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Homegrown 7/16 Review

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Good beats, good people, nice time chillin with you all... and $3 yuengling drafts!! Who could ask for more (except maybe not putting 180 miles on my peice-of-shit car)

Nice meeting lavendermenace, roha3000, echostar, thehacker, sexxyme, wideskies, gmccookny, focuspuller & tastyt (sorry you 2 I don't remember meeting before... goddamn bad memory!)

nycmuzik2000 - good set man... sorry I didn't recognize you, I def remember u from before

kingartur - one of these times we have to have the drink-off... maybe a comprimise of shot/beer/shot/beer etc. lol

djjonstephen - post info about yer gig on sat... maybe this time I'll get to hear ya :)

focuspuller - glad your cp name has nothing to do with towing ford focuses lol (refer to the thread concerning what we thought about cp ppl before we met them)

bogb - nice meetin u for the 3rd time (or more)... well at least u didn't remember meeting me either so I don't feel so bad... too bad we're both fucked up everytime we meet :)

sorry if I forgot anyone... I'm amazed I remembered 7 or 8 new ppl

great hangin with u all... don't think I'll be out too much more during the week, too long of a drive...

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

Good to meet you again lol.......As far as my set is concerned......It sucked imo....Possibly the worst hour of my life....I apoligize to everyone.....:(

Um... STFU? :idea:

I enjoyed it, Marty, and that's all that counts!


(And good seeing you again, gmoneyjive... I know it's tough for you to make it out...)

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

Good to meet you again lol.......As far as my set is concerned......It sucked imo....Possibly the worst hour of my life....I apoligize to everyone.....:(

i don't know what you are talking about Marty, it was great!:)

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i'm also bad with names, but i *should* at least recognize apotheosis, bog, nycmusik, and gmoneyjive next time (well, i'll *definitely* remember apotheosis next time, i promise).

good to see gmccookny out again... finally! sheesh!

... and of course the rest of you lot whose names i never mess up i was glad to chat with as well. hugs all around. :]

unfortunately i missed most of everyone's set except for the DJ from NJ (the second person spinning? or third maybe). once August comes around, i'll actually be able to make the dinner meetups and show up early.

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First of all...Marty, STFU

Second of all...Marty, STFU!!!!

So um I enjoyed Marty's set:D We all hightailed it over from dinner just in time...

George Calle--wow :) Ron you weren't kidding!!! Guy was fantastic...Dyanna is he the one that dropped *our* song? ;) I had a wonderful time, fantistic vibe ;) and my original sex kitten...D...mwah for showing up! Cat--good to see you too girl! Melissa nice meeting you, everyone else great to see you. As usual I stayed later than I'd planned but hey...my boss is on vacation this week :D

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Originally posted by wideskies


good to see gmccookny out again... finally! sheesh!

Yes, even though i had to lug my briefcase around and look like a wall-street junkie, it was all good :tongue:

It was nice too see old faces, new faces and :updown: faces as well. I hope it will be the 1st of many homegrown events for this smurf !

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Originally posted by ReginaP

First of all...Marty, STFU

Second of all...Marty, STFU!!!!

I had a wonderful time, fantistic vibe ;) and my original sex kitten...D...mwah for showing up!

1 - yes mcfly please do

2 - yes mcfly please do

3 - :love: ive said i was going since the party 1st got put together but noooooooooo :rolleyes: (moron)

Ron n Bog 4 paws up. . .amazing support from cp'ers and those bar regulars (the bleach blond asian chic! haha) and the vibe was so comfy plus the music was awesome (well the 2 sets i caught anyway - mcfly and the dude right after him :woah: )

Yummy place to be on a Tuesday night. . . icon14.gif

your kitten signing off. . .

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glad to see all you guys make it out again.. good to know you all had fun.

always nice to have drama free nights.

next week.. kurtis patrick will be making a special appearance.. plan on stickin around

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Another kick ass night, and now I’m shot.

Thank you all for coming.

We are going to keep bringing you the music and the vibe to the best of our ability. Now that there is 4 of us running the party it will only get better. Next will be another kick ass time, Greag Calle will stop by and chill (will become a "regular" ), and we have some grate special event in the months to come.

Thank you for the drama free night

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marty, you're set stinks, and I didn't like it... it was Awful...

just appreciate the fact that i'm the only one whos honest about it... ;)

(j/k... like I told you last night, I was definately feelin it... keep it up, and get me a demo!!!)

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

.......As far as my set is concerned......It sucked imo....Possibly the worst hour of my life....I apoligize to everyone.....:(


That’s it you left me no choice,

Now you’re going to get bitch slapped.

And if this nonsense continues

I’ll beat you like a illegitimate red headed step child and pimp your ass down by the docks for a buck fifty (that’s $1.50). You’re walking a thin line buddy.

Stop benign so hard on your self, you did grate.

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Originally posted by bogb


That’s it you left me no choice,

Now you’re going to get bitch slapped.

And if this nonsense continues

I’ll beat you like a illegitimate red headed step child and pimp your ass down by the docks for a buck fifty (that’s $1.50). You’re walking a thin line buddy.

Stop benign so hard on your self, you did grate.


marty you are way too hard on yourself.. everyone makes mistakes.. if nick warren can train wreck at twilo and be forgiven, I think the needle skipping can EASILY be forgiven.. don't stress so much. with time you will be more comfortable spinning out.

and I was diggin what you were playing.

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Originally posted by bogb


That’s it you left me no choice,

Now you’re going to get bitch slapped.

And if this nonsense continues

I’ll beat you like a illegitimate red headed step child and pimp your ass down by the docks for a buck fifty (that’s $1.50). You’re walking a thin line buddy.

Stop benign so hard on your self, you did grate.

Don't listen to him Marty...go with me and I can EASILY get you $2.50 for your ass...:D Oh and to continue the praise--I listen to your demo all the time!! You're the reason I went out last night :cool:
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had a great night. Nice meetin gmoneyjive.

wow, a drama-free evening. what breathe of fresh fucking air.

lets try and have some more of those, ok kids?

oh Marty, yeah you suck, you should go crawl in a hole and die.

(would you get over it already? your set was great. you made one mistake. geez)


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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ......You guys are the best..:love:

BTW....I'm not that cheap.....I go for about $3.50...But that negotiable....:D

But you have to think quantity, quantity, quantity.

Let’s take Pseudo for example

Look at what happened to them.

They jacked up the door, now ppl think it’s to much, no noe shows up and they made no money.

So we’ll stick to $1.50 no need to jack the price and make no money.

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Marty, I'll take whatever they're offering you and double it.

*wraps arm around shoulder*

You gots potential, kid, see? These other cats... (*gesticulates wildly*)... they don't see that, see?

*turns, looks Marty in the eyes*

I can make you a star, kid... you wanna be a star?

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Oh man...Decisions decisions....I'm torn...I dunno who to pick.....Lets see....With Bog I would get whored alot more cause I'm cheaper....But with Regina the clientele would probably be more respectable because of the higher price.......Crap.....I need to think this over....I'll get back to the 2 of you....:tongue::laugh:

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