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Are you comfortable dancing?

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for the premiere of the Spiderman movie, two of the sexiest girls joined me on the dance floor for a few hours working up a sweat. They were surprised at how long I could stay on the dance floor non-stop, and one of them leaned over and whispered in my ear about how all these guys are surrounding us trying to learn from the moves I make.

Now, isn't that the best compliment!!!:D So, ask me: would you be self-conscious on the dance floor after that???

I don't think so.

The main reason I go is to dance/entertain to the good music; and if you see me I'm all over the dance floor:party:

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Originally posted by Kuro

I wish I had brought a video camera so you could really see waht you look like.

. . . Cat's got skillz on the dancefloor .. . rawk rawk on! . .

. . . oh , and as for me . . . I used to hate dancing . . until I came to terms with the fact that I loved it and I hated MYSELF and that's why I wasn't dancing . . . So now I just say fuck it and go at it on da floor . .

. . . Cause as we all know . . I AM the spaztic robot . . :tongue: . . .

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I have trademarked the most dorky, ungraceful, unsexy style of dancing I could possibly come up with, second only to quoth's spastic chicken, of course...

yeah, I'd say I dont really care too much if I look silly. but I also cant pull it off at all if I'm not into the music.

The half-assed Bounceā„¢ is just unacceptable.

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Mikey...it's OOOOOOOONNNNN hehe my dancing is the last thing I'm worried about when I'm out.....I'm more self-conscious about what I look like that particular night--insecurity..... music is what helps me forget about that though dance is a form of self-expression, it's different for everone

Rackham (gosh, I almost called you Hoke) don't pay any attention to people making comments they're the ones who actually look stupid for making the remark alone

I think you dance quite well for a chap :)

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Originally posted by snoozi8

Rackham (gosh, I almost called you Hoke) don't pay any attention to people making comments they're the ones who actually look stupid for making the remark alone

I think you dance quite well for a chap :)


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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Cat's got skillz on the dancefloor .. . rawk rawk on! . .

That's the first thing I noticed about her long ago when I met her at Twilo. Well, maybe the second thing...

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Originally posted by cintron

hmmm... i'll give you one hint to how i (and a bunch of us feel about dancing.)


End of Story :)

i dun dance im just a wallflower cause i dun know how to dance an im afraid ppl would laugh at the way i dance case in point that night..... i swore never to dance again.... :eek: especially with those glowin thingys...


She does have beautiful eyes. Ok, her dancing was the third thing I noticed

well her twostep was the first thing i noticed... then i noticed nate:mad: then i noticed the eyes an everything else when we left vinyl.... ooo-weee:tongue:

. . . . . you're a baaaaad boy!! . . . . . . . .
no just observant lol
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Originally posted by LavenderMenace

I have trademarked the most dorky, ungraceful, unsexy style of dancing I could possibly come up with

but lav dear, it is because you are so unassumingly "unsexy" that makes you all the more sexy! i'll take your "unsexiness" over any pretentious glam any day. ;)

and are you kidding me? i LOVE the lavender bounce! :bounce: bounce: :bounce:

on another note, i've said it before and i'll say it again: i whip out my funky chicken & peeweeherman moves. they're chic magnet moves, hands down.


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jay! what a liar! you can DEFINITELY match my energy and style on the dancefloor. next to you and nathan, i fade into the woodwork. *bows head humbly*

I like Kuro's merry bounce, and Joeg's CuteDance, and Mike's "idontgiveashitimgonnadance" dance, and Rackham's "i got soul" dance, and everyone else's dances because the important part is just to move.

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Originally posted by kingartur


WOW bring back memories, WOW what a crazzy night and a even crazier morning :cool:

yes indeed artie it was a night to remember oh the memories.......... man the way back home it felt like i was movin an every1 else was in another i dunno it was like... a world outside of my own.. if that makes any sense :confused:

an yes nate ur ugly mug did ruin it :laugh:

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Originally posted by wideskies

jay! what a liar! you can DEFINITELY match my energy and style on the dancefloor. next to you and nathan, i fade into the woodwork. *bows head humbly*

I like Kuro's merry bounce, and Joeg's CuteDance, and Mike's "idontgiveashitimgonnadance" dance, and Rackham's "i got soul" dance, and everyone else's dances because the important part is just to move.

dude, walker's bounce is the shit... no doubt.

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