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The world is watching us...

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Originally posted by hoke

What about times when personal information is aired on the boards without consent?

its a risk taken by joining the board...

lots of people have had personal feuds on cp... Last night was niether the first nor the last of these types of events... infact it pales in comparison to some of the feuds i've seen in my time on here...

I've seen things drag on for days, even weeks...

moral of the story: don't think you can fuck with people without reprecussion...

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . I'm just amused that no one , throughout this whole after school special of a thread, has attempted to find out WHY people decide to air their problems on the board. . .

You're making an unfair assumption... I've given it a lot of thought... and this thread is the result of that thinking.

I'm sorry you have such a low opinion of it -- though I'm glad to see that some people do agree with me.

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Originally posted by joeg

"open forum" is pretty much an "anything goes" environment... atleast it seems to be in this scenario...

you can't censor an OPEN forum... its a contradiction...

Oh, you're absolutely right there. Read on...

To address what you and phatman are saying: yes, people are assholes, and some people are more than willing (happy, even) to humiliate others publicly. And there are others who do so out of anger, or frustration, or to make a point... My hope is that this thread will give people some food for thought -- to consider that what we write here affects us and others (who we might not even know) in ways that aren't immediately obvious.

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Originally posted by hoke

Right... and ignoring the guests, how many of those members are posting? How many have EVER posted? Plenty of people use CP for the guestlists, so they're logged in even if they don't post.

That was me 4 like a year and a half:D

Guess I wasn't aware, interested or knowledgable about this posting messages on the board business.

The reason I do it now is because it's a good way to get to know other members of CP( if that interests you) and to find out what they're like.

I only started posting after I met someone at my first CP meetup(at Calle Nueve) who asked me if I posted. I was like "What?" Then I thought it was about time I "get a clue" and investigate the message board aspect of CP. And there you go......;)

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Originally posted by joeg

"open forum" is pretty much an "anything goes" environment... atleast it seems to be in this scenario...

you can't censor an OPEN forum... its a contradiction...

He's not talking about censorship... rather maturity and discretion.

I definitely agree even if I am presently Switzerland in the case at hand...

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Originally posted by tilly

Trust me, you dont want to have to be known as the girl or guy with dirty laundry

momma raised me well. "remember to always wear clean underwear. you'll never know when you'll be caught with your pants down." ;)

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Originally posted by tastyt

He's not talking about censorship... rather maturity and discretion.

I definitely agree even if I am presently Switzerland in the case at hand...

if we could all count on ppl using Maturity and Discretion, there wouldn't ever be a need for drama...

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Originally posted by hoke

I really hope this doesn't get turned into drama -- I just want to make an observation.

Last Saturday at PS1, I ran into a guy who I've only met a couple of times. He told me that he reads all my posts on CP and NB, and even made reference to a thread I started a couple months ago! However, he never posts himself.

Now, my point is this: there are those among us who post frequently, even religiously. But for every post whore, there are countless lurkers, most of whom aren't even registered.

When we air our personal lives on CP, people all over the world are reading it.

Now, for some people, that may not be a problem. Personally, I don't think I could handle it. I really hope that I never upset someone enough for them to bring it onto the boards and humiliate me, not only in front of my friends, but in front of the world... especially since my real name is common knowledge by now.

Just some food for thought... I'm not taking sides (not publicly)... I'm just stating how recent events have made me feel. Make of it what you will.

heheh maybe a little paranoid there? no? well maybe then after this you will be:

- EVERYTHING you've ever posted on CP is archived (effectively for all eternity!) :laugh: (with pictures even!)

- they have backups

- anyone can search by your username and lookup everything you've ever said

What a great stalking tool for law enforcement, exgirlfriends, enemies, voyeurs and just plain whack people!

I find it funny how for many people who post here, their entire lives are basically documented on this message board....what they did what days what night, where they work, where they live, who they're fucking, who they used to fuck, who they wished they were fucking.

Seriously....unless you're comfortable with having all that info for the WORLD to see....this site must get MILLIONS of hits a month easily....employers, friends, family, who the fuck knows. And the best thing is that what you said today stays archived (unless you edit it out). That includes those pictures of you fucked up hooking up w/ some ugly chick! Great for showing it to the wife and kids! (if they dont come across it by themselves first of course).

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by loch

momma raised me well. "remember to always wear clean underwear. you'll never know when you'll be caught with your pants down." ;)

this is the cp quote of the day! welcome home brotha..welcome home!

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Originally posted by dr0ne

- EVERYTHING you've ever posted on CP is archived (effectively for all eternity!) :laugh: (with pictures even!)

- they have backups

- anyone can search by your username and lookup everything you've ever said

I'm not worried about what I write personally, and I'm not too worried about what others might write about me either... I haven't done too much to be embarassed or feel humiliated about... but given the way things are on this board, I really hope that I never do... In general, I would like to not see people do such things, because as you say, they are archived and free for all to see.

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Originally posted by tastyt

He's not talking about censorship... rather maturity and discretion.

I definitely agree even if I am presently Switzerland in the case at hand...

I treat others as I'm treated...if someone failed to use discretion and maturity towards me in "real life" then I have no problems making it known on the boards if the situation should arise.
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um...why would you be worried about what lurkers and the world sees here? how is it tied to you personally? i have never seen anyones full name, address, etc. posted here. my coworkers (if i had any) could read this every day and never know that its me.

the only people who know who "we" are are those of us that have met. so unless you're worried about what we think about you, than who gives a shit what gets posted or aired here?

in fact, i'll bet that all the drama we create not only has entertainment value for our adoring public, but people can probably identify with lots of the shit we all have going on and maybe take something minor away from this (like a great insult to throw in someone's face)

of course i'm working on some new software for companies doing reference checks that ferets out everyone's screen names and retrieves every post they've ever made on any anonymous public forum....hoke u better run and hide ;)

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My full name has been posted many times, and not by myself.

But the number of people reading is actually somewhat besides the point... it's the concept of public humiliation that bothers me.

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in all honesty, I think the lurkers laugh the loudest of them all...

they get all the entertainment value of it, don't have to worry about themselves being attacked, and can tune in/out like a Tv show.

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Originally posted by hoke

My full name has been posted many times, and not by myself.

But the number of people reading is actually somewhat besides the point... it's the concept of public humiliation that bothers me.

nothing for nothing, but your sn is your last name, and your first name with last initial is in your sig... its not rocket science...

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I cant decide which of the many threads I want to post this on so I'm posting it here.

When you lower yourself, sink down, and behave in ways that are below you in order to get back at someone who acts with no self-respect or respect for others, you only make yourself as bad as them, if not worse, since you should know better in the first place.

Inevitably you wind up doing things you regret and you wind up being disappointed in your own behavior, and disappointing others with your behavior. you degrade yourself.

When you choose to handle your conflicts this way, your original point is lost. Even if you are completely RIGHT, no one will recognize it because you have made yourself hard to believe and hard to sympathize with.

on the point of too much info being on this board. I agree. Unfortunately people will always give more info about you than you really want them too. Its not always on purpose either. Poeple dont stop to think "hmmm... just because i dont mind having my real name posted on the board doesnt mean that I should address everyone as such." or "wow, maybe so and so wouldnt want everyone to know he/she works at blah blah"

Its just the way things go around here.

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Originally posted by ReginaP

I treat others as I'm treated...if someone failed to use discretion and maturity towards me in "real life" then I have no problems making it known on the boards if the situation should arise.

I don't know... I like to think I'd be an adult about it and keep it off the board... of course there are ways to get around it, such as talking in hypotheticals and not naming names...

Then again... if I were thrown into the situation, who knows...

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Originally posted by dr0ne

heheh maybe a little paranoid there? no? well maybe then after this you will be:

- EVERYTHING you've ever posted on CP is archived (effectively for all eternity!) :laugh: (with pictures even!)

- they have backups

- anyone can search by your username and lookup everything you've ever said

What a great stalking tool for law enforcement, exgirlfriends, enemies, voyeurs and just plain whack people!

I find it funny how for many people who post here, their entire lives are basically documented on this message board....what they did what days what night, where they work, where they live, who they're fucking, who they used to fuck, who they wished they were fucking.

Seriously....unless you're comfortable with having all that info for the WORLD to see....this site must get MILLIONS of hits a month easily....employers, friends, family, who the fuck knows. And the best thing is that what you said today stays archived (unless you edit it out). That includes those pictures of you fucked up hooking up w/ some ugly chick! Great for showing it to the wife and kids! (if they dont come across it by themselves first of course).

that is scary but so true. it's like at work, once you put it on paper or send an email, it is documented and you are responsible for that information. the reality of the world we live in.

which makes hoke's point that much more valid - we really should use some common sense and watch what we say.

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it seems that some ppl forgot that this is an internet site i know that cp doesnt seem or feel like one well wake up everyone IT IS!!!when i first came on this site which was in may i was just looking for a place to party not looking to meet ppl but now im willing to hang out with ppl that i never met before which when you think about it is not that safe but just about all of us forgot that .we are all looking to party so we found a place that lets us meet but when we meet thats when the post become more personal everyone has there inside jokes and so far ive enjoyed meeting you all.but theres alot of ppl that hide behind there pc.and start drama.so if anyone has drama keep it between you and that person and not the bored if you dont want everyone to know about it.

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