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Area2 Review - Holmdel

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WOW... that's all I can say... and OW...

Got there around 2, met up with a bunch of cp peeps & threw back a bunch of brews... tailgating was nice... there seemed something different between tailgates there and every other tailgate I've ever been to for rock concerts, sporting events etc. Every other car pumping out my kinda music, that's it.... seemed a lil outta place, but refreshing nonetheless.

Hit up the tent around 4 (air conditioning was better than expected, niiiiiiice), listened to a little dnb for about 15 mins... then the man himself stepped up to the tables and took us all for a ride... started out taking it easy on us then ripped it apart - ridiculous set IMO. Struggled through the masses afterward to get an autograph, took a picture of tiesto and robin (which I'm sure we'll see in his sig real soon ;) ) but couldn't manage to get a picture myself... just too many people. Then digweed came on... I must say I was skeptical when I read before that he played a lot better without sasha... but its def true, played better (and harder) than I've heard before - good stuff. Did manage to get a picture with him tho :D so I might just finally have some sig material lol, as long as I can find out who's camera that was...

At this point I still had a decent amount of energy, and thought I'd be able to make it easily to the end, a mere 2 hours away... but then Carl mutha fuckin' Cox came on and completely ripped me apart :eek: WOW - he had me dancing so fuckin hard I lost all feeling in my legs, actually felt some chest pains at one point :worry: but then realized it was only cuz my heart was above 180 bpm so I took it down a notch & got some water... absolutely unbelievable set... :aright:

Afterwards, I walked over to the main area and attempted to enjoy moby for a few, but after those three it was impossible.... so I hobbled my way slowly back to the car and headed home. Great fuckin time - those of you that missed it def check it out fri - definitely worth it.

One comment/suggestion (I'm not complaining, I think its humanly impossible to complain about such a great time.... wait... this is cp, nevermind) - their sound people should prolly give steve dash a call, the alarm is still goin off in my head.... :D Now its off to tend to the blisters, shinsplints and every other muscle in my body that's screaming at me....

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OK, first my complaints (which are few) - the sounds was awful! Too loud and distorted. And I realized that dancing on an incline is really painful. So today I am dealing with a ringing in my head and some serious back pain.

But the music kicked my ass!

Really enjoyed deiselboy (dnb), I didn't think too much of Tiesto - I thought he was better at Exit. Digweed killed me - like 3 times. Easily the most moving dj I have ever seen. And then Cox had so much energy to end the night in the tent... WOW.

I checked out Moby and David Bowie too. Bowie was a disturbing change in music from Cox banging in the tent. Moby talked to much but he played some nice tunes and ended out the night with some dnb, which surprised me. Word of advice - don't dance to dnb on a hill.

Met some new Cpers - forgot all your names though. I remember one asian kid who was really fun to dance with and someone called sabotage? Hope to see you guys out again. And lexicon6, it was great to meet you!!!! :) Sorry we didn't get to chill more, but once the music started I was lost... :D

And as always, good to see everyone else. Echostar, a highlight of my night was when you walked into the tent with that chicken. Very well timed. :D

I hope everyone had fun, I certaintly did - well worth the day off work.

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hehehe CANNOT believe I'm at work right now, but last night was so worth it.

The music really was too loud, so those headed to Jones Beach def bring earplugs.

Tiesto was good, but I agree w/ hotcheme that he was better at Exit. He was really cool though. :cool: He smiled through the whole set, pointed at ppl in the audience, and took time to sign lots of autographs (and I gave him a hug too :D)

Imo the music just got better and better, Diggy tore it up though he ended his set a little early, and then Cox just blew everyone away. And he's such fun DJ, getting on the mike and pumping up the crowd w/ that awesome British accent hehehe

I saw parts of the stage acts too. Bowie was interesting... and Moby was great. He talked a bit, but the guy is amazing. He was running all over the stage playing all dif instruments, even scratched a bit. He performed some great tracks like South Side and We Are All Made of Stars, as a 9-11 tribute.

Def worth going to. If I had the money and the energy, I'd go again Friday. :aright:

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Originally posted by gmoneyjive

Nice bass, but harsh highs... 12 hours later and my ears are still ringing. Maybe I'm just spoiled by the phazons that are popping up all over the place...

no - that sound was harsh - it might have something to do with us being 5 ft from the speakers all day. everything is still buzzing right now - i can harly hear what people are saying to me at work today.

but can you just imagine hearing those djs on arc's sytem... :drool:

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Originally posted by hotcheme

no - that sound was harsh - it might have something to do with us being 5 ft from the speakers all day. everything is still buzzing right now - i can harly hear what people are saying to me at work today.

<~ 2 dollar ear plugs. . .(cheapest thing there btw). . .yeah man, soon as i walked into the tent and heard the sound, i walked right back out and bought em. . .im just peachy today :D

~may i just say fiji water is the best water ive ever tasted~

the pain. . .ooooooooooo the wonderful pain. . .ouchouchouch :drunk:

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Originally posted by hotcheme

Echostar, a highlight of my night was when you walked into the tent with that chicken. Very well timed. :D

didnt i try and drink the water out of the tray without taking it out too or something?

i got like 4 of those fuckin chicken fingers....they were so good (or maybe it was my altered state of mind) but damn that shit was expensive though, like $7.50 for the chicken, $1.50 for the cup of cheese, and $7.00 for the water:eek:

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ok, now for my "review" of sorts

started in the parking lot....around 12:30 i guess

a bunch of CP peeps hanging out drinking in the parking lot, me, j303j, jayp, shadowchaser, mssabina, roninmess, jennEfer, teklord, xtcgspot, gmoneyjive, hotcheme, and i hope im not forgetting anyone else

so i walk over by the tent and hear liquid todd is playing trance, not breaks....so i say fuck it, stay in the parking lot and get MORE loaded

then like 3:30 i go inside, to see Dieselboy who played one of the best drum and bass sets ive ever heard...me, hotcheme, and gmoney were like 3 out of only about 10 people dancing though....that kinda sucked

then tiesto went on...i liked the harder stuff he played more, pretty energetic, the crowd was really into it....although i didnt dance much

tim skinner was pretty good, but he only played for a half hour so i dont really know what to say....he set the mood for digweed though

and digweed was just :eek: :eek: it was insane i cant even put words to it, i took like a 15 minute break from digweed to go see bowie (read: lay on the grass and stare at the sky with those 2 girls i met) but bowie did sound ok

then back to the tent for more diggers

then what comes next? it begins with a C.......

not Carl Cox



i made many peoples nights more enjoyable by sharing my delicious fried chicken treats....i think the funniest part of the night is me on my way back from the concession stand, im passing by the one and only DaVe and i hear him yell "WHERES JUSTIN I WANT ANOTHER CHICKEN FINGER!!"

i had so many of these fuckin things because as im sure youve all heard the story i got all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out on monday, so at that point since monday ALL i had eaten was half a bowl of rice crispies, some ravioli, and a little macaroni and cheese....in 3 days!!!! im constantly eating so thats literally like 10% of my normal food intake

i couldnt really chew, but since i was a little drunk and umm "happy" i couldnt feel my mouth so i was free to eat away!

i think i spent more on chicken fingers then anyone did on beer haha

can anyone tell me why the inside of my cheek and tongue are chewed up?:confused:

so anyway when i wasnt busy running back and forth buying more chicken fingers, i did catch carl cox who blew the fuckin roof...i mean tent....off, he was insane, working the crowd and everything

alright i smell bad im gonna go in the shower, maybe ill add more later

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Originally posted by hotcheme

only one - i am really bad at IDing tracks. it was a song that howells played last saturday. maybe someone else knows what it was called.

ok...does anyone? i miss this guy, and i'm not going to jones beach either :(

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Originally posted by echostar

didnt i try and drink the water out of the tray without taking it out too or something?

i got like 4 of those fuckin chicken fingers....they were so good (or maybe it was my altered state of mind) but damn that shit was expensive though, like $7.50 for the chicken, $1.50 for the cup of cheese, and $7.00 for the water:eek:

chicken fingers $7.5

cup of cheese $1.5

water $7

being able feel the food in your mouth for the first time in three days, after having all of your teeth pulled and having Carl Cox witness the whole thing...... what could be better? ;)

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Originally posted by echostar

but damn that shit was expensive though, like $7.50 for the chicken, $1.50 for the cup of cheese, and $7.00 for the water:eek:

lol my friends and i knew they'd rip us off on the food, so we packed some in the car, and after it was over we just sat in the parking lot for like 10 min stuffing our faces. yumm.... nothing like lime tostitos

tip: i dunno if they'll let you do this at jones beach, but at pnc you're allowed to bring in one un-opened bottle of water w/ you. that's what we did, and then just re-filled then so we didn't have to spend any $$ yeah... we're mad cheap but it worked!

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Originally posted by barosoap

lol my friends and i knew they'd rip us off on the food, so we packed some in the car, and after it was over we just sat in the parking lot for like 10 min stuffing our faces. yumm.... nothing like lime tostitos

tip: i dunno if they'll let you do this at jones beach, but at pnc you're allowed to bring in one un-opened bottle of water w/ you. that's what we did, and then just re-filled then so we didn't have to spend any $$ yeah... we're mad cheap but it worked!

you know i've had some issues with PNC's security in the past but yesterday i walked in with no pat-down and an open bottle of water in my hand.

justin - there's nothing like some percs to take that after rolling jaw-ache away, is there?

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Originally posted by barosoap

tip: i dunno if they'll let you do this at jones beach, but at pnc you're allowed to bring in one un-opened bottle of water w/ you. that's what we did, and then just re-filled then so we didn't have to spend any $$ yeah... we're mad cheap but it worked!

yeah i couldve done that, but then i'd have to leave the tent to fill it.....the tent was my sanctuary and i only left when i had to

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Originally posted by echostar

lol how was that funny, i was fuckin hungry!

we were all goin nuts to carl cox, dancin our asses off and at most drinking a little water... then you roll up with a huge ass tray of chicken fingers, fries & cheese... hilariously out of place... :) tasted pretty good tho... in spite of the fact I was dehydrated...

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hey hotcheme i totally agree about Tiesto. his smile was amazing though & kept me dancing anyway. Digweed was tremendous & when i saw Carl Cox for all of 15 min (b/c i wanted to catch Moby) he played this one track that was about 15 min. caught Tim Skinner for a couple of minutes & thought he was really good. the highlight of the day was gettin Liquid Todd's autograph & shakin his hand.

Moby!!!! he's da man!!!! Connecticut in da motherf***in hooooouuuse!!!! New Jersey in the motherf***in hooooouuuse!!!!

hotcheme it was nice to meet u. it's great to see u dance b/c a lot of peeps were just standin around. i saw a couple of other CP heads, but was shy to approach u guys for ex. the guy w/ the black Clubplanet.com shirt.... hehe.

overall it was a fun day & nite :D i'm one happy clubber!

take care


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