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all new UPSCALE SATURDAY NIGHT coming in Sept @ METRO!!

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Thats right everyone........

Its almost that time again................METRO LOUNGE!We have alot of great New things planned for the 2002-03 fall/ winter nightclub season at Metro Lounge. First of all, i personally TOTALLY miss being at metro (not that i dont love the shore, I DO, but home is home). We have a few surprises in store for everyone this season (some of which i will announce soon). But right now i wanted to just fill you in on a couple of things.

Metro Lounge will be open THURSDAY,FRIDAY & SATURDAY

Thursdays - We will continue the Thursday night party (which is still totally packed and has been all summer song) Which will cater to the younger crowd. New resident thursday dj to be announced soon)Any suggestions?

FRIDAYS - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YEA!!!!!! Fridays at METRO LOUNGE. I cant even try to predict the insanity that is gonna happen this year on friday nights w/ the one and only ..........RICHIE RYDELL. This is the biggest, most consistent night in jersey, and has been for a long , long time.This sept marks the begining of Richie Rydells 3rd year as resident dj at Metro Lounge.After the amazing year that Merge had down the shore & exposure that Richie recieved, i can only imagine how sick its gonna be. Look out for more of our exclusive theme parties, and the amazing vibe, brought to you my the Metro/Merge family....in full effect.

And i am really excited to tell you about the all new.........


This party will begin the week after labor day,and it will have a totally different look, feel , and sound compared to any other night at Metro...........

23 for the guys

21 for the girls

Fashionable attire a must!

Music in the main room by: Louis Todaro(who is currently doing very well at South Park Thurs-check him out)

Louis is an excellent up and coming dj. He has been working with us at metro for a long time, and now he will be working on saturday nights. He plays with lots of energy & awsome vocals. Give him a little time with us at Metro and believe me, your gonna get hooked.I will give everyone some more details soon. Im looking foward to this new saturday night.Spread the word! We are finally gonna have an all new UPSCALE SATURDAY NIGHT IN NORTH JERSEY!!!

See everyone this weekend at Merge!

And also, just wanted to let some industry people know(since so many of us read CP), we will be hiring for the winter at both Metro Lounge and Merge( yes , we are open all winter)For all positions, ALL NIGHTS!......bartenders, security, performers, etc. Pm me if you are interested. Or come talk to me at either Merge or Metro ASAP!



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Guest saleen351

i suggest a once a month free style night, with a performance, there has got to be a million freestyle guys still around nj and nyc...

just my 2 cents.......

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Funny, I just post about this on the what are you looking forward to after summer thread...

First- The Fri. party ripped for the last 3 years very well. The year before Richie, Alex Coviello had the place packed too. Richie did take it to a new level though. So it will be packed every week, so don't waste your money or time on KTU, live acts, stage shows, events, or advertising.... the party is on cruise control, let it be about the music.

Second- Thus. After hearing Shawn Ink take Merge's system to places its never been, he has my vote for the new resident. Although is the college crowd worth getting a resident for? They would go crazy even if I spun mix CDs.... Louis/Justin did an ok job on Thus. nights, why not make Sat. night built on a new resident dj if you really want to give this party a chance...????

Sat. nights are good, although often not too crowded. SO GIVE UP on the commercial music KTU SETS!!!!!!!. Try something different, have a guest DJ the last Sat. of every month, advertise and make it a big deal, it will draw an older crowd that appreciates good music. Don't ignore the 30-50 people who pre party there before the Sound Factory every week, if they know the music is good they will get there before 1:30 AM

just throwing ideas out for you ML Y2J k1.... see you Thus.

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I think Louis T and Sat at Metro is a good combo. As far as sandmans post witht the forget advertising acts perfs stage shows, etc. i think the stage shows are great. and when a good new track comes out it would be nice to hear it live everyonce in a while. as far as events and theme parties i think they are awesome. its great how metro and mergew take pride in their establishment and take time to decorate and create different atmoshpheres. and its great also how they take pride and give back to their customers and loyal supporters. i have never seen a club do so much for their regular customers. Just one of the reasons I love going to those places.

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Originally posted by kostaP

I think Louis T and Sat at Metro is a good combo. As far as sandmans post witht the forget advertising acts perfs stage shows, etc. i think the stage shows are great. and when a good new track comes out it would be nice to hear it live everyonce in a while. as far as events and theme parties i think they are awesome. its great how metro and mergew take pride in their establishment and take time to decorate and create different atmoshpheres. and its great also how they take pride and give back to their customers and loyal supporters. i have never seen a club do so much for their regular customers. Just one of the reasons I love going to those places.

Who gives a flying fuck what you think. Don't you have a club that got flushed down the toilet to worry about? Just my 2 cents!!!

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You have to remember one thing sandman. While most clubs struggle to have even 1 massive night in the week, Metro is working on on having its 3rd massive night. The only way to have 3 different nights and for them ALL to be successful, is to be diverse. Thursday we cater to the younger crowd. Friday is concentrated on what we think is the "hardcore" dance clubbers. And believe me when i tell you, as fast as a club thinks there night is on "cruise control" is as fast as that club looses that night. I understand what you are saying, yes it is a solid night, but keep in mind how many clubs GIVE IT THERE ALL to try and take a piece of that night. We would NEVER let that happen(at least we would try our hardest.)Look at some of the clubs that try and rest on there "reputation",they are starting to slip..............We always continue to BUILD our reputation,week in and week out.

As far as saturday night in north jersey, that is the night a night that i feel has HUGE potential. Remember, what you may consider commercial for Metro Lounge, it is really hard compared to any other club in jersey. Metro will NEVER play "chessey" music. Lots of vocals, yes, lots of hard driving energetic tracks, ALWAYS, on ALL our nights. Whatever we do will always be done with our own style and our own twist.

The all new UPSCALE Saturday NIGHT will be an awsome saturday night crowd, with a good vibe. And i am telling you, louis is gonna work out really good. Having guys 23 and ladies 21 will bring in a diverse crowd, and also some of our crowd that is also there on fridays. And sandman, as long as i am pouring SHOTS down your throat, you will have a blast anyway:D

By the way, i agree with you about shawn ink. He was really awsome at Merge, i have a feeling you will be hearing him again soon..................

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I understand your point about Fri.'s....

-Kosta, I love the stage shows myself......

Sat. will be hard to establish, but if you go after the upscale Caruso's crowd etc. you may be able to get heads in the place. Its not easy to compete w/ the city on Sat. night but ML is just a hell of a lot more convenient and cheaper so there has to be a way.

Still think you should move Louis to Thus. If not book djs who have never played ML do guest spots here and there on Sat. nights.....

Also, for the Thus. party- have 4 dif. djs play for Sept. each week, let the best man win the job........

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Originally posted by swollashell

todaro on a saturday...oh brother...bring on the cheeze to rochelle park now...down from paramus (south park) to rochelle park(metro).:rolleyes:

todaro...:laugh: i would bring shawn ink before i do that...

Now that's funny!!!!

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Originally posted by queenbitch

Who gives a flying fuck what you think. Don't you have a club that got flushed down the toilet to worry about? Just my 2 cents!!!









NEITHER DO YOU.:laugh: :laugh: :blown:

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C'mon stonedcl, dont you know everyone wants the king on the hill to fall, if your not WITH the king on the hill.................LOTS of jelousey in this business. Metro will have its BEST year ever coming up,i guraentee that, just as Merge did this summer.

George b.

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SpeshlJ has thrown down some great sets at Nativa, the couple of times I have been there...

Once again, Metro needs to try out Shawn Ink...

ML- L Todoro........ not a great choice at all..... Last time I heard him spin on a Thus. at Metro I walked out after a few train wrecks and poor ass track selection. He also has no clue how to build a vibe....... And no I can't spin better than him, but plenty of others can...

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Originally posted by ml2k1

C'mon stonedcl, dont you know everyone wants the king on the hill to fall, if your not WITH the king on the hill.................LOTS of jelousey in this business. Metro will have its BEST year ever coming up,i guraentee that, just as Merge did this summer.

George b.

George i knew it was not true, This dude had no clue .

As for Metro fridays,

I'll be there..

Metro does have a hot friday night party..

Maybee in the winter I'll have some $$ for tips..

Whats up with the VIP cards for metro?

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Originally posted by thesandman

SpeshlJ has thrown down some great sets at Nativa, the couple of times I have been there...

Once again, Metro needs to try out Shawn Ink...

ML- L Todoro........ not a great choice at all..... Last time I heard him spin on a Thus. at Metro I walked out after a few train wrecks and poor ass track selection. He also has no clue how to build a vibe....... And no I can't spin better than him, but plenty of others can...

Damn chris a little harsh on the kid.

I think he has good programming and track selection earlier on in his game yeah there were a few trainwrcks here and there but his game has improved a lot. Im telling you dont sleep on this kid!!!! He's got heart and that'll keep him going strong through all the bullshit critique's as well.

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Originally posted by thesandman

SpeshlJ has thrown down some great sets at Nativa, the couple of times I have been there...

Once again, Metro needs to try out Shawn Ink...

ML- L Todoro........ not a great choice at all..... Last time I heard him spin on a Thus. at Metro I walked out after a few train wrecks and poor ass track selection. He also has no clue how to build a vibe....... And no I can't spin better than him, but plenty of others can...

Damn chris a little harsh on the kid.

I think he has good programming and track selection earlier on in his game yeah there were a few trainwrcks here and there but his game has improved a lot. Im telling you dont sleep on this kid!!!! He's got heart and that'll keep him going strong through all the bullshit critique's as well.

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