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What Did Everyone Do This Weekend


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Friday i realy wanted to go but my friend birthday party at her house so i was there till 4:30 in the middle of nowhere (she lives in the redland) so we partied all night long! and sat i went and saw men in black ( it was okay) and sun i was at the beach sun bathing all day long so im hurtin today so bad :eek:

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Originally posted by ravengirl


Friday i realy wanted to go but my friend birthday party at her house so i was there till 4:30 in the middle of nowhere (she lives in the redland) so we partied all night long! and sat i went and saw men in black ( it was okay) and sun i was at the beach sun bathing all day long so im hurtin today so bad :eek:

sounds like u had a busy weekend....yea, i need some sun too...my white ass is hurting for some other color than white...:( well u missed a hell of night, courtesy of Lee Burridge...i have not had that much fun in ages....Spin was stuffed!!!!!!

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rock star weekend here in nyc.


went to tja to check out my boy from orlando, phil morrison playing the weirdest, quirky music. he has quite a record collection. headed over to noble in the east village to hear juan zapata from the east coast boogeymen. dope vibe in there, it's the same spot we do our bi-weekly parties with the 112 crew. Place was rammed, everyone on their feet shakin that ass. Deep house at its best with those sweet vocals layered over wicked basslines. great crowd, great music, gotta love the low-key friday nights.


big night at arc for the 1 year anniversary party with danny howells and the start of bill patrick's new residency. went to a listening party at a friends place around 10 pm to hear Danny's new essenital mix. What piece of work! If you listen, listen with an open mind, that's all I have to say...

Headed to Arc around 11:45 and Danny already on the decks playing the deep stuff. If anyone knows how to open a room up and get you going, it's him. Textbook!

Bill Patrick jumped on the decks at 2 am in the arcade and that's pretty much where I was at for most of the night. Great set by Bill, this is the kind of music you want to hear to catch a breather or to escape the wrath of evilness that Howells is dropping in the main room. My only complaint is the sound in the arcade. It's not loud enough, and it's not as clean. Too many muddy spots and sound from the main room clashes with the sound in the arcade. Hopefully in due time, that issue will be resolved.

Bill finished at 8 am sharp and headed into the main room for Danny's last hour which in my opinion is the best hour. He brings it back down from the dirty breaks and back to good ol' house music. great night, great sets by both djs, can't wait for the next one!


went to bed at 10 am and woke up at 2 pm. Got dressed and headed over to le souk, which is a weekly sunday afternoon party with Astroglyde (james bem & gaby dershin) held at a middle eastern restaurant in the east village. Its not your ordinary restaurant. Head toward the back and there's a small courtyard, people dancing, sangria pitchers everywhere. A covered tent in the corner with velvet couches and hookahs overlooking the grassy dancefloor. Kind of reminded me of tantra a bit... It's the closest thing to Ibiza here in NYC and the best way to wind down from such a hectic weekend ; )

bed by 9 pm.

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Originally posted by ravengirl

other than space and spin where else can u be found:tongue: :cool:

Mr.Mattass also likes to hang out at Iguana Catina, Vodoo Lounge, Radius, and Banana Bungalo b/c he likes cheezy music and fat chicks so those places are perfect.

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Originally posted by joeygk

Mr.Mattass also likes to hang out Iguana Catina, Vodoo Lounge, Radius, and Banana Bungalo b/c he likes cheezy music and fat chicks so those places are perfect.

:laugh: :laugh: ....u know u like fat chics too..."More cushion for the pushin'"....:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by joeygk

Mr.Mattass also likes to hang out at Iguana Catina, Vodoo Lounge, Radius, and Banana Bungalo b/c he likes cheezy music and fat chicks so those places are perfect.

maybe he should hangout with saleen. we loves places like that.:laugh:
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Originally posted by sunnyhost

No, I'm sorry...I'm not fat....just trying to see what reaction I'd get from ya.;) Sorry for trickin' ya that was a lil' mean of me:tongue:

you are not fat; you are phat. And I'd like to spank that lil or big a$$ you got. :D

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