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why are women so screwed up

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Originally posted by drama

I am a single girl and I pay for all my own drinks. I feel bad when my friends buy me a drink - I can take care of myself.......

Do not need anybody to pay for my alcohol abuse...

Glad to hear that there are other self-sufficient gals out there. . I was begging to worry. :D

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Originally posted by laurie619

Glad to hear that there are other self-sufficient gals out there. . I was begging to worry. :D

ice to hear that i guess im jst an idiot i dont even mind buying shots or drinks whatever its just the whole shit that goes on while women "work the room"

guess im just a sucker butid rather spend all my cash on one person than a lil bit on lots of people

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

ice to hear that i guess im jst an idiot i dont even mind buying shots or drinks whatever its just the whole shit that goes on while women "work the room"

guess im just a sucker butid rather spend all my cash on one person than a lil bit on lots of people

YOU SAID "ice" :laugh:

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Well, I think girls sometimes play a game to see how many free drinks they can get. But I have never experienced anyone saying give me the money and keeping it. Thats awful! I have absolutely no problem buying myself or others I am with drinks. I buy guys/girls shots/drinks all the time, and I don't wait around until someone offers. I want it I go get it. Its just wrong when women give men or vice versa the idea that they are interested just to get a drink.

I have worked in a club for the past 5 years and you just pick up on a lot of things. Being a normal person is truly a rarity in the clubscene. Drug free is an even bigger one. Its a fine line trying to find someone that likes to have fun, knows how to party(not too heavily, a good balance), has priorities, decent job, respects people blah blah...but it does happen. :D

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

ice to hear that i guess im jst an idiot i dont even mind buying shots or drinks whatever its just the whole shit that goes on while women "work the room"

guess im just a sucker butid rather spend all my cash on one person than a lil bit on lots of people

You are not a sucker at all. I know any female with any class or respect would never sit there and let a guy pay for all her drinks without offering to pay for rounds. I know that if someone buys me a drink - the next time I am at the bar I will buy them one - it is just common courtesy

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Originally posted by laurie619

Glad to hear that there are other self-sufficient gals out there. . I was begging to worry. :D

Thanks. Nope there are still some good ones left - now the problem is where do we find one of the good guys - lol!

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Originally posted by sexyinthecity

I have worked in a club for the past 5 years and you just pick up on a lot of things. Being a normal person is truly a rarity in the clubscene. Drug free is an even bigger one. Its a fine line trying to find someone that likes to have fun, knows how to party(not too heavily, a good balance), has priorities, decent job, respects people blah blah...but it does happen. :D

yeah but the nice guys still get shitted on As far as partying too much or the "D" word well if they meet the right person and wont give up those things its time for rehab.

Now its how to find a NICE girl

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

yeah but the nice guys still get shitted on As far as partying too much or the "D" word well if they meet the right person and wont give up those things its time for rehab.

Now its how to find a NICE girl

What I said def. goes for both sexes. Hope it didn't come out ike it was just guys. Hey girls get messed up with partying too hard, not having a job too.

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Originally posted by sexyinthecity

What I said def. goes for both sexes. Hope it didn't come out ike it was just guys. Hey girls get messed up with partying too hard, not having a job too.

hmm well i work 2 jobs and pay a mortgage and responsible enough not to drink even during the week. SOOOO when the weekend comes if i leave 10 oclock sat night and come in sun night i deserve it

although i wouldnt mind an 8th day in the week so i could sleep in

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Originally posted by drama

now the problem is where do we find one of the good guys - lol!

LOL that is the problem, theyre hard to find nowadays

and drama you're right...No woman needs a man to buy her drinks. This girl I know gets a drink from a guy, and then she'll take it, not so much as a thank you, and walk off. That aggrevated me to no end. Needless to say, I wont hang around with her because what she does just annoys me.

If I want something I'm goin to try and get it myself. I cant expect people to be standing there doing everything I need for the rest of my life.

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Originally posted by drama

Thanks. Nope there are still some good ones left - now the problem is where do we find one of the good guys - lol!

well a friend and i had come up with this and i bvelieve it to be true.

all people male and female always look for the best. So we look at the outside first. So many times i see average guys hit on women and they blow them off and wait for some hot guy who turns out to be an ass. It happens the other way with guys too.

So basically we look at what looks good and not who may be good. I know i am guilty of this sometimes too. But i wont settle inside or out mostly inside has to be right.

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

well a friend and i had come up with this and i bvelieve it to be true.

all people male and female always look for the best. So we look at the outside first. So many times i see average guys hit on women and they blow them off and wait for some hot guy who turns out to be an ass. It happens the other way with guys too.

So basically we look at what looks good and not who may be good. I know i am guilty of this sometimes too. But i wont settle inside or out mostly inside has to be right.

Well that only makes sense. I agree - if you do not know someone then the only way to be drawn by them is attraction - you work from there and most of the time it does not get too far...

The total package is hard to come by, but I am not giving up!

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