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IBIZA!! It's true...It's all true :)~

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I'm still in Lah Lah Land! I just got back from The # 1 PARTY CAPITAL OF THE WORLD and I had the most amazing vacation in my life!!! The people, beach party's (Bora Bora!!), the clubs, the beach the fu**ing MUSIC...is off the hook! PACHA and Space were my favorites. That amazing Island is out of this world. Great vibes and the people are so friendly. Europeans love people from the Sates. They were amazed that we even Knew about Ibiza. We met so many people from all over world. I am so in awww still!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I strongly advice you to have the Ibizian experience when you can. The clubs are beautiful and they all have their own boutique! I mean it blows NYC clubs away! The Music is unrealistically amazingly off the hook. Everywhere you go you hear great music, non of that commercial shit. You go to a Haggen Daz and they are pumping House music. We heard some of the best DJ's in the world out there NY DJ's tore it up also, they represented. Eric Morillo, Harry Choo Choo Romero, Steve Lawler, Pete Tong, DJ Disciple from Pacha, Sasha (My Boyfriend wore his Twilo shirt the night Sasha was spinning at Space and that's when we bumped into a lot of New Yorkers) and the list goes on and on, the best talents in the world. You can always find a party at any time. See, they are smart, they have a system going they have the evening clubs that close around 8 or 9am and than the carry on party's (after hours) at 8am continues at SPACE until 5am in the morning. There are so many Beach Clubs also where you can actually hear the music loud and clear when you are swimming on the beach. All the girls dancing topless in the water and on top of their beach chairs..lol, I mean It's nuts. A lot of bars, oh and CD shops like you wouldn't believe. They have so much music out there, Music that hasn't even arrived here yet! Even That Lah Lah land song I kept hearing over and over in every club was off the hook because they have a way diff remix than here. We didn't know which CD to buy (they were all awesome) We partied straight for 6 days and nights, I mean we went for murder. Than the last few days we just relaxed, went sight seeing went to hidden beaches, headed over to San Antonio to Cafe Mambo and Cafe del Mar to watch the sunset and still partied but not as hard. I tell you..lol, I did all my clubbing for the year. We are definitely going back next summer!

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Originally posted by jonbawls28

i just got back on saturday....i have to agree 100%, sickest time of my life!!!!!!!!!

what Parties did you go to?? Maybe I saw you:D

I was there from the 25th to the 2nd of August! where did you stay at?

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i stayed at the mare nostrum in playa de en bossa....i was at bora bora pretty much every day, i was there from the 27 - 2

sunday i was at space during the day (where i met smokin jo, and fell in love) then i went to judgement sunday that night (ferry corsten ripped shit up)

monday was manumission (nothing all that special)

tuesday i was at the garlands party at bora bora then too mambo early on, where i met roger sanchez who loved seeing some guys from nyc....then i was at pacha that night (pete tong was a very pleasant surprise....kleinenberg was a bit of a dissapointment though)

wednesday i was at mambo for the subliminal pre-party, where erick morillo got sick and stopped spinning after a 1/2 hour, i decided not too take the chance of going to pacha that night, and have the same thing happen again, so i went to the foam party at amnesia where i think i almost died....but it was worth it

thursday i went to amnesia that was waaaaayyyyy too packed...tiesto's set was insane, but i had too leave a little into pvd....just way too packed

friday i was at all of the radio 1 festivities at punta es moli, very reminiscent of the radio 1 party at nikki beach, which is a great thing...i couldnt go out that because friggin bring it on booked us a 7 am flight

all said it was the sickest time ever...i also spent alot of time in san antonio by the sunset bars, like cafe del mar and coastline...and at the bars on the other side of the bay, like bar m and itaca.....i thought that it was great too see big names in these little places (kosheen and danny rampling at itaca)

did u book with bring it on? i am def. going again next year, but i want to try and book it on my own, and spend a couple of days in barcelona

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Originally posted by jonbawls28

i stayed at the mare nostrum in playa de en bossa....i was at bora bora pretty much every day, i was there from the 27 - 2

sunday i was at space during the day (where i met smokin jo, and fell in love) then i went to judgement sunday that night (ferry corsten ripped shit up)

monday was manumission (nothing all that special)

tuesday i was at the garlands party at bora bora then too mambo early on, where i met roger sanchez who loved seeing some guys from nyc....then i was at pacha that night (pete tong was a very pleasant surprise....kleinenberg was a bit of a dissapointment though)

wednesday i was at mambo for the subliminal pre-party, where erick morillo got sick and stopped spinning after a 1/2 hour, i decided not too take the chance of going to pacha that night, and have the same thing happen again, so i went to the foam party at amnesia where i think i almost died....but it was worth it

thursday i went to amnesia that was waaaaayyyyy too packed...tiesto's set was insane, but i had too leave a little into pvd....just way too packed

friday i was at all of the radio 1 festivities at punta es moli, very reminiscent of the radio 1 party at nikki beach, which is a great thing...i couldnt go out that because friggin bring it on booked us a 7 am flight

all said it was the sickest time ever...i also spent alot of time in san antonio by the sunset bars, like cafe del mar and coastline...and at the bars on the other side of the bay, like bar m and itaca.....i thought that it was great too see big names in these little places (kosheen and danny rampling at itaca)

did u book with bring it on? i am def. going again next year, but i want to try and book it on my own, and spend a couple of days in barcelona

awwwww see I wish I was still there!!!! I have the biggest smile in my face right now because you just made me feel like I was there again!

We got there the 25th and headed to Ibiza Town for a drink and than to Amnesia.

Friday: we tried going to the beach but woke up late so we went to town and than headed to Pacha for the Ministry of sounds party. It was sick! DJ Disciple was off the hook. Honestly I don't remember much from that night but I know It was my favorite..lol!

Saturday we made it to Bora Bora and I fell in love!!!!! We were in heaven. DJ Gee was awesome! I laid out in front of Bora Bora and bugged out on the beach!! Later that night we were so fucked up and awake that we headed to Ibiza town but didn't want to make it a late night because I wanted to make it to Space that Sunday where I fell in love again! We got their around 2pm and just danced my ass off but mostly inside, for some reason my eyes just couldn't be on the terrace...lol! this is a long shot but I was wearing a hip hugger short skirt with a bikini top, hair pulled back and of course silver channel sunglasses. I thought it was hysterical how everyone had huge sunglasses on...lol!

Monday, we went to the Jockey club at ses salines beach and just chilled than that night headed to Privilege! How crazy was the parking situation!!! We had to park in carajo land! Well I had a good time in there but it is way too big!!!! Than we went to the Manumission Carry on at Space after.

Later that Tuesday we just hung out at Base in Ibiza Town and had chupitos and Vodka w/ fanta limons in every bar till the end of the street and called it at night.

Wed. we finally made it to the beach and than headed to Cafe Mambo in San Antonio. That place is so beautiful. I wish we had gone there sooner. The sunset is incredible! After that night my body gave out and got real sick I stayed in the hotel but everyone else went to Pacha to hear Eric. I heard he tore it up!!!!

Thursday I was still sick so I hung out by the pool and went to town shopping for gifts while everyone went to El Divino :( Friday we had n early flight so that was the end of our trip :(

We also stayed at Playa den Bossa, Hotel Torre Del Mar.

I arranged the whole trip myself. I did a lot of research on it. I think it's so cheaper that way. I checked out Bring it on but it was too much! Next summer I'm going for 2 weeks this way I can pace myself and not get sick! I never made it to the foam party :( next time...Now, that I know more about the Island, I think I would stay where all the Fiesta Hotels are right by Bora Bora or somewhere around Figaretas or even right on Ibiza town right by the port. I'll spend the $ on the flight but I'll try to save on the Hotel. The weather was so beautiful you don't even need A/C.

I can't wait to watch my video! I have 3 hours worth and two fat album to go with it!

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the girl in the hip hugger skirt and sunglasses....i was the guy in the tank top and sunglasses, i guess we all kind of looked the same, i was at space for the manumission carry over too, people were a little too cracked out for me. did they take ur pic at space? they put them all on their web-site. and i almost forgot about the vodka lemons, how great are those things????? (actually a little too great) its pretty funny that we were in alot of the same places and didnt run into each other, i was spotting the few and far between americans and chilling with them (although i would much rather hang out with the europeans) i am also a little upset too hear how good morillo was, like i said, i didnt go because the guy got sick at the pre-party....but u sound like u had a sick time, i hope i can get some of my pics up soon (although they don't really do ibiza any justice....no pics of space=no justice to ibiza) where do u chill in ny? and i definately need to know how u got a better deal than bring it on, i did alot of research too, but i couldnt get anything (although i didnt book it until the end of may) i cant keep talking about ibiza....i might start crying

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Originally posted by msoprano13





I'll be there the same time as youuuuuuuuuuu:D
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yo yo yo jonbawls28, its jen we were in the same tour group,the freaken airport lost me and shamus luggage, he just got back his tonight and they say mines still in madrid somewhere. I got teisto live set from amnesia and i almost cry everytime i listen to it whishing i was there again.

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Originally posted by jonbawls28

the girl in the hip hugger skirt and sunglasses....i was the guy in the tank top and sunglasses, i guess we all kind of looked the same, i was at space for the manumission carry over too, people were a little too cracked out for me. did they take ur pic at space? they put them all on their web-site. and i almost forgot about the vodka lemons, how great are those things????? (actually a little too great) its pretty funny that we were in alot of the same places and didnt run into each other, i was spotting the few and far between americans and chilling with them (although i would much rather hang out with the europeans) i am also a little upset too hear how good morillo was, like i said, i didnt go because the guy got sick at the pre-party....but u sound like u had a sick time, i hope i can get some of my pics up soon (although they don't really do ibiza any justice....no pics of space=no justice to ibiza) where do u chill in ny? and i definately need to know how u got a better deal than bring it on, i did alot of research too, but i couldnt get anything (although i didnt book it until the end of may) i cant keep talking about ibiza....i might start crying

Yeah yeah!! We all looked the same!! My boyfriend wore a twilo tank and that's how we met people from NY...lol! Yeah, I love Europeans...they are so free and they love good music boy! They took so many pics of us in all the clubs it wasn't even funny. They made me check in my camera in space and by the time I picked it up there were like 200 cameras in the drawer...lol ! was cracking up! Yeah the manumission carry on was hysterical. it got so packed so quick. We stayed for about 3 hours and headed back to the hotel. I have to check out the website for pics. Yeah, Morillo was off the meat rack...lol, they were rubbing it in my face, those bastards! I never made it to that party because I was very sick the last too days. My body gave out! Next time I am pacing myself. But that's ok because that was my opportunity to get my tan and go topless:eek: For all you girls.....being topless in the beaches of Ibiza is a must do! The greatest feeling!

I know, I can't believe we didn't bump into each other! I'll put some pics up and email them to you! I was with 4 other people.

I have to agree, the pics does not do Ibiza any Justice...lol! Non of my night background shots came out too well...all you see is me and my friends wrecked!!!! But like I said, I have 3 or more hours of video tape and I can't wait to watch it. We even have film of Bora Bora, indoors and out doors and dancing on top of the beach chairs and welcoming all the plains flying in to the airport!!! How funny was that!!! every 10 min! I can't wait to see it. I live in Westchester and there is not much to do around here but here and there we go to the Factory (my fave) been to shelter and Vinyl (Steve Lawler), turn tables on the Hudson, been to Centro fly...I like to go where they have great music and beats non of that KTU shit.

We are definitely going back next summer and with a lot more people because after seeing the smiles in our faces and how excited we all are, everyone just wants to go...lol!

We almost didn't get to go. We had booked our trip 6 months prior to the date. we gave our deposits and 1 month before our trip we find out we had no reservations and no flights no nothing. Plus Ultra Tours in Queens was one of the biggest tour operators in NY for Spain and Portugal and for a while they only took deposits and never made any reservations for anyone. They fled the country and that was that. We did get our $ back because we did the transaction with our credit cards. Anyhow, I had to rebook my whole trip, I made so many calls to Spain from work..lol! our flights was about $1000 and the hotel was about $100 per night for eight full days. So it came out to be a little under $1800.00 for 8 full nights. Our Hotel was beautiful it was a ****, actually Bring it on has them down as one of their premier packages. Hotel Torre del Mar. See, they are going to charge you more because they give passes to clubs and take you to dinner and blah blah blah.....we were just like fuck it we'll deal with it when we get there. We rented a car and didn't have a map but not ones did we get lost. We might have gone around those circles 5 times to read the signs but that's about it. I think next time I want to rent a scooter..

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wow! that sucks jen....i hope that you took your records as a carry on. i am at work right now listening to the essentials mix with sasha from manumission, i might have to stop listening to it, it is just way too good. where did you get tiesto's set? that set and ferry corstens at eden were two of the sickest sets that i have ever heard....i am dying to get my hands on any of the sets that we heard down there. if you go to radio 1's site, up until friday, you can listen to pete tong's essentials selection, fergie, jules & seb fontaine all from punta es moli, and the SICK essentials mix from sasha, seb & tong at privilege

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Originally posted by salc

whats the travel agent u used? and whats the website for them?


~SaL C.~

I arranged it all myself! I should have received an agent fee! :D

It works out cheaper thats way. Now that I know a little bit more about the island...next summer it will be even cheaper!

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Originally posted by bodynsoul

Yeah yeah!! We all looked the same!! My boyfriend wore a twilo tank and that's how we met people from NY...lol! Yeah, I love Europeans...they are so free and they love good music boy! They took so many pics of us in all the clubs it wasn't even funny. They made me check in my camera in space and by the time I picked it up there were like 200 cameras in the drawer...lol ! was cracking up! Yeah the manumission carry on was hysterical. it got so packed so quick. We stayed for about 3 hours and headed back to the hotel. I have to check out the website for pics. Yeah, Morillo was off the meat rack...lol, they were rubbing it in my face, those bastards! I never made it to that party because I was very sick the last too days. My body gave out! Next time I am pacing myself. But that's ok because that was my opportunity to get my tan and go topless:eek: For all you girls.....being topless in the beaches of Ibiza is a must do! The greatest feeling!

I know, I can't believe we didn't bump into each other! I'll put some pics up and email them to you! I was with 4 other people.

I have to agree, the pics does not do Ibiza any Justice...lol! Non of my night background shots came out too well...all you see is me and my friends wrecked!!!! But like I said, I have 3 or more hours of video tape and I can't wait to watch it. We even have film of Bora Bora, indoors and out doors and dancing on top of the beach chairs and welcoming all the plains flying in to the airport!!! How funny was that!!! every 10 min! I can't wait to see it. I live in Westchester and there is not much to do around here but here and there we go to the Factory (my fave) been to shelter and Vinyl (Steve Lawler), turn tables on the Hudson, been to Centro fly...I like to go where they have great music and beats non of that KTU shit.

We are definitely going back next summer and with a lot more people because after seeing the smiles in our faces and how excited we all are, everyone just wants to go...lol!

We almost didn't get to go. We had booked our trip 6 months prior to the date. we gave our deposits and 1 month before our trip we find out we had no reservations and no flights no nothing. Plus Ultra Tours in Queens was one of the biggest tour operators in NY for Spain and Portugal and for a while they only took deposits and never made any reservations for anyone. They fled the country and that was that. We did get our $ back because we did the transaction with our credit cards. Anyhow, I had to rebook my whole trip, I made so many calls to Spain from work..lol! our flights was about $1000 and the hotel was about $100 per night for eight full days. So it came out to be a little under $1800.00 for 8 full nights. Our Hotel was beautiful it was a ****, actually Bring it on has them down as one of their premier packages. Hotel Torre del Mar. See, they are going to charge you more because they give passes to clubs and take you to dinner and blah blah blah.....we were just like fuck it we'll deal with it when we get there. We rented a car and didn't have a map but not ones did we get lost. We might have gone around those circles 5 times to read the signs but that's about it. I think next time I want to rent a scooter..

i was gonna rent a scooter too...i was just never sober enough to get on one, thats funny that u were at vinyl for steve lawler, because that was one of my sickest nights out....i am so pissed that we missed him on the terrace at space, but i def. want to see ur pics...the same thing happened to me though, none of my night shots came out, and i didnt even bother bringing a camera to space, i heard about that drawer of cameras, and how people have gotten the wrong camera, my luck i would have grabbed the wrong camera, developed my pics and just had a bunch of pics of some fat naked guy lying on the beach (oh wait that was my camera lol) i didnt bother with most of the bring it on stuff, i missed all of the dinners, i just got my free ticket to manumission, and did the rest of the stuff on my own....my advice to anyone is if u can find something cheaper than bring it on, book with them

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Originally posted by msoprano13





attachment.php?s=&postid=963446 Have a fuckin' good ass time Mike!! (still jealous.. can't you sneak me in one of your suitcases or something?!)

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Originally posted by bodynsoul

I'm still in Lah Lah Land! I just got back from The # 1 PARTY CAPITAL OF THE WORLD and I had the most amazing vacation in my life!!! The people, beach party's (Bora Bora!!), the clubs, the beach the fu**ing MUSIC...is off the hook! PACHA and Space were my favorites. That amazing Island is out of this world. Great vibes and the people are so friendly. Europeans love people from the Sates. They were amazed that we even Knew about Ibiza. We met so many people from all over world. I am so in awww still!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I strongly advice you to have the Ibizian experience when you can. The clubs are beautiful and they all have their own boutique! I mean it blows NYC clubs away! The Music is unrealistically amazingly off the hook. Everywhere you go you hear great music, non of that commercial shit. You go to a Haggen Daz and they are pumping House music. We heard some of the best DJ's in the world out there NY DJ's tore it up also, they represented. Eric Morillo, Harry Choo Choo Romero, Steve Lawler, Pete Tong, DJ Disciple from Pacha, Sasha (My Boyfriend wore his Twilo shirt the night Sasha was spinning at Space and that's when we bumped into a lot of New Yorkers) and the list goes on and on, the best talents in the world. You can always find a party at any time. See, they are smart, they have a system going they have the evening clubs that close around 8 or 9am and than the carry on party's (after hours) at 8am continues at SPACE until 5am in the morning. There are so many Beach Clubs also where you can actually hear the music loud and clear when you are swimming on the beach. All the girls dancing topless in the water and on top of their beach chairs..lol, I mean It's nuts. A lot of bars, oh and CD shops like you wouldn't believe. They have so much music out there, Music that hasn't even arrived here yet! Even That Lah Lah land song I kept hearing over and over in every club was off the hook because they have a way diff remix than here. We didn't know which CD to buy (they were all awesome) We partied straight for 6 days and nights, I mean we went for murder. Than the last few days we just relaxed, went sight seeing went to hidden beaches, headed over to San Antonio to Cafe Mambo and Cafe del Mar to watch the sunset and still partied but not as hard. I tell you..lol, I did all my clubbing for the year. We are definitely going back next summer!

Yup i was there mid July...And going back next year :D

SLiNKY Party


ARMiN Van BUUREN @ Coastline Cafe







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Originally posted by msoprano13





The Bombs were so so clean and off the hook! Blue Kisses!

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Originally posted by jonbawls28

i was gonna rent a scooter too...i was just never sober enough to get on one, thats funny that u were at vinyl for steve lawler, because that was one of my sickest nights out....i am so pissed that we missed him on the terrace at space, but i def. want to see ur pics...the same thing happened to me though, none of my night shots came out, and i didnt even bother bringing a camera to space, i heard about that drawer of cameras, and how people have gotten the wrong camera, my luck i would have grabbed the wrong camera, developed my pics and just had a bunch of pics of some fat naked guy lying on the beach (oh wait that was my camera lol) i didnt bother with most of the bring it on stuff, i missed all of the dinners, i just got my free ticket to manumission, and did the rest of the stuff on my own....my advice to anyone is if u can find something cheaper than bring it on, book with them

lol! I was pretty wrecked myself for the 6 days straigh. I wanted to rent one but it never happened!! Get out!!! That night was one of my sickest night also!!!! We should hook up one day! Steve Lawler was on the schedule a while ago and than got taken off! We were hoping he would be there anyways but it never happened :(

Yes I'll send you my pics also! I have to scan them

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hey glowgrl, when is that pic of armin van burin from? i was there at the end of july, and i ate dinner at coastline at the table next to him, he is a mad cool guy....i thought that all of those pre-parties were almost as good as the clubs, it is sick how all of the djs spin at these little places, these were the best times too meet all of the djs...also u have more balls than me for taking a pic at space, when i was there, i saw them take some guy's camera....i already had way too many pics on there too have it taken away (although it would have been worth the risk for a pic of me with smokin jo)

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

Yup i was there mid July...And going back next year :D

SLiNKY Party


ARMiN Van BUUREN @ Coastline Cafe






Pix-Vac-Spain15.gif [/QUOT

We should all go back next year!!!! will be the biggest NY group out there!

I'm serious!

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Originally posted by bodynsoul

lol! I was pretty wrecked myself for the 6 days straigh. I wanted to rent one but it never happened!! Get out!!! That night was one of my sickest night also!!!! We should hook up one day! Steve Lawler was on the schedule a while ago and than got taken off! We were hoping he would be there anyways but it never happened :(

Yes I'll send you my pics also! I have to scan them

i dont know how lawler would have sounded on the terrace at space (he never plays inside) anyway, he plays some real deep tribal shit (lights out is the sickest cd ever!) and that terrace is all funky house (which is great on a sunny day in ibiza)....next sat. kleinenberg is gonna be at vinyl,oh sorry "ARC", i am def. going to that, i saw him in ibiza and he wasnt that good, but he was opening for tong so he probably couldn't get into his groove and blow tong out of the water...but let me know the next time u are going out in nyc, i will def. meet up

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