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My lunch with Weyes...


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Today Weyes and I met up on 57th street in New York city.

I met her crossing the street. It was like a scene from casablanca, or something... I swooshed her out of the roadsway, and saved her from incoming bikes and buses.

It was so kool to finally meet up, and actually "talk" to someone you've only superficially met on the internet.

We had a nice lunch at a bustling lil' restaurant. We spoke at length of families, friends, drug experiences, and plans for the future. (We also had a wish that vicman and joeygk could join us ;)

So it was a pleasure indeed, and i hope to return the favor soon out in Cali.


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Gmccookny - one question: is Weyes hot? I'm totally convinced she's a top-shelf honey. Not that it matters b/c she's a doll face on the boards, but I just have this image in my head of one very cute tall drink of water!!!!!!!!!! :D

Okay, two questions: so what did you have for lunch? Soup & Salad?

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well, i hope gmc will cut me a little slack, 'cause today i was not in the best of moods, as i am not totally recovered and am finding it frustrating :( . i was going to bring my camera to commemorate the event, but my real one's 2cr5 battery is dead and i couldn't find my disposable as i was flying out the door; i also had to allow more time to get there, as i'm not walking at full speed yet. good thing though, joey, 'cause today was definitely not one of my better days :hey: ! i know, i know, i never posted a picture of myself after you and vic did - unfair, according to spinsaikel... but the messageboard thing is kind of weird; i get a picture of people in my head and then when i see the actual one, it kind of throws me off. i wonder if that happens to other people. silly, i know, and it's only weird for a little bit, then it's kind of nice to know what the person on the other end looks like... does anyone identify with what i'm talking about, though?

anyway, i have a good pic around somewhere, i'll just have to get it scanned someplace.

i had stuffed shells (ricotta, spinach and such) and a house salad, and i'll let gmc describe his meal as he pleases, as i never got a review on how good it was. (were the croutons crisp, after all the hype, gmc?)

and gmc is officially a sweetheart! i wonder if there was a sweetheart smurf...

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wished i couldve taken a quickie trip to ny, but alas i could not. hopefully if schedules pan out, i'll be out west during christmas/new years when i'll take the remainder of my vacation days and i hope to make out to LA, 'cos i know that i'll get pretty bored after a couple of days in arizona.

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Yes, we should all meet up somehow, joeygk being in the southeast point, me and vicman in the northeast quadrant, and weyes n sassa being in the west.

Lunch was great, and so was weyes ;)

She certainly is a cutie, very energetic, and never found a dull moment. She seemed pretty chipper, despite the operations and such, must be that california orange juice she drinks :D

I enjoyed lunch thoroughly, i had a caesar salad cuz i was craving parmesean and crutons (those hard mini-toasted breads were WAY overdone)

I can't wait to do it again. I say we all meet up halfway and go to St. Louis, Missouri or Aspen, Colorado in the winter :)

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Originally posted by gmccookny

I can't wait to do it again. I say we all meet up halfway and go to St. Louis, Missouri or Aspen, Colorado in the winter :)

road trip to St Loius? we need to see where in the US would a midway point be...might end up being some farm in Oklahoma or something.

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Originally posted by vicman

road trip to St Loius? we need to see where in the US would a midway point be...might end up being some farm in Oklahoma or something.

I was unimpressed with Oklahoma City, St. Louis and Omaha. How 'bout Chicago? Or Detroit even? Then we'd have a scene, too.

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Originally posted by nourishment

I was unimpressed with Oklahoma City, St. Louis and Omaha. How 'bout Chicago? Or Detroit even? Then we'd have a scene, too.

F**K you! :bigfinge:

Don't call my hometown unimpressive...how long did you actually spend in StL...back that comment up with some facts buster brown...

:D j/k

StL does have some great floating casinos and of course the biggest baddest brewery you've ever seen...oh, and that big piece of metal we call the arch..."gateway to the west" baby! (which, by the way, is the tallest man made monument in the 50 states)... but beyond that, really not much of a dance music scene to speak of, although i must say, the last few times i was home, they were making some vast improvements

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hey, gumby - put this in your pipe and smoke it, buddy:

peace1.gif !!!

thanks, nourishment :) . you can have my share of the peanut butter, too. when i was little and trying to understand why my parents divorced, i asked my mom why. she told me that she and my dad "just didn't agree on things."

"like creamy and chunky peanut butter?" i asked. mom's house had the creamy, dad's had the chunky.

"kind of," she said.

peanut butter, man. so meaningful in my life :hey: - or something :) .

funny, vic - i was also wondering if there were some sort of great way we could mathematically figure out what would be the midpoint of where we all should meet.

but, whatever. i'm with you!!! let's just kick out my roommate and

:party: at my place!!!

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