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Wut? No Fuckin Review?!

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i havent seen a review of MikeBuGout and Paulie Feva at Abyss last nite.


I HAD A FUCKIN BLAST! the 2 of them dropped some great songs. first showed up they were layin down some tribal, then went to old SF classics. its wut the jersey ppl need to get going. but alot of ppl in the crowd were def into it. mad cp heads showed up, everyone was in good spirits and havin fun. i was RETARDED!!! 3 beers in the car on the way there...then 2 rum & cokes, and 8 shots. i was messed up. even went down to the hip hop room for like 15 min, but that was all i could take of that.

the performance wasnt so bad by perpetuous dreamer. one of the better ones i think ive seen. actually i didnt pay much attn..i was listening, but not watching.

did i mention i was insanely drunk? :drunk:

manny the greek came on, in a seperate dj booth, that was wierd. he was aright. best thing i can remember him playing was shiny disco balls. other than that i wasnt really paying much attn to the songs. i was hearing the music but not listening to it. i was way to distracted by alcohol and GORGEOUS ladies. holy shit!!! :eek:abyss is packed with fine lookin chicks!!! omg!! i need to start goin to jersey clubs.

good seein...fuckin...everyone! lynne, randall, eric, helen, arthur, alan, mike, robin, larry, debbie, graydon(gmoneyjive) ;)hotcheme, cody, heather, karch, some girl from rutgers that ive talked to b4, my boys ed, mike, and dan. i know i forgot ppl. itll come back to me. im still hungover.

o yea....and Tough Enough Pete was there too!! (Im so wet right now i dont know wuts goin on!!!) :tongue:

along with like 30 other ppl i went to high school with. wierd!

All in all, great nite. after deep dish, then last week at roxy, and last nite....ive got a good run of amazing nites goin on. only nite that was bad for me was DT vs DH. 3/4 aint bad though huh? :aright:

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Originally posted by codica3

Wait.. TIME OUT..


I didn't see him.

All they talked about was Pete the Boxer that bought everyone drinks.. where was I??

He walked right in front of your nose, you and him were breathing the same air for a min or two, Celebrity!

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Originally posted by rdancer

He walked right in front of your nose, you and him were breathing the same air for a min or two, Celebrity!

LMAO... big bad celebrity...i remember when he walked in... i was like lookin at him :used to hook up with him in high school oohhhh aint i just the coolest :rolleyes: : anyway... lol... i saw him walkin in and my friend mike was with him.. said hey to mike and pete kept on goin.. so i stopped him and im like "what?? r u too cool to talk to me now??" lol.. he was like "ohhh shit i didnt even recognize u!!" hehhehehehehehe.... the funniest thing is.. i have him on my sweet 16 video talkin all sorts of italian, or so he thought, he sounds so ridiculousy funny i wish i could send it into mtv and be like.. yo.. this is the old school PETEY. ohh man

"im so wet right now i have no idea whats goin on" :rofl:

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Originally posted by rdancer

He walked right in front of your nose, you and him were breathing the same air for a min or two, Celebrity!

Ohh.. wait I think I did see him.. nevermind then.. I must have been really drunk the last time I was there cause I thought he was hot but I think I remember him now talking to someone right next to me and he didn't look so good up close anymore.. oh well.. he still has a nice body. :D :D

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Originally posted by codica3

Ohh.. wait I think I did see him.. nevermind then.. I must have been really drunk the last time I was there cause I thought he was hot but I think I remember him now talking to someone right next to me and he didn't look so good up close anymore.. oh well.. he still has a nice body. :D :D

If u hit the GYM even you too can be that big, DIESEL CODICA!:idea::laugh:

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Originally posted by rdancer

If u hit the GYM even you too can be that big, DIESEL CODICA!:idea::laugh:

Eww whatever I don't wanna be diesel and scary. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I just need to drop the fat off my gut and get a boob job and maybe a lil bit more of a butt. :right: :laugh: Then I can be a thin lil rail with nice curves.

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Originally posted by codica3

Eww whatever I don't wanna be diesel and scary. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I just need to drop the fat off my gut and get a boob job and maybe a lil bit more of a butt. :right: :laugh: Then I can be a thin lil rail with nice curves.

U are a CRACKER!:D

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Originally posted by codica3

Eww whatever I don't wanna be diesel and scary. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I just need to drop the fat off my gut and get a boob job and maybe a lil bit more of a butt. :right: :laugh: Then I can be a thin lil rail with nice curves.

can u please tell me where u have an ounce of fat on any part of ur body???? :rolleyes:jeez... UR NOT FAT... i dont understand how u can possibly think u r... i think u make girls that actually have a lil more meat on their bones feel a lil more self conscious if YOU think that YOURE fat!!

btw... if u go clubbing in a lil bikini top, chances r u really dont think ur *that* fat ;) hell if i could rock a bikini top to clubs i would...

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Originally posted by linabina

can u please tell me where u have an ounce of fat on any part of ur body???? :rolleyes: jeez... UR NOT FAT... i dont understand how u can possibly think u r... i think u make girls that actually have a lil more meat on their bones feel a lil more self conscious if YOU think that YOURE fat!!

btw... if u go clubbing in a lil bikini top, chances r u really dont think ur *that* fat ;) hell if i could rock a bikini top to clubs i would...

LOL.. no I don't think I'm fat at all. I just gotta drop my lil tiny gut from drinking too much Corona. :)

And just for the record Lynne, you could so totally rock a bikini top to a club!! I'm just a lil stick with no curvature or anything but you actually have a nice body!! Jealous. Very jealous.

Oh and Alan. This is for you: :blown:

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Originally posted by codica3

And just for the record Lynne, you could so totally rock a bikini top to a club!! I'm just a lil stick with no curvature or anything but you actually have a nice body!! Jealous. Very jealous.

:grin: why thank u! but umm... i think i might have some issues if i try to wear a bikini to a club lol... hey u said u wanted some more boobs right?? how bout i give u some of mine.. and i give u some of my ass... that way, we can both be happy... and rock bikini tops with a smile lol... :tongue:;)

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Originally posted by linabina

:grin: why thank u! but umm... i think i might have some issues if i try to wear a bikini to a club lol... hey u said u wanted some more boobs right?? how bout i give u some of mine.. and i give u some of my ass... that way, we can both be happy... and rock bikini tops with a smile lol... :tongue:;)

UHH! No, can't we keep everything the way it is ?


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Originally posted by linabina

:grin: why thank u! but umm... i think i might have some issues if i try to wear a bikini to a club lol... hey u said u wanted some more boobs right?? how bout i give u some of mine.. and i give u some of my ass... that way, we can both be happy... and rock bikini tops with a smile lol... :tongue:;)

Sounds like a deal. :aright: And this is not a girl's insecurity thread. Blahh.. it's a compliment thread. We're all sexy fawks. :D (the females at least...) ;)

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definite nice night out at abyss once again. Good stuff Mike and Paulie. I had my claim to the music when Manny The Greek dropped "wonderful Human beings" which was burnt off of my computer thank you very much. ok im a loser.

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Originally posted by linabina

LMAO... big bad celebrity...i remember when he walked in... i was like lookin at him :used to hook up with him in high school oohhhh aint i just the coolest :rolleyes: : anyway... lol... i saw him walkin in and my friend mike was with him.. said hey to mike and pete kept on goin.. so i stopped him and im like "what?? r u too cool to talk to me now??" lol.. he was like "ohhh shit i didnt even recognize u!!" hehhehehehehehe.... the funniest thing is.. i have him on my sweet 16 video talkin all sorts of italian, or so he thought, he sounds so ridiculousy funny i wish i could send it into mtv and be like.. yo.. this is the old school PETEY. ohh man

"im so wet right now i have no idea whats goin on" :rofl:

isnt it funny goin to highschool with him...and then seeing him lsat nigt..when he gave us a kiss hello...i was like,...wow ..times have changed..:eek:

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