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Stardo's mind want to know..

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Originally posted by badassmafuka

Geez lets see....Who I know from CP Vip-Tech, Stiffler, Tommytempts, Piro, Neena, Stardo of course ( my favorite) :D

Djdanfury, and I know more people but cant think right now

Always forgetting the little people...:(

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Originally posted by stardo

Not about looks on this board doll. Just making friends and cutting the rug.;)

Completely understand where you are coming from, but I really do avoid pictures....the only time people want to take a picture is when I am a complete mess and those pictures can be very incriminating...I really dont have any pictures to post (the high school picture but that was, well, 8 years ago:(

I will stumble to the back saturday nite and try to find you people....The more mangled I get the more talkative I become....Or you can just look for the kid getting yelled at for disappearing for hours....I get put in Time out a lot.

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Originally posted by stardo

Well I guess you will be appreciative and looking forward to this weekend.

I havent heard baby likes to ride in a while. Love that tune.

Also, let the sun shine.

God this weekend is going to be insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I say we all meet for shiny disco ball shots at Ceotters bar on Saturday night.....yummmmmmmm!!!!! :D

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Originally posted by jp18

I can appreciate the honesty....I am one to speak my mind.....I used to think I was dick, until I got invited to 9 weddings this year....I guess I dont try hard enuff:D

That is a new twist on how to be a dick to people... I have never heard anyone compare it tot he number of weddings he/she has been invited to....:laugh:

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

That is a new twist on how to be a dick to people... I have never heard anyone compare it tot he number of weddings he/she has been invited to....:laugh:

I look at this way, If i was as big as a dick as I thought I was, nobody would have invited me to there weddings, I wouldnt have already spent over 2000 in the last 6 weeks on 4 of the weddings, I wouldnt have had a wedding on memorial day weekend and labor day weekend.....Can you see where I am going with this....I need to be a bigger dick or just learn to say NO!!!!

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Originally posted by teresadf

I say we all meet for shiny disco ball shots at Ceotters bar on Saturday night.....yummmmmmmm!!!!! :D

Good plan. If Im not found there.

I promise to be front and center on the dance floor for tim deluxe just wont do.

So what brings you out of djais pretty lady.

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Originally posted by stardo

Good plan. If Im not found there.

I promise to be front and center on the dance floor for tim deluxe just wont do.

So what brings you out of djais pretty lady.

Classics night is bringing me out miss stardo..... ;) Plus some of my friends are coming down and want to go to tempts so I will be there!!!!! :D I met Zee at DJAIS now I have to meet you her partner in crime.....lol.

Perns I have no idea what's in that shot but it's really good..... :)

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Originally posted by stardo

Im still kind of new to this board so I need everyone to fill me in on a little CP history.

With all these fighing words going around did anyone really ever get into any real life fights over these posts?

Who's friends and who really isnt friends?

i'm barbiegirl - friends with clubchic1006, the jerseygirl, perns, sweepy, mosesonacid and slim calhoun. i know a few other people but only by face.

4 months ago - there were people on this board who devoted their lives to figuring out who i was .... needless to say, i still laugh about it.

i speak MY mind and how I feel, i am NOT influenced by anyone and try my best not to take sides.

this is a messageboard for heavens sake .... not the real world which we live in and abide by everyday.

however i am happy to say THANKS to cp and all of you for making my 10 hour days at work a little more interesting !!!

p.s. stardo, you have always been nice :D maybe one day we can do shots !!

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Originally posted by notallthere

Wow nice topic stardo..

Public message to all CP:

We are the all-singing, all-dancin crap of the world. We are all part of the same compost heap...

Damm how can I forget you in my post. Well I save the best for last.

"I am Stardo hunter of notallthere"!!!!!!:kiss2:

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I began posting on the NY board when I lived in NY.........just used to read it actually and see what was going on and when.

then I started posting a little and met a few peeps at Twilo and such who were mad cool..........I still see most of them once and a while out in the city or when they come to the shore or Hamptons.

when I moved back to Jersey last year I started checking out this board........at first, it was such a mess........nobody posted that much and when they did it was all negativity and immaturity..........naturally, after I started to post a bit the board got really good haha........now I've met a bunch of peeps from here who are mad cool also, too many to name really.

I don't aim to meet people from boards but once you know a few it's like a chain reaction.........soon enough, everyone will know everyone but it's cool cause most people are nice and it's always good to have familiar faces around.

between NY and NJ, I've easily met over 100 people from CP.

some have become good friends too.

I'm sure I've met even more than I know cause I was mangled half the time hahahaha

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people i've known "before the boards"... im friends with neena and piro who i met through 3rdfloorfactoria. (whom i have persuaded to make cameo appearances on cp) i didnt know they posted until i saw Piro post his pic at the factory. i also introduced Eddie to the clan at factory! (although i did meet eddie through cp, but in a twisted way we were already separated by 2 degrees)

i also know Stardo through 3rdfloor. hehehe actually she was one of the first people i met when i moved last year :) Look at that, 3rdfloor bringing people together ;)

my best friend is suthrnbelle - but she sticks to mostly the sex boards or the bump... board

there are others i have met on cp... some i like, others i could care less for. i must sya that all theh jersey peeps i've met have been mad cool :aright:

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Originally posted by teresadf

Shiny disco balls is the name of a shot that we were all doing last weekend it was delicious..... :)

shiny disco ball shot? i think you are making that up. i dont remember that. i DO remember cuervo though....:tongue:

tyco...that last post was sweet. i think im gonna go and have a good cry in the corner. when did you get so sensitive and emotional and stuff? just keep being a good cuervo partner and i'll love you forever...i think we might have a 3rd to add to the team....;) team cuervo...

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Originally posted by stardo

Well I guess you will be appreciative and looking forward to this weekend.

I havent heard baby likes to ride in a while. Love that tune.

Also, let the sun shine.

God this weekend is going to be insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have no idea how excited I am for this!!! I have been there for all the anthems!!! All of my friends that used to be there every weekend and have faded over the years will be back!!! Its all about a good vibe and that is why I am glad Laurie won't be there. I think she enjoys starting shit and I am not one to sit by while my friends are being bashed!!! Denny works very hard and I have a lot of respect for him. I hate when people start shit, I don't go to her job and say she sucks!!!

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Originally posted by pipdaddy

shiny disco ball shot? i think you are making that up. i dont remember that. i DO remember cuervo though....:tongue:

tyco...that last post was sweet. i think im gonna go and have a good cry in the corner. when did you get so sensitive and emotional and stuff? just keep being a good cuervo partner and i'll love you forever...i think we might have a 3rd to add to the team....;) team cuervo...

I forgot about the cuervo shots!!!!! I'm in #3 on team cuervo..... :tongue:

Starbryte is the 1 who told me that those shots were called shiny disco balls.....hehehe! ;)

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Originally posted by jp18

I look at this way, If i was as big as a dick as I thought I was, nobody would have invited me to there weddings, I wouldnt have already spent over 2000 in the last 6 weeks on 4 of the weddings, I wouldnt have had a wedding on memorial day weekend and labor day weekend.....Can you see where I am going with this....I need to be a bigger dick or just learn to say NO!!!!

Just say no, that's the way to go.........:D I hear the thoery though.....good point....

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Originally posted by pipdaddy

HONEY.....you have no idea. what you DON'T know about me could fill a book.....im just that goddam mysterious.....;)

LOL... Well you already have 2 strikes, you like Cuervo :puke:, and you hang out with Tyco, other than that, you are sweet as pie......:tongue::D

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everyone I have met from the NY and Jersey board are all cool, have no problems with anyone..and I do not judge people by what they say on this message board. When everyone's all I see are people bopping to their favorite songs and clinging shot glasses. :beer:

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well said Neena......as for me, I hate all you fucking morons..just kidding. I've had my battles with trewy, liverdick, notallthere, fleshfreak..........and anyone else that I can't think of, but its all in good fun. In the beginning I liked being part of the drama, but now I like being freindly with everone, its more my true personality.

good thread stardo..............

see everyone at Vips party.:party:

oh, except neena and piro....lame excuse

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