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All time favorite club moment

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My best moment ever. . .January 2000, was visiting Israel on a tour. I was in Jerusalem on a Friday night, and some friends were going to a "rave club." I had started to use lightsticks but had never been to a "rave" before, so I was like, hey, what the hell.

The club was huge, about 3000 strong. The music was destructive, hitting hard, just killing shit. I was almost moshing to what I guess was hard house. Then. . . the music drops. . .the beat drops. . . and it slowly builds up all melodic. I just get swept away into the melodies, just ride with it. . .wasn't rolling or anything, never done drugs or any of that shit. . .but was just feeling the music, loving it, getting swept away. I remember at least a few times I started crying at how beautiful and tight it was. I met an Israeli chick, danced and hugged . . . it was just sick. I had never been at a state of such. . . nirvana. . . ever before, and ever since.

I stayed up all night, went back to the girl's place, then went back to the hotel I was staying at. I got changed and went to Sabbath services at the Great/Holy/Wailing Wall. . . I just felt at peace, at one with myself and the world. After that I was hooked by the music, by the vibe. It changed me religiously, to link the music, the vibe, with religion. . . just a life-changing 24 hours.

By the way, the DJ who changed everything for me was. . .DJ Tiesto. Still my favorite, no doubt.

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Originally posted by harddtime

thanks for you input, i'll take it into consideration sunday.


People seriously need to be careful in mixing all that shit together. G is very dangerous, apparently it claimed the life of the young dj Aaron Swank this week (sadly enough, this is a fact and not a rumor, rip). One of the active ingredients in GHB or those type of products is Dehydrofuranone which can be chemically broken down from a drum of parts and brake cleaner. Imagine what that must do to your insides.

Just looking out, be careful Hardtime. Getting fucked up is one thing if you to choose to do so, however taking it to a level where it can cost your life is a high price to pay for a buzz. Not trying to preach just enlightening a few. Shots anyone?

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Originally posted by njdionysus

You seriously need to be careful in mixing all that shit together. G is very dangerous, apparently it claimed the life of the young dj Aaron Swank this week (sadly enough, this is a fact and not a rumor, rip).

Just looking out, be careful hardtime. Getting fucked up is one thing, pushing it to another level beyond control is another.

i can totally agree with that. partying is fun and so are the favors but thinking about taking stuff that helped a friend of mine get his stomach pumped and is also pretty much made in a basement of someones house. no thanks ill pass

now gimmie a pill lol

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Originally posted by njdionysus


People seriously need to be careful in mixing all that shit together. G is very dangerous, apparently it claimed the life of the young dj Aaron Swank this week (sadly enough, this is a fact and not a rumor, rip). One of the active ingredients in GHB or those type of products is Dehydrofuranone which can be chemically broken down from a drum of parts and brake cleaner. Imagine what that must do to your insides.

Just looking out, be careful Hardtime. Getting fucked up is one thing if you to choose to do so, however taking it to a level where it can cost your life is a high price to pay for a buzz. Not trying to preach just enlightening a few. Shots anyone?

Yup,I tried it once and they found me D.O.A.......... scary shit. No heartbeat and and I wasn't breathing............... I had to be bagged..............

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I have sooo many, but the one that sticks out in my head is one of my first times at SF, being on the dance floor with all my friends and JP playing sandstorm....it was the First time I had ever heard the song, before it got all played out. My friends and I were having the time of our life, and everyone in the place were going crazy. Also, too many times at tempts to mention, but a few....

-Mem Day Weekend-2000, hearing Progress's Everybody and the place going nuts

-Saturday of Labor Day Weekend last year, IMO Denny's best set of that summer, I dont think I left the dance floor once that night

-Sunday of July 4th Weekend this year

-Hearing "Just Wont Do" for the first time Mem Day Weekend

-Hopefully the closing party!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by harddtime

my favorite moment i had was at the factory a few weeks ago. A combination of E,K, G and adderals put me in my own special world for a little while. I had absolutely no reasoning abilities but somehow i was never happier. I felt like I was a happy 5 year old just bouncing to the music. I'ma work on topping that one this weekend.

u might want to reconsider...

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Best time i had but wasnt in a club was this year.

Clevlander hotel Sobe. Jason then scrbs then denny on the turntables . it was like the end of the world was coming. Perfect scene. Tons of factory heads there too.

the best part was just the setting, nice sized outdoor dance floor. no drugs not really drinking just dancing my ass off. Then i looked up and it was kind of amazing. The sun was going down and it was dusk. There was just no feeling in the world like being totally straight, and that hour or so dancing as the sunset and people were just partying haveing a good time. no drama no anything. A nice big circle and people from all over the country strutting their stuff . Of coarse the NY area people kicked ass lol

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best club moment...around 15 of us this year...go to xs and temps begining of the summer...the guido thon was in full effect...its like armani exchange and deisel bowln shoes exploded onto the scene...oh brother...when i turn to my left and see the spikey haired freaks start throwing there legs up like cheerleaders well they kicked a bouncer...well imagine one of the temps bouncers just push this kid so hard, that i think the pomade fell out of his hair. our group laughed so hard that i think i pissed myself...loved every minute of it (maybe cause we were stoned out of our skulls:bong: )

to all you freaks and especially NJGUIDO...dudes put your shirts on and stop writing that shit on your chest with your moms lipstick and get some, what is that called, oh CLASS!!! :bigfinge::finger:

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Originally posted by latinaz

My best Moment at a Club was about 3 years ago..At Tempts

I was feeling "the best" I ever could....did about 5 bottles of champagne and dancing all nite.....I had this white and black outfit that say "KCUF" all over it.. Im standing on Frankies bar drunk off my ass yelling who wants to fuck me?!!! Of course I was with my boyfriend and a bunch of other friends. I FELT I WAS ON TOP OF THE WORLD THAT NITE AND NO ONE COULD BRING ME DOWN.....



id bang the snot outta ya!!!:D

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Already wrote my moment as a member of the audience, figured I would ad my moment as a DJ, early 90's I was playing at China Club a classic disco format on a Friday Night, It was a special event, birthday party for Nile Rodger (Chic) and famous dance producer, sister sledge, madonna, etc. Anyway I was on point with the classics, many celebs and heads in the place, and someone gave me a HUGE complement, said in reminded them of the old days at 54. Then Chic took the stage for a set, An Awesome night I will always remember.

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