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i dont really post on this board--- i really just like to read others post but i got a question....im sort of hanging out with this girl who "parties" we sleep over eachothers places quite often...right before she falls asleep she twitches and shakes like shes cold...she calls them "BRAIN-ZAPS"....she gets them after a weekend of partying....anyone have any insight on this....any info is appreciated...later.


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Its not a brain zap but what happens when some people enter R.E.M sleep. Just like some peoples' eyeballs continue to move from left to right with their eyelids close, other may shake or twitch right before entering "deep" sleep stage.

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its not just a normal twitch....i know everyone does that...so do I....its hard to explain....her head shakes like she is shivering....and she has to force herself to wake up---honestly its a little scary---It even scares her...

I just wanted to see if anyone had any insight/experience etc..... its not a convulsion...i know that...im just a little conerned for her thats all...I told her to chill a little...at least for a bit anyway....anyone else have any comments...thanks again in advance..


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I have an article in the April edition of Mixmag,sounds like the same thing,it says:-

Not much is known about headshocks,but to many pills and too little sleep can combine to produce a traumatic comedown after extreme clubbing sessions.It feels like an electric shock to the head,with roaring in the ears and blurred vision.The effects have never been studied before,but now some nuurologists think they could be scarier than clubbers had imagined.

So what are headshocks?

"These sound like an epiliptic phenomenon.Too many drugs and too little sleep lowers the seizure threshold in the brain and some people have grand mal seizures (a serious form of epilepsy) after too many stimulants.But there are all sorts of epileptic-type phenomena,that don't involve actual seizures but are more like what these clubbers are desribing.It's difficult to know if these episodes cause damage in the long term,but there are certainly grounds for concern." Dr Karl Jansen,MD,PHD,MRCPsych

It then go's on to qoute the experiences of 5 people who suffer from it.

End of the day if this kind of shit is happening to her,i think it's time to pack it in,it's good but it aint that good.I went to Global Gathering on Saturday and i saw a few people drop having seizures and it's not fucking nice to see.

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STARSHAPED...thanks for the info---i really appreciate it!

BRICKHOUSE...1) I dont really think its a retarded question...I have some concerns for her----Keep stupid comments to yourself...

2) not the same G13

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Originally posted by g13

STARSHAPED...thanks for the info---i really appreciate it!

BRICKHOUSE...1) I dont really think its a retarded question...I have some concerns for her----Keep stupid comments to yourself...

2) not the same G13

i think he meant his question was the retarded one, not yours.
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