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HELP! I'm Depressed ...

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Do any of you have good home remedies for depression? I can't seem to shake it lately but I'm not about to try to hawk a prescription for it either, cause I don't think it's that kind of depression. Are there certain foods that help (or ones that make it worse that i should avoid?) or herbal stuff that I could try? What works for you all?:(

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Originally posted by echostar

pot and alcohol!


that and being with friends. reading a book. get involved in doing something.

i make art & that always makes me forget about everything else in the world.

;) do the things you enjoy, go for a swim, sit outside and read, turn on some music and drive

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Are there certain foods that help (or ones that make it worse that i should avoid?) or herbal stuff that I could try? What works for you all?:(

...i should have called you for our house party sat. night - we had spanakopita, keftedes, elias, etc. - may not be a cure, but it would have helped...

i dont like turning to chemicals...first, i usually try to let it run its course...trying to embrace it and discover why it maybe occuring...if that does not help, then there are some great suggestions above...spend time with friends and family, do things that you love, etc...my sister and I stopped calling it depression and now term it, "Bouts of forgetfulness"...long story but i hope you find your way back to happiness...pm me if there is anything i can do to help...

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5htp, masterbation, buying shit, sleep...

nothing ACTUALLY works...

I hear suicide is the real cure... :blank:

the only thing thats made any temporary differences is certain things friends say, or sometimes a good night out...

but from what I find, any of these things only change your mood for about a day or 2, max... and then when reality sets back in, you're lower than you were before...

I'm pretty sure a taste of happiniess... either real or fake, is worse than none at all...

I've cut alcohol/drugs out of my diet, i've also been trying to eat and/or sleep more consistantly... (though sleep seems to be a commodity at this point)...

honestly... all I can tell you aly, is figure out what the cause is... and hope its fixable...

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Aly -- I can't give you an medical cures because I don't really know any.. however.. the best thing I can tell you to do is instead of focusing on the things that are upsetting you, try and focus on all the good things that are going on with your life, you're healthy, you're beautiful, you have tons of people that love you, the weather is beautiful.. you know, stuff like that.. I know it sounds trivial, but honestly, a lot of times mild depression that isn't clinical is just a state of mind.. and with the right mindsets you can reverse things.. I dunno.. but if you wanna talk, you know I'm here girl. :) Throw me an IM.

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