left but the night continued to be perfect. I had no clue how to get into that CP vip room. Was that the room that you had to buy a bottle of fucking 300 crystal to get in??? I dont even care at this point. Definately the best night out of the summer so far.

I'm glad you had a great time, it all depends what you make of it. The Clubplanet VIP area was located on the main floor on the left side of the club(looking at the DJ booth) on the way to the stairs. As you are walking towards the stairs there is a section on the left and on the right. We we're on the right, I was workin the ropes. I let anyone in who was with Clubplanet, we couldn't find the banner in time. The waitress only wanted people who were buying bottles in that area but we told her otherwise.

Eddiebang - yeah that was a really long time ago, great memories!! I'm glad to see that you are moving on up there, goodluck. :D

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Originally posted by hotcheme

it is nice to hear that someone can still have a good time at exit. i have associated so many bad emotions with that place that i don't know if i could ever have a great night there again.

Blahh.. part of the secret to enjoying yourself at Exit is to go there knowing what to expect of the shitty place and then making the best of it.. I know some of you hate to hear that.. but it's the honest truth. I think a better secret, is to just not go there at all. :D :D

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Originally posted by codica3

Blahh.. part of the secret to enjoying yourself at Exit is to go there knowing what to expect of the shitty place and then making the best of it.. I know some of you hate to hear that.. but it's the honest truth. I think a better secret, is to just not go there at all. :D :D

exactly. why go to exit when you can go to 1000 other places in the city that have a better vibe?

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Originally posted by eddiebang

that would be me.. i played from 4-6am.. thanks =)

Well I am so glad to hear who it was!!! You were awesome! I especially liked the 80's sounding freestyle beat with a female vocal...what was that? I was the tall blonde chick dancing like Paula Abdul right in front of the booth for most of your set, BTW.

Do you have any CD's out? I really want one!! :)

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I wish there was a little message icon that looked like Homer Simpson smacking his head and yelling DOE! BEcause thats what i just did. In my post earlier i wrote "TTiesto's remix of southern sun".... i'll stop right there. Oakie played the other remix of southern sun...the gabriel and dresden unplugged remix. Which, i must say, is quite different/better than the Tiesto mix. I am suprised none of you allstars noticed my retardedness. By the way, the chillout mix isnt lying. you listen to that you're on the floor in a puddle of your own drool snoozin away cuz thats a sleeper! anywho, sorry bout the stupidity...i wont let it happen again


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Tony Draper was the last DJ to spin. Not sure if he came on right after Oakey BUT i do know he closed the club. I know this b/c I met him in the booth and took his pic. Also was hanging out in the lighting booth and the guys confirmed it was Tony Draper. I thought he was AWESOME.

That was my first time seeing Oakey and it was definitely one of the best shows i've seen. Spent most of the night upstairs in the white room though. Didn't get a chance to go to the CP area 'cause it was way too crowded.

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Originally posted by syderelli

hey teklord, it was great meeting you!! (i was one of the girls with peaches22....i think you took a picture of me too!) You made our night soooo much cooler!!

cheryl :)

Hehehe. Thanks but thank clubplanet, it was hot as balls but at least we had space.

ummm... so does anyone else think Draper is Awesome?? :blank: I didn't stay for closing so i can't say who spun after Oakenfold.

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