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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . I think we should equip all newyorkers with a nerf bat (one of the semi-rigid ones so it's got at least a little punch when you swing it) . . . and then allow normal citizens to ask to see ID from people in midtown . . .

. . If you cannot produce a valid new york ID , then by law, you should get whacked by at least 10 New Yorker's wielding the standard issue nerf bat . . .

. . Also, in the interests of community . . I think we should have what I call the "Midmorning free for all" . . It's quite simple . . everyone between 9-10 A.M. working in the midtown area gets to go down to the NBC studios on street level and whack the shit out of every tourist they see . . all the while screaming: GO BACK TO YOUR OWN STATE, MOUTHBREATHER!!! . . . .

just in case, by some major malfunction in my burnt little brain, I forgot how much I LOVE YOU. . . you remind me.


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i prefer midtown because i used to work in the 2 blocks from the WTC and alot of my office buddies weren't left to continue that job.. but.. downtown was sweet cause i was making 6 figures.. to do just what i do now.. Downtown has some benefits.. like, for example less tourists.. especially by Whitehall, and around the village.. but anywhere by City hall, and fogeddabodit, it's tourist central cause of GROUND ZERO

oh yeah.. no F'n TRL!

Now midtown is sweet cause it's less of a commute for me, and i work on 57th and 7th, so i can go have lunch at Central Park. which is always nice.. and i've got access to the trains within mere blocks.. the Q,W,N,R are on my block.. and the A,C,E, B,D are 1 block and a half away..

so.. after that lengthy,, thing i just wrote..

i say


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Originally posted by phuturephunk


. . If you cannot produce a valid new york ID , then by law, you should get whacked by at least 10 New Yorker's wielding the standard issue nerf bat . . .

I've lived, worked, and gone to school in the city for the past 5 yrs...but still have a Jersey ID, should I get wacked too? :tongue:

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Originally posted by klohe

I've lived, worked, and gone to school in the city for the past 5 yrs...but still have a Jersey ID, should I get wacked too? :tongue:

Yup...unless you get a NY ID....and soon!

Seriously though, do you plan to stay? If so, then no, you don't get whacked.

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Originally posted by bustaknut2001

Yup...unless you get a NY ID....and soon!

Seriously though, do you plan to stay? If so, then no, you don't get whacked.

my ID expires in October, so soon I'll have a NY one...

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . I think we should equip all newyorkers with a nerf bat (one of the semi-rigid ones so it's got at least a little punch when you swing it) . . . and then allow normal citizens to ask to see ID from people in midtown . . .

. . If you cannot produce a valid new york ID , then by law, you should get whacked by at least 10 New Yorker's wielding the standard issue nerf bat . . .

. . Also, in the interests of community . . I think we should have what I call the "Midmorning free for all" . . It's quite simple . . everyone between 9-10 A.M. working in the midtown area gets to go down to the NBC studios on street level and whack the shit out of every tourist they see . . all the while screaming: GO BACK TO YOUR OWN STATE, MOUTHBREATHER!!! . . . .

I think we should do more than just whack and use more than just a nerf bat. I say steel and I don't mean on just the tourists. I say bash all the misbehaved pushers, all those ugly people who run to get a seat on the subways, and anyone who spits on the street.

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Originally posted by fwilso01

I work in Midtown, my GF works Downtown........

I wish I worked Downtown, she wishes she worked in Midtown.

To everyone who works in one or the other.......

In your opinion, which is a better place to work?

Midtown takes the cake for me... Id much rather work midtown then downtown... shorter commute, better demogrpahic, closer to home... blah etc.

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Originally posted by nycchic24

try living there... i used to live off Fulton street (two blocks away from the seaport)

(actual conversation last year)

person: so where do you live?

me: downtown. financial district

person: wow, people actually live down there?!


That's too funny:laugh:


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Originally posted by dgmodel

Midtown takes the cake for me... Id much rather work midtown then downtown... shorter commute, better demogrpahic, closer to home... blah etc.

Yeah, but i work in Empire, and to actually have to push tourists out of your way to get to your elevator every morning is gonna make me go insane soon.........

For a tourist hater, i work in the worst office building possible on the planet.....

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Originally posted by fwilso01

I work in Midtown, my GF works Downtown........

I wish I worked Downtown, she wishes she worked in Midtown.

To everyone who works in one or the other.......

In your opinion, which is a better place to work?

definetly downtown....i wouldnt be able to put up with all those dam toursits in midtown....they will get in your way all the time just to take a fcuking picture.......downtown in my opinion is so much better plus my job is right by the SI ferry:D

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