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My crappy day, so far...


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Little did I realize when I woke up this morning that I'd have an emergency root canal. Not pleasant, but SOOOOO much better than the pain I was in. I'm still jacked up on novacaine :drool: and still can't feel half my face. Doc said I'd be sore for a couple of days.

I WILL be at Buzz tonight (completely sober since I'm on antibiotics).

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Originally posted by crank47

Little did I realize when I woke up this morning that I'd have an emergency root canal. Not pleasant, but SOOOOO much better than the pain I was in. I'm still jacked up on novacaine :drool: and still can't feel half my face. Doc said I'd be sore for a couple of days.

I WILL be at Buzz tonight (completely sober since I'm on antibiotics).

OH NO! I'm so sorry to hear that Crank! egad! Poor you! You are a trooper, I can't believe you are coming to Buzz anyway!

oh wait, you usually can't feel half your face at Buzz anyway ;)

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I had a filling replaced a little over a month ago. My dentist warned that it was really close to the nerve and we had to watch it. It's been really sensitive and a little painful since then, but it seemed to be getting better. Two nights ago I get hit with a really sharp pain that lasts a few minutes. I thought I'd just watch it and call my dentist on Monday if it got worse. Last night I felt it again and it lasted even longer, then it hit again while I was sleeping and woke me up. I wake up this morning, feel fine. I'm on the Metro on the way in to work and it hits again. The pain is like in the nerves and goes throuhg the jaw and into the ear. Really nasty and I've never felt anything like it. It doesn't go away and gets worse as I get into work. I'm practically doubled over in pain and try to track down my dentist (it's his day off). I find him at his office with some emergencies and he thinks it's root canal time and to call the endodontist that he used for his root canal. I call, they tell me to come in immediately. My boss is like, get outta here (she's had 2 root canals and knows the pain I'm in). I have to Metro back to Arlington, get my car and drive up to Rockville/White Flint. A long time with that kind of pain. I swear I hit every funcking light and get stuck behind every slow driver on the way there. Doc x-rays and says root canal right now. Loads me up with novacaine, I'm in heaven. He does the job (don't want to describe the procedure, pretty nasty when you thing about it, luckily I generally couldn't feel a thing). $1200 later, I feel great. The doc was on my crappy HMO's list, so they covered about a two-thirds, or I'd be in big trouble. I have to go back next week to make sure he got all of the infection and finish up. After that, it's to my dentist for a crown (another $500 or so there, not covered by my insurance).

All I can say, if you ever have a nasty tooth-ache, get it looked at asap. You don't ever want to feel that kind of pain in your head.

What a fucking day it's been! See you at Buzz. :D

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by malanee

Dooood - that sucks! (((hugs)))

You can take vicodin when you're on antibiotics, btw! :D

Have fun tonight - get your dance on for me - since I'm being dragged to another college bar tonight. :(

dude, for my surgery one aug. 9th. the doc gave me extra strength vicodin. the pharmacy lady told me to be careful with taking the pills becasue they were well over the normal prescribition. :) hell yeah!!! anyway, i'll let you know how thoase worlk outl

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yeah - seeing the dentist is important, and a lot of people ignore it till things go wrong. your a.s.a.p. advice is good, but i haven't been to the dentist in over a year and a half, and i know i have cavities. everytime i eat pop-tarts my upper right teeth hurt like a mofo...

but flossing helps!!!

brush.gif <----- always wanted to use that smiley!

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Originally posted by weyes

yeah - seeing the dentist is important, and a lot of people ignore it till things go wrong. your a.s.a.p. advice is good, but i haven't been to the dentist in over a year and a half, and i know i have cavities. everytime i eat pop-tarts my upper right teeth hurt like a mofo...

but flossing helps!!!

brush.gif <----- always wanted to use that smiley!

Where do you get those smileys? :aright:

Well that's the pisser in all this, I see the dentist twice a year for cleanings, brush, floss and listerine daily, and it still happens! Watch those cavities, if the bacteria gets to the pulp in the root, you'll be sitting in the endodontist chair enjoying the sensations of numerous mini-files being jammed into the roots of your tooth as he cleans the infection out. You'll be worshipping the gods of novacaine.

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