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check out this BS Rolling Stone article...

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...and we wonder why "outsiders" have such shitty perceptions of the scene:


Notice the lack of any discussion of the music and art of the electronic dance music scene. It's all about what drugs are being done in which cities and who's had his dick sucked in the DJ booth. Ridiculous.

Please write to Rolling Stone and tell them to put an end to this biased journalism.


David Christopher


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Originally posted by dbilas

...and we wonder why "outsiders" have such shitty perceptions of the scene:


Notice the lack of any discussion of the music and art of the electronic dance music scene. It's all about what drugs are being done in which cities and who's had his dick sucked in the DJ booth. Ridiculous.

Please write to Rolling Stone and tell them to put an end to this biased journalism.


David Christopher


. . I'd have to agree. . . I was visiting my parents house and my sister, who had bought the issue for the Osbournes article :rolleyes: showed me the feature . . . Needless to say, eye rolling was a frequent activity while I read it . . .

. . First off, the name of the Article: Sex, Drugs and DJ's . . . Yeah, I'm all for a little titillation now and again, but the way things are going now with the state pressing hard to ban activities that are conducive to the consumption of E, you'd think that Rolling Stone would have at least focused the article on the driving forces behind the music and the parties (the technical side: promotions, organization, venues, sound reinforcement etc . . ) rather than just the drugs and debauchery . . . I would have really liked it if they took a step by step on how . . say . . the Blackkat crew throws a party at the Lunatarium and the logistics involved . . ya know? . . The real business that has to be done so that YOU as the consumer can show up at midnight and dance until the sun comes up . . . Wishing for that would be asking that magazine too much . . I guess if it doesn't involve roadies pulling cable so some primped up screaming metal god in leather pants can prance around while breaking things and occasionally sing, it doesn't matter . . .

. . And that brings me to my point: Mainstream music publications don't consider what we beatheads listen to as art . . . They think it's some kind of weekender diversion that nobody really takes seriously, and the lack of investigative work on RS's part clearly demonstrates that . . . They don't WANT to understand either . . .

. . . Funny thing is, SPIN is trying to do a similar article. . . I met up with an old friend down south last week (or was it the week before . . I honestly can't remember . . derr . . ) . . He came by my friend's apartment and we started talking . . . Turns out he's been tasked by SPIN (as an intern) to find information and research focusing on New Yorks underground nightlife . . . Now, lemmie set the scene for you here in this apartment: You've got 3 party people. . . 2 of which are veterans (of many years) from the Orlando scene, currently partying in New York and one other that's been partying in NYC for years . . . You'd think that this kid would have the pad and paper ready . . .

Now, I'll give him the fact that he's an indie rock kid, who really doesn't understand where people like us are coming from, but you'd think . . . for journalistic integrity alone. . . that he would at least pick our brains about it, or maybe even ask to come out with us when we go around the city to see what it's all about . . . Did that happen? . . Nah. . . He just made some offhand comments, asked maybe one, uninterested, question and then continued drinking . . .

. . . This is a person who's chance of getting a full time appointment at spin HINGES on doing good feature work . . . You'd think . . . even if he wasn't genuinely interested, that he'd at least give it the college try . . . NOPE . . .

. . And that's the position I think staffers at these godforsaken magazines take on what we do . . . I can't really say that the drugs aren't part of the driving force behind it, but beat culture goes far beyond what we do in a darkened room on a typical saturday night, something that the powers that be need to understand if there's going to be any kind of fair legislation on it WITHOUT having our civil rights violated . . .

. . As far as the DJ aspect of the article . . First off, putting Fatboy slim as the first DJ feature shows an amateurish approach to the scene. . . If they at least wanted a sliver of cred, they would have put someone like Richie Hawtin first . . . but I guess he aint commercial enough . . . Secondly, I was turned off by the sexual slant of it all . . . I really don't need to know that Sasha got his cock sucked while spinning rekkerds, nor that Tiesto had sex with a girl who was NOT his girlfriend (something which even HE made a point to quote in the article) while he was supposed to be throwing down one of his luke warm sets . . . . . Think about it . . If even the musicmakers are portrayed as sleezeballs, we really don't have any defense left . . .

. . ehh. . . such is life . .


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. . . Oh, and I'd also like to say that me needing to pull this thread off the third page of the history clearly shows that the kids reading this board are uninterested in engagining in any kind of meaningful debate about something that you all suposedly love doing . . .

. . . Call me an elitist asshole for saying that . . I can deal . . but that still doesn't mitigate the fact that it's true . . .

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no phonk, i hear what you are saying.

what is disturbing to me is that i was reading a thread on this article on another board that i post on and there were a lot of really positive responses about its content. that makes me angry because those people are usually very aware of the music.

i would bitch further about the inaccuracies of the article and many of the important aspects of the scene that they blatantly left out, but you did a nice job covering it.

what makes me even more mad is that it is shit like this that kills the scene and promotes irresponsible drug use.:mad:

it IS still about the music for some people....

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Oh, and I'd also like to say that me needing to pull this thread off the third page of the history clearly shows that the kids reading this board are uninterested in engagining in any kind of meaningful debate about something that you all suposedly love doing . . .

. . . Call me an elitist asshole for saying that . . I can deal . . but that still doesn't mitigate the fact that it's true . . .

Now, that's not fair, and you know it... Personally, I'm at a point where discussion about these things tires me. We talk about it amongst ourselves, but no change ever comes of it, and all it does is make me frustrated and sad that we're so misunderstood. I prefer to just give this article a :rolleyes: and move on...

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Originally posted by hoke

Now, that's not fair, and you know it... Personally, I'm at a point where discussion about these things tires me. We talk about it amongst ourselves, but no change ever comes of it, and all it does is make me frustrated and sad that we're so misunderstood. I prefer to just give this article a :rolleyes: and move on...

but there are so many of us that we could make a difference and a good start would be not to let shit like this get printed in widely read magazines.

i don't really want them to truly cover the scene because I don't really want the mainstream population to infiltrate the clubscene. but at the same time, i don't want my friends, family, and co-workers assuming that i do all sorts of drugs and who knows what else just because I like electronic music and choose to go out a few times per week.

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ahhh...but its impossible to keep stuff like this out of magazines.

1. shit like this sells

2. shit like this sells

3. we all know that gossip, horror, pain, illicity and sex make the news. happy, satisfied, peaceful, law abiding people don't

yes, we have a fucked up society

but you know what, every social, youth, music, etc. movement has had stuff like this written about it. the difference is that we don't write the counter point of view and get it published?

DaVe - have you ever asked anyone to write a feature about your business from the perspective of the users and their social lives and try to get it published????

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Originally posted by barvybe

ahhh...but its impossible to keep stuff like this out of magazines.

1. shit like this sells

2. shit like this sells

3. we all know that gossip, horror, pain, illicity and sex make the news. happy, satisfied, peaceful, law abiding people don't

yes, we have a fucked up society

but you know what, every social, youth, music, etc. movement has had stuff like this written about it. the difference is that we don't write the counter point of view and get it published?

DaVe - have you ever asked anyone to write a feature about your business from the perspective of the users and their social lives and try to get it published????

someone last week brought up the idea of doing a film capturing the life of a CP clubgoer. It is an interesting idea but I wouldn't want to see it happen...

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Originally posted by hotcheme

but there are so many of us that we could make a difference and a good start would be not to let shit like this get printed in widely read magazines.

i don't really want them to truly cover the scene because I don't really want the mainstream population to infiltrate the clubscene. but at the same time, i don't want my friends, family, and co-workers assuming that i do all sorts of drugs and who knows what else just because I like electronic music and choose to go out a few times per week.

When you figure out how to keep mainstream media from printing tabloid-like depictions of nightlife, which sells like hotcakes because everybody wants to read about sex, drugs, and depravity, let me know... I'll help you make it happen.

You have to remember what you're up against. You can't just waltz into the Rolling Stone corporate headquarters and say, "Um, excuse me... that was a really skewed article and I'd like you to write one that more accurately depicts my world." They'd just laugh, point to the bottom line from their accounting department, and gently escort you to the door...

I think you're absolutely right, I'd love to see it change, but we live in a society driven by lust and money... rationality and fairness are scarce commodities.

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Originally posted by hoke

You have to remember what you're up against. You can't just waltz into the Rolling Stone corporate headquarters and say, "Um, excuse me... that was a really skewed article and I'd like you to write one that more accurately depicts my world."

Nah, they could never pull that off....

my world is Special.:updown:

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Originally posted by hotcheme

someone last week brought up the idea of doing a film capturing the life of a CP clubgoer. It is an interesting idea but I wouldn't want to see it happen...

interesting idea, but unlikely to resolve this issue of bad press.

much better would be an article that discussed how the club scene (and CP) cause it is more likely to be taken seriously. movies tend to be taken as fiction, articles as more factual. articles are generally more widely read then low budget docudrama's are watched.

there are a lot of positive aspects to the club / cp scene:

1. brings people together

2. gives people a forum to workout their problems

3. provides support, an outlet, friends

4. provides social opportunities for all us well adjusted kids

5. people we all know have met and married through this scene.

and of course there are drugs around, but that's no different then the comparable scene for any generation...

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Thank God for phuturephunk and barvybe...I knew that you two would jump on this post eventually! (And I knew that you would understand what I was getting at.) Phuturephunk--I couldn't have said it better.

I've seen way too many positive (or cynical) responses on this board and on NaughtyBooth...that just irks me to no end. We need to unify in our support for our culture and not just throw our hands up and let the government take it over.

A 10-year-old girl just died from taking 5 ecstasy pills...you just know that is going to get traced back to the dance-music scene. (God, I hope that her dad isn't a rave promoter.) Public sentiment against our scene is swelling to an all-time high...don't let the uninformed make decisions for us.


David Christopher


(and, to echo an argument on an another thread, HeadRushMusic is not a f***in' drug reference!!!)

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heard this on 1010 WINS this morning...(just bits and peices of it)

A study released showed that the club drug ecstasy is showing up in clubs across the nation (duh!). However latest drug busts indicate that more and more purchases are being made by young suburban teenagers. There is also evidence that a new trend is occuring where eecstasy is being mixed with heroin to make it more physically addictive. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


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Originally posted by dbilas

Thank God for phuturephunk and barvybe...I knew that you two would jump on this post eventually! (And I knew that you would understand what I was getting at.) Phuturephunk--I couldn't have said it better.

our pleasure!

phunk even moved to within 1 mile of me so our brains could commune more efficiently.

so, the realy question is, who knows someone at a rolling stone or a time out NY or village voice (main stream but not conservative publications)? oh yeah, and who can write really well.....:)

i think i just got a headrush

(maybe it was just brain freeze though)

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