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CRAZY shit went down last night...

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At 3am two cops busted into my room with thier bright flashlights boasting that they were "Rutgers Police"

They had gotten a call from a neighbor that someone was snooping around our house looking to break in.

When they got here our basement door was wide open and there was no robber in sight... but they came in our house to check it out.

They searched room by room and woke everyone up to check id's and shit.

Nothing was stolen last night... but 2 laptops and a couple cell phones have been stolen from our house in the past month... now we at least know its not someone in the house.

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...what were you wearing when they woke you up?....

sorry...i am a pervert after all...;)

i consider thieves the lowest of the low...to take what belongs to someone else is just plain loathsome...sorry to hear that - and that it could be someone you know / inside the house...

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Originally posted by phatman

...what were you wearing when they woke you up?....

sorry...i am a pervert after all...;)

i consider thieves the lowest of the low...to take what belongs to someone else is just plain loathsome...sorry to hear that - and that it could be someone you know / inside the house...

I was going to sleep in my underwear and a sports bra last night... but i settled for pajama pants... thank god

I really don't know if it is or isn't someone in the house... most likely not... but it does suck that now we have robbers to worry about.

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Damn that sucks, be careful in New Brunswick. You have a tight front door, but u gotta fix the midget side door. Bolt it up real good, fix the back door too. Get some money from the housemates, there are 16 people so if each person chips in 20 bucks you can make the house lock tight. Hey at least they were doing something productive instead of giving out parking tickets and busting up parties.

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Honestly hun.. you're lucky.. cause I was stupid enough to live in a house with people who liked to do drugs and if the cops busted in to search for a robber and found like a ounce of trees and like 4 grams of coke then we all would have been in a shitload of trouble.. the muthafuckers I used to live with had the fucking gravity bong set up on the coffee table in the living room for easy access.. oh goodness.. those were some days of hell living there.. don't even asked what possessed me to live there.. I can't stand trees.. and my house had a permanent scent of them. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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